New profile posts

i can't figure out how to embed orgs for the life of me
and i used to be able to do it!
hell yes
turns out SOME linking methods work, some don't, and some work SOMETIMES. fantastically chaotic, also annoying
It didn't work for many sites at all when they were first installed, andwhy fixed up the permissions so now they should work for most direct-file-hosting-type locations
for some reason i could not get mediafire and discord to work despite using those in the past, i thought something was wrong on my end, or that i was using the tags wrong
github didn't want to work either
is there any actual documentation on the javascript web orgplayer anywhere? just out of curiosity
i'm not sure what to think of the pizza tower developer controversy but i do not want to touch it with a 10 foot pole
Are you intentionally posting something out of context because I haven't heard of any controversy, though I'm admittedly avoiding everything surrounding the game to remain blind when I actually get to playing the game.
there was a controversy in which a bunch of rather questionable mcpig discord messages were leaked (surprisingly enough, it had nothing to do with grooming), and although the messages were 4 years ago and mcpig has admitted that he isn't proud of them, he never exactly apologized. i think the tribe cheese enemy also has something to do with this, especially because of the fact that it made it into the final game, but i don't know how exactly it connects. that isn't to say that you're not allowed to like or play the game, though.
In 50 days will be my 10 year anniversary of making my forum account and creating the Cavern Tale thread. That's... hard to wrap my head around. 10 years of modding Cave Story and being a part of the wider CS fandom/community.

I've had plans for that date for awhile now, but it's been pretty busy this year so far with work/school and it felt like a couple weeks ago it said there were 100 days left. You'll know if I make the deadline come April 22nd.
I'm rooting for you, Enlight!!!
I just hit my 10th anniversary yesterday, I didn't realize you have joined around the same time I did Enlight, but it's nice to see someone else also celebrating being here and the part it's played in our lives. Take your time with whatever you make of the date, I look forward to seeing it!
Hi, could I get the name on my account changed to Willow? A lot's happened since I was last on, and I don't like being referred to my old username any more.
thanks if you see this
You can already change it under "account details"
Yeah kinda easier that way now instead of having to manually edit the account
I have to IP block another spambot rn though so I'll do it anyway
Oh damn, times really have changed lol. Thank you anyway though I really appreciate it :mahin:

still can't really post anything too interesting due to aforementioned spoilers but i have some exciting news - the last boss for this new area is complete!
this means the update itself is more or less closing in to the finish line, i've still got a decent amount to polish/implement but if i keep up this pace maybe i'll be able to push a release sometime next month...
Hey, I took a few old modding stuff from my old laptop and decided to see if there's anything worth sharing that i might've not released yet, and put it in a zip with some notes added. It's not much, but it includes my testing mod, an unfinished update of Metronari and it's cancelled sequel and some other small things, hope there's something in there that might interest someone. Download
when terri's day inside
Semi-related and on the thought now that I looked through my old stuff and felt nostalgic; I kinda wish I could use my fancy map/tsc knowledge to either make a good experience or do something for the modding community, but I'm not really sure how.
This is cool thanks
i don't even care about off that much anymore but whenever i see an off reference i become extremely happy
Same, but to a lesser extent. Same with Cave Story. I can't describe it but it's good feeling to have.

Around three weeks ago, I left every Cave Story Discord server. Some people may have noticed and wondered why exactly I did. I now might as well give an explanation.

To put simply, Cave Story has kind of been ruined for me, due to being jealous of everyone in the community and my depression causing me to destroy my reputation and screw myself over.
I don't really enjoy talking in this community anymore, and most of time, I wouldn't be in a good mood at all, or I'd see something that makes me jealous and upset.
I tried to fix myself and move forward, but there was a last straw that made me completely give up on everything.
So, I've decided to be a bit more distant from the Cave Story community indefinitely so I won't see, hear, or remember as many things that upset me as often.
As of late, I've been mainly talking in the Ori community, and I don't get upset as often when talking there. I'm sometimes in a bad mood when talking there, but the people there are so kind and wholesome, and they don't get frustrated with me like in this community.

That's kind of basically it. I hope you understand.
Let me make it clear that Cave Story is still my favorite game of all time, but I just don't to see or hear anything about the community anymore.
@Orbit Just letting you know, there's nowhere else for me to go and I lost the ability to be happy.
:c I'm positive you'll find a place you'll fit into, though it might take some searching. As for the thing about happiness, I dunno how to respond to that, but let's both hope that life will give you something to be happy about.