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cave story modding nowadays is soo hard for me

i have so many new ideas (story-wise) for the big mod I've been wanting to make for a year now, but I just can't bring myself to even open boosters lab, or open visual studio to work on the code of the mod (CSE2)

I know the feel. There are always dry seasons for just about any project that requires more than a couple months of work.
i can totally relate
i *started* two projects just to put them aside before actually doing much with them in the past month. i have asked on the forums for ideas but i really lacked motivation to make them into reality, aaand yeah. sometimes... it's just like that, i suppose
I'm kinda in a similar (metaphorical) ship, haha.

I mean. The only project I've actually finished was a badly-executed Cave Story mod.
All the hundreds of other projects are either unfinished or haven't even been started (or are just plain trapped within the eternal planning phase since they're way out of my abilities).

Though I'm able to get myself to open up CaveEditor, I don't really feel like doing much and end up just closing it and playing video games spending time on forums and doing research on stuff. Though, there'll probably be a time that I just wanna spend on modding instead of other things. It happens at times.

I don't think any Cave Story mod could handle a majority of my ideas though, haha. (Plus some of them might simply end up being a terrible idea. Like a Level 10 Crescent Moon. =p )
i once devoted myself to creating a clone of cave story in c++ but it seems as if my computer hates it when i try to program using any language that is challenging and wants me to stay in any game engine that brags about being easy
Hard to believe it's been 10 years since I posted my infamous Cave Story 4th Ending video. So much has happened since then.
Wow, that's great to hear Nerdieo! So glad that it had a positive impact on you, thanks for sharing that with me.
That video was actually one of the first Cave Story fan videos I ever saw. It also introduced me to Cave Story modding.
I've probably mentioned it somewhere down the line that I fell for the video back when I was relatively new without knowing it was a fellow forum member (unless I wasn't on the forums at the time? I don't remember)

Don't recall where I've said this but I think I did
Finished playing OFF and, well, I think my brain is still trying to process what I saw. Great game in terms of everything besides the combat. Basically a spam Z simulator and maybe the down key gets pressed every now and again.
Oh? Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out when I can aka when I'm writing this reply.
Oh yeah HOME is amazing ,hands down one of the best fan games associated with OFF; the creator, The Judge, passed away a few years ago and the OFF translation team even put a credit to him in the game's credits, and that makes me smile.
I saw. The summary of the game on the rpgmaker site dedicated a small section about him. It's sweet that they put him in the credits. A show of love after a strange and grotesque fever dream of a game.

I'll try to play through the game throughout the weekend. I won't expect it to fully live up to OFF (Just how I am with fan games), but I trust it'll be good on its own.
kirby and the forgotten land is really, really good - i beat it on sunday, slowly working my way through 100%ing it!

in other news, currently working on a small side project for evergreen using the doukutsu-rs engine, it'll be out later this week in time for a very important date ;]
Screen Shot 2022-03-29 at 6.56.51 pm.png

i also made a Fun Facts(tm) sheet about evergreen's protagonist, so hopefully that will satisfy the approximately zero people hounding me for updates about its progress:

Later this week? That wouldn't happen to be Friday, would it? =P
perhaps :3c
★~Level Up~★
Tabulating changes from Lv 20.
Strength: 11
+1 Dexterity: 10
-1 Constitution: 12
+1 Wisdom: 16
Intelligence: 12
Charisma: 11
Awaiting edition update.
+8 HP: 71
+4 Attack: 30
+4 Defense: 37
+8 Special Attack: 68
+9 Special Defense: 71
Speed: 31
+7 MP: 62
+10 Guts: 52
+3 Love: 64
Awaiting edition update.
Fortitude: +3
Reflex: +1
Will: +5 (+7 against confusion and heartbreak, +3 against exhaustion and distraction)
-2 Masculine taste: 4
+4 Feminine taste: 9
+1 Independence: 5
+1 Pluck: 6
+2 Luck: 8
Tenderness: 6
Amaya is now Level 23.
Username: Polaris
Name: Amaya
Ancestry: Mexican-American Chimera-Gardevoir Girlbeast
Job: Warden JLv 2
Class: Arcane Trickster (Digital Love Dedication) JLv 8
Subclass: Art Oracle (Peace Domain) Lv 0
Primary Moves: Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Calm Mind, Rest
Spellblades: Cure Pen, Flair Pen, Tale Pen, Shell, Enheart, Enfury, Enfear, Enflame, Summoned Sister
Sentiment Spells: Lv 0 - Guidance, Stabilize, Message
XPTNL: 364 / 2 Days
Still have your penchant for creatively conveying ideas and personal growth through elaborate fantasy roleplay, I see. Always happy to see you popping in.
It's really nothing. I may have something a bit more interesting next year. ¯\_('v')_/¯
Progress on Xenoa: Lunar Shadow: started with Yes Town's map. (Serenity's house appears to be finished, at least for now.)
at last
I was wondering, why did you add the Beta greek letter in Infinity, is it to not be mistaken or something?
When I thought of the name, I thought "Infinity" and then randomly thought of the "β" letter, so I combined them, and made "Infinityβ".
Can I rip your quote face pics. Lol I'm to lazy to make some so.
Yeah I don't see why not, Romana Dell originally made them so if you use them credit her please, thanks
CRT update #3: hopefully this sunday i'll be able to get it

my crt tv adventure has been crazy you wouldn't believe
can't wait to play ratatouille GameCube on the crt once I get it :heart:
I will not be able to get it this sunday*

beginning to get upset! nooo!!
Oh man :c
I really wouldn't want to see this journey end with a "I'm not going to be getting a CRT anymore." post. See what you can do and try to persevere.
Update #2:
The person giving it away, his schedule changed and now tomorrow WORKS

i have found something fun to do (what a relief)
I'm not sure what you mean by "Hacking", but I'm using RPG maker itself to do the work if that helps.
update: i am a dumb stupid idiot
yet another update (does anybody care about this anyway?): made hugo and the judge/batter two gimmicky bosses following the climax (queen). hugo is a damage race (and is currently way too hard). you fight the judge with no add-ons, adding challenge to the fight while still giving it the same vibe it had in the original game. the batter is a much more tense and difficult fight that needs to be taken out as quickly as possible since he is constantly reducing your agility.
added a new boss to zone 3 called the triplet burnts and rare random enounters to the pedalo ride in zone 2 in case you need to grind before the balloon game valzong burnt fight.
i can't believe that you of all people never actually tried haunted house story : o
i actually thought you played all the mods on the site! and i'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything, i just... somehow it doesn't click
Haha, believe it or not, I've missed a lot of mods. I remember when I was new here, I was trying to play and review every new mod being released, but there were just too many mods coming out and I was too busy for that to be practical. I was a bit less active during my college years, so there were a lot of mods released between fall 2015 and spring 2019 that I missed. I've had considerably more free time since graduating college and getting a job, and this place has gotten less active, so I've managed to get just about every mod that has come out within the last few years. I still need to play Evergreen, Video Game+, ACCS, and HEAD MAN, though.
update i did not get the CRT TV this past weekend :(
Rip the dream but wait, maybe not!
I would probably die of nostalgic overload if I was to play my old games on a CRT. It's definitely a worthwhile investment and I hope there's no further issues to you acquiring it.
Technically CRTs (at 60fps) do have 8.3 ms delay at the center, and 16.6 ms delay at the bottom of the screen. It has to run in such a way that displaying from top to bottom, it syncs up to the frame rate and is ready to display the next frame as the first one is done rendering.

Also I have 23 CRTs. They are very cool!
the rendering line added a certain charm to those chunky screens =w=