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"What are you currently playing?" Screenshot thread

Apr 28, 2014 at 11:42 PM
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Had a splendid time tormenting fab with my accordion skills and preforming a globetrottin' duet enjoyed by all

Feb 29, 2016 at 1:29 PM
Bonds that separate us
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Bumpaloo. This is a useful general thread to have unburied, hopefully it can stay up this time. Today I started playing a li'l Quintet-made game called Robotrek:


Science has never been more wonderfully complex
Feb 29, 2016 at 3:24 PM
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Final Fantasy XIV. I'm on the right in this pic.
Mar 1, 2016 at 12:34 AM
Eevee Enthusiast
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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love tackles
Mar 1, 2016 at 1:20 AM
tem go to colleg and make u prouds!!!
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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Mar 1, 2016 at 2:40 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Mar 2, 2016 at 6:11 PM
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"Fresh from the Bakery"
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Played Cave story ( a bit), now playing UNDERTALE.
Mar 2, 2016 at 7:51 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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DT, I had an email that you posted in this thread and it was enough to make me log on here again. I don't even know how long it's been, honestly.

War Dragons

Mar 3, 2016 at 12:22 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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And now I have collected 5 panties in this game.
Mar 5, 2016 at 5:33 PM
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I've been flitting between too many games and hobbies to be making much progress in any of them. It's just a contest of which one addicts me the most at any given time. :<


NetHack remains a strong contender for "Most Abusive Relationship" in my life. I just keep coming back to it and obsessively adventuring even after I die over and over again in the dumbest of ways. The run pictured here was both my longest lasting and the nicest - I had a pet Silver Dragon named Tia, a blessed bag of holding and a nice arrangement of supplies even after causing my first bag of holding full of wands, tools and rings to explode. Tia died in battle against the last forces of the Castle, and I died shortly afterwards thanks to a trapdoor and a Cockatrice corpse. But I didn't mind, for once. It was neither unfair nor agonizing, and I'll know for next time.


Groove Coaster is my favorite (only) rhythm game, and I'm not bad at it. Pictured here is a new event song by Shohei Tsuchiya, which is both audibly and visually amazing. :orangebell:


Saira is a freeware puzzle-platformer, with beautiful visuals and nice gameplay. I'll probably make a thread about it at some point, but I'm still fairly early on in the game. My early opinion is one of definite recommendation, though. :debug:


This is not exactly an impressive display of progress, I only just beat the tutorial and am currently in the basement of the hub town's inn. Still, given how long it took me to gain an understanding of the game's way of working, I think that's justified. I'm inexperienced with M.U.Ds, but they seem fun. :3


I'm still playing this silly game! I like character progression, what can I say. I recently managed to beat Plantera and am now aimlessly wandering in search of the temple, occasionally grinding for a Spectre Staff. And...that's about it!

Not pictured:
Mystic Ark - I actually have a schedule for this game, at least an hour a week. I usually have no trouble making or surpassing that goal, though I didn't play it last week for whatever reason. I haven't made too much headway into the colorless world, but I really liked meeting the piano player named Ferris. c:

Kingdom Hearts - the original, on the PS2. Yes, I still use that. Currently at Hollow Bastion, and enjoying the story back when it held a semblance of simplicity. ^_^

I need to learn how to focus. What I'm doing isn't good for me.
Mar 5, 2016 at 10:49 PM
Eevee Enthusiast
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I'm still playing this silly game! I like character progression, what can I say. I recently managed to beat Plantera and am now aimlessly wandering in search of the temple, occasionally grinding for a Spectre Staff. And...that's about it!
Every time I see someone in the process of playing Terraria, I get the urge to either play Terraria or play Terraria with them, but then I remember that I have over 1000 hours in it.
Even considering that I'll sometimes join if there's multiplayer
Mar 16, 2016 at 2:10 PM
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Rip and tear my guts. Doom.

Oh and I've been programming, however I broke the 3D part of my game and I dunno how to fix it.
Mar 23, 2016 at 10:34 PM
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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Mar 25, 2016 at 5:43 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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i've been playing some momodora the momoexplora, hby?
Mar 26, 2016 at 12:14 AM
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Going to take a minute and try to remember most of the games I've played this year~(played more than 2 hours)~in the order I played them.
Screenshots will have to wait till I get on my PC...
This game needs virtual reality... Quite the stimulating audio/visual experience... Let me try to describe it: It's a quiet dark void. Nothing is moving, everything is reverberating very quietly at your feet. So you wander and begin to wake up an audio driven world. Kind of reminds me of TRON, but just you. Wish there was a bit more to it, and being a 3d puzzle exploration game, there is a large amount of aimless wandering, but it's a great experiment. Recommended.

The Talos Principle
I'm not too far into this yet; played the free demo a few times to unlock everything, and started the real game. Really wonderful graphics, quite taxing on the video card at max settings. It's a Roman/Greek heavenly world set in the Matrix. Quite curious to see how it all plays out... Unlimited puzzles, and obscure secrets. Not my favorite game personally, but great if you like 3d puzzles.

Dying Light (multiplayer)
OMG what a rush. Parkour + Zombies... It's a rush. Highly recommended if you're playing with a friend. Doing those competition events was TOUGH. Too many times I kept leaping off buildings to become pancakes. So sad... Loads of fun when we finally both beat them. The game has its faults though, and can become a bit tedious after the ~Awesome~ factor wears off with fetch quests, etc. Still, launching a zombie off a bridge and impaling on spikes was never so much fun lol. Graphics are nice too. Imagine that in VR.... *BLARGH*

Contagion (multiplayer)
Pretty fun game, and a big headache at the same time. Much slower and more demanding than Left4Dead2 by the minimal ammo and toughness of zombies. Definitely a multiplayer game, if you want to have fun.

What's to say? It's UNDERTALE

The Binding of Undertale/The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth
When I couldn't get enough Undertale, I heard about this mod, and hadn't gotten around to playing Isaac yet... Found an excuse to spend 100+ hours unlocking characters and items :] And actually, after reverting to original Isaac, I prefer the atmosphere of the mod...

Undertale: Red
It's a small battle mod... That I've replayed a load of times. I feel bad for Red... But, it's fun! RESET

Life is Strange
After Undertale, the theme of being able to RESET was still fresh in my mind... I still wanted more. And this game gave it to me :] With a controller, you can reach out and touch time... Great mechanic. A bit slow, but if you like the characters you'll love the game. Who doesn't like time travel?

X-Com Enemy Unknown/Enemy Within
A friend had been playing this, so I finally got around to it. The original games were a childhood favorite, so it's a no-brainer. Whenever aliens invade, I always think... What would X-Com do? How good is it? Eh... Not bad. A lot is going for it, but it's still missing something that I can't put my finger on right now. Or maybe it was silly to create an INVINCIBLE squad of elite soldiers that never died. Maybe that was it lol Still awesome.

Environmental Station Alpha
THIS one, anyone actually reading my meanderings should take a close look at. Being that this the Cave Story forums after all... I forget where I first found out about it. But, it had some of the best metroidvania gameplay I've experienced in a long while. Really simple graphics, and the story is lacking, but heck if it isn't SUPER. Go get it :] Get this on sale and ROCK IT. Gaster will be proud. (Yes... him...)

Sunless Sea
Got it in a humble bundle... Uhhhh, I kinda enjoyed it. Didn't play too many times. So painful to be constantly on the verge of demise. Starvation, Fuel, BAH It's torture called fun.

Else Heart.Break()
Annnd this is why I got the humble bundle. I had some issues with it and stopped playing for now, but really do love what they were doing. Programming as part of the world and gameplay... Implemented much better than that other Hack Slash game. Very awesome. I just wish they would replay it themselves, and fix everything that's out of place. Hated when immersion kept breaking when it has so much potential.
Example that summarizes the problem: "Hey, get that phone for me honey." argh. Ok.
Got the phone. Brings it to her... .... ... Okay, apparently she won't take it.
Answer it yourself.... Afterwards, put the phone back.... on the ground, in the middle of the floor...? Uhhhh

Despite that, hugeee potential...

One Way Heroics
Continuing this actually. I got One Way Heroics+, but wanted to finish all achievements before switching to the new game. Still working on it...

And most currently:
Ragnarok Online (created 5 new characters, and have been playing 3-4 accounts at the same time with three monitors D: lvl 96/65, lvl 86/50, lvl 40-ish, lvl 30-ish, lvl 5)
Uhhhhhhhhh. 2 weeks so far and I've spent some 65$ on a free game D: Been going crazy playing constantly... Classic MMO with so many BOTS. Gotta heal them all... (and watch them march off to a player induced doom... lol) .....Still addicting with lots of international players :]
Mar 26, 2016 at 12:56 AM
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