WTF story demo v 0.504

Jul 12, 2010 at 1:56 AM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

I'm sure GIR rewrote all the code for that boss.
Jul 12, 2010 at 1:08 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

PhyscoKamek said:
Some people don't know how to Asm hack, like me. I tried to learn,but it was too difficult. Anyways, I did love this hack. The pipeworld got me stuck, as the Tertris part wasn't really hard after you figured where the pieces go. And Interrobang was an edit of Ballos? It seems like him.

I don't really get why people think the pipeworld was so hard.. I don't mean to sound rude, but could you explain what the problem in it was?
And are you sure Interrobang (that was the Dark Curly, right? I had forgotten her name) was Ballos? Sure there were some similarities, like the lightning. But still she was really different, and must've taken a lot of work.
Vercci said:
I'm sure GIR rewrote all the code for that boss.

Yeah, it was very impressive.
I hope we see more mods by people with this kind of skill. :D
Custom weapons and bosses and such make this mod extremely good.
Jul 12, 2010 at 6:38 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Shilag said:
I don't really get why people think the pipeworld was so hard.. I don't mean to sound rude, but could you explain what the problem in it was?

The general size of the place along with the large number of enemies without any saves along the way (none that would lead to progress if you died) made it a difficult area. I struggled a bit too, mainly because I got lost.
Jul 12, 2010 at 8:34 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Shilag said:
Alright, I've finished this as far as it goes, and I have to say I'm very impressed!
All the different scriptings made me wonder how this was even possible from "our little Cave Story", I was really amazed by a lot of thing.

The music was great, though I would've preferred if you had done the entire soundtrack by yourself, but it was still good, and very fitting.

The weapons were interesting, especially the Portal Gun, even though that was just a bit "on the side". I loved the Cube Gun. :p

The bosses were also a lot of fun, I especially loved the final boss so far, it was very original and unlike any other boss I've seen. Usually the bosses in Cave Story mods are just bad copies of the original's bosses, but some of these were really great.
I'm talking about the Security System and the Dark Curly. (Can't remember exactly what she was called..)

I also loved the maps, and the ways the areas where formed. Like the confusing Memory Bank and System Matrix, and the way the camera moved in those areas.

The story was pretty good, and there was a lot of hilarious moments.
All in all, I'd love to see this finished, and I hope you'll keep working on it!

Thanks for the input.

Your first comment is rather interesting, since one of the original plans I had when I started to make the mod of this game (before I knew assembly) was to try and find most of the little exploitations of the original engine and to abuse them. Things have changed since then though, mostly due to assembly.

The portal gun will not be "on the side" in the final release, since you'll actually encounter it in normal gameplay (eventually). I'll probably still keep it as a "New Game+" sort of thing, since people seem to enjoy going through the game with it.

Also as Vercci said I did write the code for Interrobang (Dark Curly) from scratch. Her entity number is actually ballos's, but that's because I knew there would be enough room for her code there (her code actually took up maybe 1/8th of ballos's, leaving me a lot of room to put other little hacks in).

And don't worry, I'll finish it (someday).

Shadow the Past said:
Found a glitch, not sure if this has been reported and don't really care to go through 56 pages of conversation to find out. In the Station (where you enter chapter 4,) if you don't talk to Curly at all and just go to the left, the flag that triggers the robot to report about a dead robot, Curly to leave/give cell number/give spur parts still goes off even though the Curly sprite isn't there. (Doesn't require any portal manipulation.)

I was wondering how you were getting that glitch, since normally the platform that lets you go to the left won't appear until you talk to curly (or rather, it disappears each time the map loads if you haven't talked to her yet). But it happens when you finish the secret mission, since the return script doesn't check whether or not you have talked to her to disappear the platform. I'll have to fix that.
Jul 12, 2010 at 9:46 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Hey, GIR if you get the chance, could you send me a sheet music copy (or editable org or whatever) of the Tower of Heaven music, that I could use?

I am wanting to transcribe a Tower of Heaven song for guitar hero... and so far its going OK other than the fact its in the wrong key and has the wrong timing in many many many places, and I'm not going to get it done at this rate, ever.

any sort of guide for it i could use would be nifty, thanks in advance for whatever
Jul 13, 2010 at 12:05 AM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Thanks for the input.

Your first comment is rather interesting, since one of the original plans I had when I started to make the mod of this game (before I knew assembly) was to try and find most of the little exploitations of the original engine and to abuse them. Things have changed since then though, mostly due to assembly.

The portal gun will not be "on the side" in the final release, since you'll actually encounter it in normal gameplay (eventually). I'll probably still keep it as a "New Game+" sort of thing, since people seem to enjoy going through the game with it.

Also as Vercci said I did write the code for Interrobang (Dark Curly) from scratch. Her entity number is actually ballos's, but that's because I knew there would be enough room for her code there (her code actually took up maybe 1/8th of ballos's, leaving me a lot of room to put other little hacks in).

And don't worry, I'll finish it (someday).

Great, keep up the good work! :p
Oh and btw, a question; How many secret missions are there currently?
I recently noticed that the save file included in the download had 7 Gig RAM, but my character had only 5 in the end. Have I really missed two secret missions, or is that simply altered?
Jul 13, 2010 at 12:39 AM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Shilag said:
Great, keep up the good work! :p
Oh and btw, a question; How many secret missions are there currently?
I recently noticed that the save file included in the download had 7 Gig RAM, but my character had only 5 in the end. Have I really missed two secret missions, or is that simply altered?

That's probably a save from easy mode then, since there are 4 secret missions, 1 per chapter.
Aug 17, 2010 at 8:36 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Heya, just thought I'd share my run through secret mission 4, easily the hardest point in the game, according to me! :p
You wouldn't believe how long it took me (but that was a while ago now), so I thought someone might look at my video for guidelines or something.

Sorry about no sound, I actually had the sound turned off to listen to other music. The soundtrack in WTF Story is great! But seriously.. after a few hours or repeative jumping, one gets tired. xD

Edit: The reason I kinda hesitated around 0:45 is that I had actually never gotten that far before, I was very surprised. xD

Edit2: Oh, and one more thing.. if you're having trouble at the part around 0:12 in the video, I'm sorry to say that I can't be of any assistance.
Seriously, I have no idea how to do that in any reliable way, I just succeded maybe 1/30 times I tries.
Aug 17, 2010 at 8:54 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

You enter the part after the v= in the url between youtube tags.

Having said that, your video I believe is quite a spoiler, spoiler tags maybe?
Aug 17, 2010 at 8:56 PM
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Ah, thank you. And yes of course, I forgot the spoiler tags, how stupid! >_<
Thanks for reminding me!
Aug 18, 2010 at 12:33 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

I really hope you finish this mod GIR...
Aug 18, 2010 at 10:28 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

WoodenRat said:
I really hope you finish this mod GIR...

here you can obsessively monitor his progress

don't worry he seems to be getting work done on it
Aug 25, 2010 at 12:12 AM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

GIR, I just wanted to point this out, but there's no H/V trigger in secret mission 4 that causes you to die if you fall off the screen.
Aug 25, 2010 at 1:08 AM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

I hope to see 0.5 soon... In the meantime, i'm going to try and find the 4th mission... It must be very secret...
Aug 25, 2010 at 11:52 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Fine, fine.

Just read those computers in the outpost VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY carefully. :p
Aug 26, 2010 at 1:59 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

/\ Maybe that should be in spoilers?
Aug 26, 2010 at 10:05 PM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Shilag said:
^ Maybe that should be in spoilers?

True... Absolutely!
Sep 15, 2010 at 8:56 AM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Really, this topic should have a rule stating that all posts must be wrapped in spoilers.
So... while reading the BLOG, I saw something about needing attack schemes for a snowman boss? Being in my normal pseudohelpful state, I'd reccomend looking up the 2nd boss of a japanese SNES shmup called "Super Marchen Adventure Cotton 100%" - the second boss happens to be a gigant snowman with a baseball bat, that fires base-snowballs as well as jumping around and swinging the bat at you.

Other possible attacks would be a multi-fire gigant snowflake spreader, pushing a gigantic rolling snowball over the screen (requiring you to do a very precise jump over the snowman AND the snowball to avoid damage)...

If you copied the Balfrog boss' schedule, you should of course have a blizzard breath attack similiar to the one in the game, and then add some more attacks.
Oct 5, 2010 at 4:35 AM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Yal said:
Really, this topic should have a rule stating that all posts must be wrapped in spoilers.
So... while reading the BLOG, I saw something about needing attack schemes for a snowman boss? Being in my normal pseudohelpful state, I'd reccomend looking up the 2nd boss of a japanese SNES shmup called "Super Marchen Adventure Cotton 100%" - the second boss happens to be a gigant snowman with a baseball bat, that fires base-snowballs as well as jumping around and swinging the bat at you.

Other possible attacks would be a multi-fire gigant snowflake spreader, pushing a gigantic rolling snowball over the screen (requiring you to do a very precise jump over the snowman AND the snowball to avoid damage)...

If you copied the Balfrog boss' schedule, you should of course have a blizzard breath attack similiar to the one in the game, and then add some more attacks.

Sixtyseconds had a good idea for the boss fight, and I think I might go with it.
>Jump over you once
>Jump, airbrake, and try to land on you (if he does, 2 damage and ur crushed in2 ground like w/ Ballos)
>Shoot 20-30 snowballs at you rapidly (1 damage and if they hit he stops shooting)
>Jump up into ceiling and try to land on you
>spawn 3 penguins then repeat.

Also here's a link to some footage of the new double resolution graphics:
Oct 5, 2010 at 6:58 AM
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Re: WTF story demo v 0.4

Damn, you be steppin it up with the double res..