New profile posts

The end of another successful semester! ... Now it starts all over again!
Oya back to the all-nighters... I should pace myself better :[
And my computer sparatically died on me... AGAIN. (time to buy that solid state drive and dig up my windows 7 OS installer disk)
The same thing happened to me about a month ago. Random screen freezes. I got an SSD and it seems to have stopped.
You know a forum is being silly when it automatically censors the word "skyscraper" <em class='bbc'>and</em> not even the forum founder can do anything about that. =o
Oh, I for some reason thought you meant this forum.
And that's pretty weird for it to be a forced option.
*blush*! Such language! I never...!

Oh and congrats on setting up the Blog. Looks simple, but well laid out :]
That's a lot of background info on Lunar shadow's world... Didn't realize it was so detailed!
And multiple planned works in the series? Mmmmm
As for the background info, I also have my friends to thank for helping out with LS's world :3
Just a note: my iPhone's display stopped working about a week ago, rendering it infuriatingly useless. I was hoping to get it fixed relatively quickly, but circumstances seem to suggest that that won't be the case. I still have my Android, school iPad and laptop, of course, so it's not like I'm completely cut off from contact, but I've also been kept relatively busy with work lately and my iPhone was the only device capable of accessing the Internet outside of Wi-Fi. Therefore, I'm likely to be somewhat inactive for a while yet - please bear with me if I take a while to respond to things or show up in general. Thank you. ^_^
How'd that happen?! Hope they can fix it easily... and not $$$!
I simply dropped it, and though this has happened many times it finally couldn't withstand the trauma. I've had the iPhone for a year and a half now, so it was bound to happen eventually, but due to an unfortunate technicality regarding plans to switch providers I don't have an acceptable reason or opportunity to fix it despite having the money. Depending on the details of what will happen I might get it fixed anyway, but who knows.
"There's gonna be Claoose in top-right, Claoose in top-bottom..."