Hip-Hop-Saggin-Fried Chicken flavor.
I honestly don't like all the black jokes. I like this one joke:Black jokes
A mexican and a black guy are in a car. Which one's driving?
the police officer
Exotic? Well, She did say she was special, but she got red in the face and smacked me for asking why.What's the difference between a black man and Batman?
Anywhoo, ever since I saw the sprites for Cripplechair's Flipped Races mod (which I really wish he'd work on :c ) I have this headcanon that Chaco is of some exotic race.Batman can go a night without Robin
Also comes with 20% insanity!You're strange.
[citation needed]thats it hair most fourm posts are about hair!
Not just hair, my friend, we were talking about Chako's fur,ok so we went to chakos hair color to chakos sex life to kool laid hair dyeing to black jokes .... so ummm ( need to think of a way ro change the topic...) hair! thats it hair most fourm posts are about hair!
Sorry.dude can you stop coloring that word, every time you do I have to pronounce it in my head weird and it's getting annoying.
oh right why do i always call it hair.Not just hair, my friend, we were talking about Chako's fur,