WTF story demo v 0.504

Oct 11, 2010 at 5:10 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

omg cool you actually noticed that post....
maybe when he goes up in2 the ceiling you could make a target appear, like Ballos?
Oct 31, 2010 at 6:03 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

I just had a thought (inb4 first time for everything).

Since your "health" in this mod is actually RAM, the heart graphics should probably be changed. Maybe turn them into garbage collecting algorithms. I dunno how you would represent that graphically, though. Perhaps a little flashing "GC.EXE" ('twouldn't be that hard to hax them to be animated, I'm guessing).
Nov 1, 2010 at 9:09 AM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

I actually had to think hard to remember there were any hearts
Nov 1, 2010 at 4:18 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

I like hearts, since the player naturally assumes that hearts would heal them. If I were to change it, I think I would change it to a green lightning bolt, as seen in the HUD.

But then I had another idea. Does this look like it would make a good heart?
Nov 1, 2010 at 4:19 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Does this look like it would make a good heart?

That's scary. I like the lightning bolt idea more.
Nov 1, 2010 at 5:37 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

But then I had another idea. Does this look like it would make a good heart?

I love Uboa! But I think those would be a bit distracting.. xD
Nov 1, 2010 at 8:17 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Yeah the bolt idea is nice
Nov 1, 2010 at 8:58 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

I like hearts, since the player naturally assumes that hearts would heal them. If I were to change it, I think I would change it to a green lightning bolt, as seen in the HUD.

But then I had another idea. Does this look like it would make a good heart?

It's pretty neat.
It would make a cool enemy, though, a disguised heart.

Lightning bolts are a good idea, i recommend making it flash between a bolt and a heart, or something.
Nov 2, 2010 at 6:43 AM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Make it fade into that as you get close to em like you did with the mines
Nov 2, 2010 at 6:37 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Vercci said:
Make it fade into that as you get close to em like you did with the mines

This is the best idea I've heard yet concerning the hearts. FAKE HEARTS.

Plus it will be a great way to throw in a reference to yume nikki.
Nov 2, 2010 at 6:52 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Yeah, I love the idea with fake Uboa-hearts! x)
Nov 2, 2010 at 8:00 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Plus it will be a great way to throw in a reference to yume nikki.

Thanks for the spoiler man.
Nov 2, 2010 at 8:34 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

you're not thankful at all...!

I can't wait for that new org... from what I've heard so far it seems really good.
Nov 7, 2010 at 7:32 AM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

explosive said:
you're not thankful at all...!

I can't wait for that new org... from what I've heard so far it seems really good.

When I listened GIR's music, I agree completely! You have awesome music talent, and that means that this new one I has to like!
Nov 7, 2010 at 4:18 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

This is the best idea I've heard yet concerning the hearts. FAKE HEARTS.

Plus it will be a great way to throw in a reference to yume nikki.

Would they do -1 damage instead of healing or something?
Nov 8, 2010 at 4:25 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

cultr1 said:
Would they do -1 damage instead of healing or something?

I can't say because
WoodenRat said:
spoiler man.

Plus I want to keep it a secret.

And something that simple wouldn't be very uboa-esque, would it?
Nov 8, 2010 at 9:36 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Finally we have an agreement!
Dec 6, 2010 at 2:09 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

very fun game
its hard and funny

i love the esenography, its like VVVVVV (L)
Dec 6, 2010 at 5:28 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

skunkix said:
very fun game
its hard and funny

i love the esenography, its like VVVVVV (L)

Thanks for the comments, but what does esenography mean? I tried google but it didn't turn up much.
Dec 6, 2010 at 8:41 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

lol, im terrible with english

scenery by google translate
maybe background be more aproppiated.

Im on the tetris part, its awesome. Reminds me to iwannabetheguy. HARDCORE GAMMING (L)

PD: Tetris song is the best of all songs ever lol