Aug 19, 2015 at 4:28 AM
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SuperJaws100 said:you might want to try changing the... oh I forget what it's called, TPcool knows. The numbers above each instrumet (usually 1,000).
In OrgMaker, these numbers are labeled "Freq" in the Song Properties and Instruments dialog boxes, so I call it the Freq number.hate9 said:Pretty sure it's called "offset", and yeah, I probably should.
(Brief context for everyone: You can change the Freq numbers for the melody tracks 1 to 8 in the Song Properties or the Instruments dialog box. But to change the Freq numbers for the drum tracks Q to I, you have to edit the ORG file with a hex editor.)hate9 said:are we allowed to change the offsets of drums (yes they exist) at all?
I know what effect the Freq number has on the melody tracks (, but I gave up trying to calculate the exact effects the Freq number has on the drum tracks. I don't do much ORG making and when I do it's mostly with melody tracks. Is there any interesting reason you would want to modify the Freq number of a drum track? Does it let you do anything more than just placing drum notes higher or lower on the staff would do? Does Cave Story even use the Freq number of drum tracks for anything?
I remember that the drum "pitches" are slightly different in OrgMaker than they are in Cave Story. (Placing drum notes higher or lower on the staff will create generally "higher" or "lower" sounds, but you can't rely on it being the exact same "pitch" in OrgMaker and in Cave Story.) And since OrgMaker doesn't let you enter a Freq number for drum tracks anyway, I lost interest in playing with it further. But if there's something interesting about drum track Freq numbers, maybe I'll look into it again.