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"What are you currently playing?" Screenshot thread

Mar 26, 2016 at 5:15 AM
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I've already mentioned this game, but I really must reiterate how absolutely the Unofficial Squaresoft MUD has taken over my life.


35 levels, dramatic losses, lots of encouragement, almost 2 weeks of playing time dampened by the many late nights spent nodding off and having my battery die while in the game - yeah, I'm doing a lot better now than "just out of Newbie School". Yesterday I sat down and played Kingdom Hearts, and today I played Mage Gauntlet and Groove Coaster, so it's possible that the hold is finally weakening. I'd like to have my life back soon, so let's hope so. :muscledoc:
Mar 28, 2016 at 3:27 PM
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I'm playing my favorite childhood game, Rayman
Apr 1, 2016 at 5:00 PM
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Apr 1, 2016 at 5:59 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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You better have chosen the second option at least once, my man.
tails exist for the sole purpose of summary examination, according to most tailologists.
Now, what's "MGQ"? *does a google search, not expecting the initials to return anything*
"Monster Girl Quest". Well, that's as generic as you can get...?
What next, "Cave Story", or "Garry's Mod". I guess at least that last one has a name in it to try and be less generic.
"-.. --.-"?
Apr 1, 2016 at 6:56 PM
Eevee Enthusiast
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tails exist for the sole purpose of summary examination, according to most tailologists.
Now, what's "MGQ"? *does a google search, not expecting the initials to return anything*
"Monster Girl Quest". Well, that's as generic as you can get...?
What next, "Cave Story", or "Garry's Mod". I guess at least that last one has a name in it to try and be less generic.
"-.. --.-"?
Of the various ways to describe MGQ, generic isn't one of them.
Apr 3, 2016 at 1:18 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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Also been playing this alot lately. I was told it was a horror game but so far it is just the weebiest thing ever. I think whoever said it was a horror game trolled me.
Apr 3, 2016 at 1:28 AM
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Also been playing this alot lately. I was told it was a horror game but so far it is just the weebiest thing ever. I think whoever said it was a horror game trolled me.
It seems like that at first, but give it a minute.
onikakushi isn't as spoopy as the other chapters imo
Aug 19, 2016 at 11:31 PM
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Been a long while since I posted anything ... thought I'd share a few of the games I played this year.
Some nice ones!
From the makers of Limbo, comes an insane experience which shouldn't be spoiled! It may not have typical platforming hardcore gameplay (you just need basic skills), but it's a wild ride nonetheless. If your PC can handle it, I recommend picking this one up eventually... (Look for a sale!)
In the meantime, play Limbo, if you haven't... Too bad I found out it was free on Steam for a short period of time after the fact...

Quick summary: You aren't told anything, and find yourself in a forest. You are running straight into the fray, looking for answers and running for dear life.


VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
It's a total character-centric, story-rich experience. Entertaining writing, and a nice change of pace from constantly fighting for your life... From talking dogs, to cybernetic mercenaries (with a soft side), you'll serve drinks, and celebrate the end of the year with a futuristic cyberpunk cast. Huge soundtrack, with lots of good music too!

Quick summary: It's time to serve drinks and change lives... In the little hole in the wall bar, VA-11 Hall-A (Valhalla), prepare yourself to meet all kinds of strange and interesting characters.


Wings of Vi
Finally bought it on sale... This game is... Well it's great, and HORRIBLE. I should be playing it on Easy mode for my first time, because normal is like fighting Ballos in HELL with the Bubbler. I like the story setting, but most of my time it gets forgotten while cursing my way through nightmare bosses. Still, I'm determined to beat it on Medium (Mortal) difficulty first, and keep pushing on slowly occasionally...

Quick summary: It's a beautiful day in Heaven for angels. All is right with the world. Too bad your friend wants you to sneak into the prison holding THE DEVIL.



Ghost 1.0
A surprise game I bought on my B-day... From the makers of Unepic, comes a new sci-fi scroller with its share of challenges. Very corny dialogue at times, but if you don't mind it, it's a really entertaining game. Nothing life changing, but I definitely got my money's worth. Loved the banter in the first half of the game between the characters, and surviving wave after wave of alarms...

Quick summary: A super secret organization has hired Ghost, one of the best infiltration specialists in the world to sneak onto a space station to steal the secret of artificial intelligence. Well, as long as the super secret organization aren't just two guys in some basement...



Diablo 3
Well, yet another Diablo from Blizzard. To be honest, I wasn't that impressed by the demo, and wouldn't have gotten it if not for a friend... But, man they do know how to make a game addicting with friends. I blame this game for not entering the CS modding contest... D:

Quick summary: I wonder
Just when you thought defeating Hell two times would be enough to have some peace... NOPE
Vist New Tristram, and enjoy the best voice acting in this series to date.


Played this during the beta, and had a blast. Too bad there isn't more content though. Hardly any maps... Still, I played it for the month it came out. A blast to play, but I'll wait till they add more to return... Probably...

Quick summary: Epic story... not that it has anything to do with the actual gameplay...


Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt
FREE GAME from the maker of Iji... lol. Kind of fun, and definitely worth a try. Like a Dr. Mario RPG shump might be...

Quick summary: The world needs a nurse. An Angel Nurse. Go save everyone and marry them too.


Wonderful visuals, and a pretty decent game. It's a spin-off to Greek mythologies.

Quick summary: The Gods have abandoned you. It's up to you to fix things.


The Binding of Undertale
Well it's actually the Binding of Isaac, but hey! I bought it for the mod. :O
Awesome gameplay, no real story though. Look it up if you haven't tried it, with or without the Undertale part...

Quick summary: Isaac's mom is really kinda mean.



Environmental Station Alpha
Oh ho! If you've scrolled this far down, I present you with a nice metroidvania gem. Obviously don't expect the graphics to blow you away... But, heck is it not a fun game. Lots of love was poured into this one I'm sure. If you can get this game cheaply on sale, give it a shot... There IS a story too, though it's difficult to uncover at first. Though you will be more concerned with just exploring and surviving.
(From what I've played of Axiom Verge so far, I prefer this one to it...) It has some crazy secrets and excellent bosses.

Quick summary: You are a robot sent to find out what happened to the Enviromental Station.


Aug 20, 2016 at 3:02 AM
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From the makers of Limbo, comes an insane experience which shouldn't be spoiled! It may not have typical platforming hardcore gameplay (you just need basic skills), but it's a wild ride nonetheless. If your PC can handle it, I recommend picking this one up eventually... (Look for a sale!)
In the meantime, play Limbo, if you haven't... Too bad I found out it was free on Steam for a short period of time after the fact...

Is "it" being free LIMBO or Inside? I was quite interested in the latter.
Aug 20, 2016 at 5:50 AM
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Aug 22, 2016 at 6:27 PM
Indie game enthusiast
"What is a man!? A miserable pile of secrets! But enough talk, have at you!"
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Finally got around to playing and finishing Axiom Verge...
I still think the little known Environmental Station Alpha is a better experience overall, but I was pleasantly surprised as things got more and more interesting after getting past the first couple of hours.
Unfortunately, I think there was a lot more potential in how things could have gone...

Kind of like if Cave Story had ended right after the first Core battle.  And playing on Normal was way too easy... Boss battles were one trick ponies and nothing special besides the graphics.  Most enemies were somewhat dull/reptitive or just lacking a challenge... Items on the other hand, really made the gameplay fun.  Top it off with nice music, some great graphics and a story that teases you to continue... it's definitely a decent game.

What's next?!
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Aug 24, 2016 at 9:16 PM
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Played Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight on Hard mode...  My first Momodora game.  Really a lot darker than I would have guessed...  Beautiful fluid graphics (just look at it :), a haunting traditional soundtrack and some hardcore gameplay.  The enemies throughout the game never felt weaker as I grew stronger.  On hard, if I got lazy, even the basic enemy would kill me pretty quickly.  

Shorter than the other games I recently played (like Axiom Verge or Environmental Station Alpha) at about 5 - 7 hours for Hard mode at 100%.  I'm fairly satisfied overall, just wishing for a bit more story and character development.  It introduces you to a lot of things but leaves it hanging to your imagination, moreso than Cave Story... though perhaps going back to play the first three will help fill in the blanks??? (Where's an in game library when you need it...)  Perhaps I will gain an appreciation for this game by playing the earlier games and then returning for... INSANE difficulty.

A well-crafted game, I can recommend a look at it, at the very least!
Aug 26, 2016 at 8:19 AM
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overwatch because i'm a failure at life
Aug 27, 2016 at 6:40 AM
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Cave Story even though I beat it many times
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Aug 28, 2016 at 5:29 PM
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Finally got around to playing and finishing Axiom Verge...
I still think the little known Environmental Station Alpha is a better experience overall, but I was pleasantly surprised as things got more and more interesting after getting past the first couple of hours.
Unfortunately, I think there was a lot more potential in how things could have gone...

Kind of like if Cave Story had ended right after the first Core battle.  And playing on Normal was way too easy... Boss battles were one trick ponies and nothing special besides the graphics.  Most enemies were somewhat dull/reptitive or just lacking a challenge... Items on the other hand, really made the gameplay fun.  Top it off with nice music, some great graphics and a story that teases you to continue... it's definitely a decent game.

What's next?!
Oh hey, a game we've actually both played (besides Princess Remedy, of course, Remar's siren song was too potent to miss that one)! I agree that it's a touch underwhelming at times, but generally beautiful and fun and neat.  Maybe I'll try Environmental Station Alpha sometime! Remedy's impact was medium-low when I played it, but upon reflection it's probably among my favorite games ever. Everything about it sang to my tastes. :orangebell:

Anyway, what have I been doing for the past few months? HOLY LORD, let me tell you about this game.

UOSSMUD is the most I've been addicted to anything, ever, since I stopped with Puzzle and Dragons (just LOOK at that age). I don't know why a free game has the level curve of an MMO (I guess MUDs were the precursors to those), but at least it's easier to grind in? Many of those hours were spent wandering Death's Peak, watching Krakkers life drain themselves to death on my zombified body, and while the going wasn't too taxing once I really got that down I still don't know how to feel about that. Whatever the case, I'm a Legend now, so hopefully I'll get a break from my mind's impulses sometime soon.

Except, oh wait, read that plan again! I was dumb enough to start a secondary character with a notion for a third! :muscledoc:

It's no secret that this has greatly impacted my general...being okay at lifeness. It's also no secret that it's a genuinely decent game with tons of replayability via the different races and jobs, and I'm a huge sucker for the character creation options it gives you. Technically it isn't wrong to play it, but this needs to stop somewhere. Despite myself and the nice people I've met there, I hope that somewhere is soon, or that I can at least find that illusive balance I've always lacked.

Besides all that? Played a little of Momodora 1, but found myself agitated by the lack of polish at parts. Also tried Crash Twinsanity (why are the controls so bad compared to 2 and 3? :< ) and finished Crash 3 prior to the UOSSMUD epidemic, in addition to getting farther in Mystic Ark (though some file issues on the Android I transferred to have me worried that my progress may be gone.). @Raus actually played UOSSMUD with me for a time, a Knight to my Black/White Mage, but was smart enough to get out at Lv  19 rather than 100. I may surpass you in level, but you will always surpass me in efforts and time. :koron:
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Aug 29, 2016 at 12:02 PM
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Oh hey, a game we've actually both played (besides Princess Remedy, of course, Remar's siren song was too potent to miss that one)! I agree that it's a touch underwhelming at times, but generally beautiful and fun and neat. Maybe I'll try Environmental Station Alpha sometime! Remedy's impact was medium-low when I played it, but upon reflection it's probably among my favorite games ever. Everything about it sang to my tastes. :orangebell:
Did you know there will be a Remar sequel to Princess Remedy??

And yes I hope you get a chance to play Environmental Station Alpha! If I see it on a good sale I'll try to mention it or grab another copy...

Anyway, what have I been doing for the past few months? HOLY LORD, let me tell you about this game.

I've never gotten into a MUD (despite playing games all these year)... and it's multiplayer?? Interesting...
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it... might have to investigate further :P
UOSSMUD is the most I've been addicted to anything, ever, since I stopped with Puzzle and Dragons (just LOOK at that age).
... I'm still on Puzzles and Dragons myself D:
I think I'm getting closer to the end though... I've finally tackled Mythical levels around rank 180-190.
I was never a good player with making combos, but I do like upgrading and grabbing new cards, and finally it's paid off xD

Here's the big bad boss battle with Vulcan Zeus I had yesterday...


Basically I had one shot at victory and needed 5 combos to win (mostly with 4 orb combo greens) or else I'd be dead in a turn or two... Stared at the screen for 10 minutes probably before deciding which combo to try xD I had a horrible damage dealing setup and only meant to scout. Instead I made it!! It was silly to waste so much time, but it certainly felt good, beating another mythical - no continues battle...

And I've just started to clear Normal dungeons today... I spent these last ... years?! Just logging on, picking up the bonus eggs, and running random hourly dragon battles for lvling up. (And hoping for good God Fest pulls !)

Though finally, I have some nice cards that can deal 250k after basic multipliers with a single 4 orb combo! (That would be Sacred Discipline Committee Chair, Athena) So Normal is just flying by xD And with 3, 4 orb rows I've gotten up to 2-4 million (with Protecting Vials Steel Star Goddess, Scheat) ... wild! And then there's my replacement healer... Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami with 10x heal per turn...

Here they are, my prize possessions lol...

Oh and PaD recently gave out two Tamadra with +297 already on them :OO So, I'm spoiled and have nearly maxed those cards out. Happy times for wasting time :P

I took screenshots of most of my current inventory just now if you want to browse and see how I've progressed since back then... (They implemented a few new things since then too, like the ability to borrow another monster's skill if they are maxed out, have a certain rarity, are only obtainable through the Egg Machine... Also there's some kind of multiplayer and ranked dungeon... But, I don't think there's any reason to return to PaD, once you've reached Mythical and are able to clear most stuff! It's just been fun making it there...)

Anyway, here's my inventory!
http://s4.photobucket.com/user/X-Calibar/PaD 8-29-16/story

Besides all that? Played a little of Momodora 1, but found myself agitated by the lack of polish at parts.
The newest one is quite polished! I wonder if I messed up by skipping to the "best" one first... Even if it was the prequel to the series. I'm planning on playing the first three soon...
Aug 29, 2016 at 2:25 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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rom hacks are fun
Aug 31, 2016 at 1:15 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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I've been playing a lot of OW lately, but i'm planning on starting back up Tera soon.
Aug 31, 2016 at 2:06 AM
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Did you know there will be a Remar sequel to Princess Remedy??
I did not! It isn’t hard to see it flying past my total lack of radar, though. I thought the first game ended pretty wonderfully, and given the dozens of endings I have to wonder how this one will turn out. I think I’ll skip the trailer and play the game when it’s done. :3

And yes I hope you get a chance to play Environmental Station Alpha! If I see it on a good sale I'll try to mention it or grab another copy...
Seems interesting! Like a classier Astronot with some Metroid Fusion vibes. I’ll try to keep an ear to the ground for sales since Steam gives those out if you breathe on it too hard, but go ahead and tell me if you spot one.

I've never gotten into a MUD (despite playing games all these year)... and it's multiplayer?? Interesting...
I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it... might have to investigate further :P
Oh, heavens, X, please don’t...

... I'm still on Puzzles and Dragons myself D:
I think I'm getting closer to the end though... I've finally tackled Mythical levels around rank 180-190.
I was never a good player with making combos, but I do like upgrading and grabbing new cards, and finally it's paid off xD

Here's the big bad boss battle with Vulcan Zeus I had yesterday...


Basically I had one shot at victory and needed 5 combos to win (mostly with 4 orb combo greens) or else I'd be dead in a turn or two... Stared at the screen for 10 minutes probably before deciding which combo to try xD I had a horrible damage dealing setup and only meant to scout. Instead I made it!! It was silly to waste so much time, but it certainly felt good, beating another mythical - no continues battle...
On the one hand, good job! Vulcan’s a toughie, especially with a rainbow team. On the other hand, you’re crazy if you think you’re getting to the end. Games like these never end unless you end them yourself, I think.

And I've just started to clear Normal dungeons today... I spent these last ... years?! Just logging on, picking up the bonus eggs, and running random hourly dragon battles for lvling up. (And hoping for good God Fest pulls !)

Though finally, I have some nice cards that can deal 250k after basic multipliers with a single 4 orb combo! (That would be Sacred Discipline Committee Chair, Athena) So Normal is just flying by xD And with 3, 4 orb rows I've gotten up to 2-4 million (with Protecting Vials Steel Star Goddess, Scheat) ... wild! And then there's my replacement healer... Awoken Amaterasu Ohkami with 10x heal per turn...
Yeah, those are all quite rad, especially for a self-professed poor comboer!

Here they are, my prize possessions lol...

Oh and PaD recently gave out two Tamadra with +297 already on them :OO So, I'm spoiled and have nearly maxed those cards out. Happy times for wasting time :P

I took screenshots of most of my current inventory just now if you want to browse and see how I've progressed since back then... (They implemented a few new things since then too, like the ability to borrow another monster's skill if they are maxed out, have a certain rarity, are only obtainable through the Egg Machine... Also there's some kind of multiplayer and ranked dungeon... But, I don't think there's any reason to return to PaD, once you've reached Mythical and are able to clear most stuff! It's just been fun making it there...)
I haven’t completely escaped, I still read the news from time to time, so I know about all that stuff. Interesting, lots of it good additions, but the memories of despair keeps me from ever going back.

Anyway, here's my inventory!
http://s4.photobucket.com/user/X-Calibar/PaD 8-29-16/story
As usual, you have all of the coolest toys in the game along with their mothers, children and best friends. At least the game never stopped being kind to you that way. c: If it ever does stop, you slap it out of your life for me, okay?

The newest one is quite polished! I wonder if I messed up by skipping to the "best" one first... Even if it was the prequel to the series. I'm planning on playing the first three soon...
It’s kind of like a constant Sacred Grounds but with less options and less thoughtfulness, like a kick to the title screen each time you die and a cursor that’s forever on “New Game”. Even the creator recommends skipping it for 2!