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yet another 10 years post

Feb 5, 2025 at 5:50 AM
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as of today it's been 10 years since I joined the forums here with the account name "cavestoryLOL" because I'm really creative and original at names
3 months after I made my account I made my first post in a thread called Cave Story ORGMix where I posted a broken Google Drive link to an edit of Moonsong called The Moon. I think this is it in case anyone was wondering what it sounded like
yes i really did make my account when i was that young.

im kinda bad at putting together long posts so im just gonna put words down: Around 2012 i originally discovered Cave Story through the demo on wiiware. i immediately got lost in the mimiga village trying to find toroko so i ran in circles until i looked the game up on a computer and found out there's a whole free version of it on pc, so i played that instead for my first playthrough. I got really close to beating it, I was just stuck on the bosses on the balcony. then my parents got pissed that I was playing a game with guns in it so i never finished my first playthrough
FUN FACT: when I made my Roblox account around then I originally named it Quote78 because of Cave Story. I also made this obby based on it in 2013 that was probably really awesome! Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to publish it properly or know how to save it locally so its lost forever
july 17 2013
and then i forgot about cave story for like 2 years until 2015

the time I made my account on the forums here was when I started revisiting Cave Story. around this time was when I first started experimenting with Organya and modding: I did try both Sue's Workshop and OrgMaker before, but I couldn't figure out how they worked, until then. my oldest orgs were edits, but I did a couple of original ones, especially starting around 2016

Gonna talk about some old projects now since this seems like the best place to look back on all of my mods so far (in a spoiler because there's a lot)
My first published mod was Cave Story: The Story That Never Happened. it was really bad (obviously), I think I planned to update it once a month until I finished it but my ideas quickly got too ambitious so I gave up....... I remember wanting the door at the end of the first map to lead to the First Cave, but somewhere in it (probably replacing the Hermit Gunsmith) was a computer instead, which would take you into a digital world similar to an area from Rave Story with a cover of Potential for Anything playing. i think it was meant to be an anything goes non-serious mod, the story "never happened" after all
But before that, I actually had worked on some mods before it, I just never finished or published them
One of my earlier mod projects was one I was working on with my brother called Cave Story Infinity, which was basically a CSBD except a bunch of enemies were cyborgs, the music was edited, some characters were replaced and there was gonna be a couple new areas. I think it was meant to be a sequel, but considering it was just the vanilla game modified I don't think it conveyed that very well... I remember I wanted the rocket ship in the Plantation to lead to an area called the Moon. I never finished or released this mod, it was probably also mostly worked on in 2015
There was another mod called Super Mimiga that got so far into development it only had 2 rooms before I gave up. I actually still have a copy of this one since I saved it to Google Drive, so if you want to play it for some reason here it is. it's dated May 2015(!!!), looks like its from before I got the polar star chest working or replaced the title music
aside from those, I had a bunch of other random mod experiments, but it was mostly just testing things out and practicing TSC... one thing I liked to do was recreating random Cave Story fan games as Cave Story mods, but i don't have any of those lying around anymore

I don't remember much between 2017-2018. I joined the cstsfdg in 2017, but only from 2019 and onwards when I joined the csmc did I really start to get involved in the community and projects. I think DLL Mod Loader was still fairly new at the time, so I started using it in mods, which brings me to my first mod that i still think is kinda okay: Grotto Myth, which I started on april 2019 and mainly worked on from may-july 2020. I was originally going to call it Rocky Fable but changed it at the last minute for some reason. It was the first mod I made that used the alternate_music hack for custom ogg music. The public demo I released ended right before the Tower area, but I worked on it a little past that point, which I finally published on Doukutsu Club on April last year if you want to try the 10 minutes of extra content. I'm pretty sure I abandoned it because I couldn't figure out how teleporters work... Also it was pretty badly executed. I also made a lot of extra songs for this mod that went unused (a couple of which are remakes of old orgs)
Later, from January-March I worked on a mod that I never finished called EVENTCORRUPT. it was inspired by some of my dreams. I'm not gonna go in depth on this one because I sometimes recycle concepts from it
Next mod is 100 Worlds, which I worked on throughout July 2021. This was a collaborative mod where various modders would contribute maps, which would later be connected into each other. the goal was to explore all of them, and at milestones of worlds visited you would unlock challenges, which would unlock powerups or tools if completed to improve navigation or access new areas. it wasn't very well planned out though, some new maps were submitted after the first demo's release, and i had a start on implementing them and some quality-of-life, but I ended up losing all that when my drive died in late 2021 so i scrapped the mod entirely. i kind of want to see someone else manage a mod with a similar concept...

Getting to my modfest era, in August 2021 I made Lost Machine over the course of a week, the entire mod inspired by a single dream I had a year or two before i made it. It was my first mod utilizing the ogg_music hack for primarily ambiance instead of music, and i still think its atmosphere holds up really well. I wanted to add an alternate version of Ending B if you play through the entire game without a weapon, so maybe I'll revisit it and touch some things up while I'm at it some day...
oh yeah, since I did a new facepic for this mod based on the same NPC as in my first published mod, here's an evolution of my blue robot facepics
The next mod is another mod I submitted for a modfest, Cascade, which is probably my most well-known mod at this point. I originally wanted to make it for modfest 30 (where the Cascade prompt was originally from), but I only came up with the original concept for a mod halfway through the week, so I decided to wait until the next modfest to make it so I'd have enough time... I remember staying up really late into nights working on it, and 2 and a half years after i finished it i still think it holds up extremely well. I might update it eventually to touch up some things, and maybe even remake it as a standalone game some day... I remember wanting to make a spiritual successor in the same universe with a different protagonist in 2023, but I ended up scrapping it since I didn't have enough ideas - I would really like to revisit Cascade in some form though, I had a lot of worldbuilding that didn't make it into the game itself
A couple months later I'd make Chromatic Shift as a collaboration with Infinityβ and GalacticSilver. this one was mainly gameplay focused, with a nifty limited-color art style. the goal when making it was for any of the 4 levels to be played in any order, but it kind of backfired since the weapons weren't very evenly powered. it was also released unfinished, with the green area left in an unpolished state. sometimes i think about going back and finishing it but thats probably never gonna happen

and well, Chromatic Shift is the last mod i've released as of writing this. in 2023, i really wanted my next mod after Chromatic Shift to be Runshot. It was meant to have a really striking black and white art style where all enemies are solid red and the player is solid blue. enemies would explode into blood which would fuel a single, infinitely leveling weapon that loses half of its energy every time damage is taken. it would've been my first mod made in CSE2, and I actually briefly worked on it with the help of JakeV in mid 2024, but it never got past a prototype since I realized it was a bit too ambitious and I didn't have a clear enough vision for it

so... since then i mostly just worked on and off on some mod concepts. In early 2023 I got started on a surreal mod that would've been like a spiritual successor to EVENTCORRUPT, but it only got a minute or two into gameplay of it before I ended up dropping it. i have some other mod ideas floating around in my head, but for now im mostly focusing on whatever other projects i feel like working on
i've never fully stopped working on Cave Story stuff though, I've just gotten busier with other projects... maybe I'll finish another mod some day

obligatory sentimental wall of text (I'll keep it brief): with all that said, it's kind of hard to believe I've already been in this community for this long. it makes me really happy to see that there's still some amount of activity here, after all these years. cave story is the reason I got into making music (which ended up becoming one of my biggest creative interests), and has shaped pretty much everything I create in some way. No matter what other hobbies or interests I end up picking up, it seems like I always find myself returning to the cave story community every now and then eventually, whether its these forums or the modding Discord.
I might add to this thread or update this post if I find any other interesting old stuff, but for now I'll leave it here, since I've already been writing for over 5 hours now... thank you for reading :]
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Feb 5, 2025 at 8:02 AM
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Happy Cave Story forum AquaDoesStuff anniversary Aqua, see you in another 5 years
Feb 5, 2025 at 9:56 AM
hi hi
"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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hey, i'm glad you stuck with the community for this long. CASCADE was a great mod and your orgs were always pleasant to listen to.
hoping to see you here again during the next anniversary, thank you for all your creations!
Feb 6, 2025 at 6:50 AM
Been here way too long...
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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Hearing about people talk about their first experiences with Cave Story and how it's inspired them to be more creative is always really nice, considering how deep a role this game has played in my own life.
Aqua, I really enjoyed playing Cascade and Lost Machine. I should really check out your other mods and your music when I get some time.
This town may be dying, but thanks for sticking around.