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Which is the hardest boss in Cave Story?

Jul 17, 2011 at 4:18 PM
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The Undead core was actually rather easy on my minimal items run. Doctor's second for sucks.
Nothing is that hard outside of minimal HP and speedrunning hell.
Jul 22, 2011 at 4:31 PM
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For Minimal Items, it's probably the last form of Ballos although I've never gotten that far. The Doctor's second form is giving me massive problems since the bats kill you in two hits and dodging the red crystal isn't as easy as it looks. On third place would be the core simply because of the massive amounts of BULLET SPAM! The Undead Core doesn't even come close to that. Monster X is tricky, too, but with proper strategy, it's easy to dodge because it's extremely pattern based.

For Maximal Items, Ballos is fairly easy. Monster X can still be a pain if it rolls over you and the missiles WILL kick your ass the first time you play through it. The Core is still annoying and the Undead Core is still easy. Surprisingly, I always found the second fight against Balrog pretty tricky because it's almost impossible to both dodge all his projectiles and still hurt him. Unless you stand on his head, of course.
Really, I don't think any boss is difficult with max items. There are a few that are annoying, but that's it.
Jul 22, 2011 at 6:13 PM
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I've gotta say Ballos is about the trickiest boss, undead core was INSANELY easy. I left misery alive and used the monsters she summoned to walk out of the fight with full hp and missiles. ;)
Jul 23, 2011 at 1:52 PM
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magic9mushroom said:
What weapon were you using against it?

Also, were you using a walkthrough?

Monster X was the first boss that drove me to consult a walkthrough IIRC.

Nah, I've never really thought Ballos 3 was particularly hard either.

I mean, all you have to do is avoid getting hit by the eyes. That's pretty much it. There are huge gaps between the eyes.

I beat the Core after about 3-4 tries, and I didn't even figure out that it was only vulnerable when open.

When I played through without the Booster v0.8, THEN I had trouble.

trickybilly said:
First attacked him with lvl3 Blade + rockets. Switched to Lvl 3 Fireball (shooting upwards) & Polar Star when I had ran out of rockets and the Blade leveled down.

No, I haven`t used walkthrough when I first played CS. That`s the reason also why I have only managed to get the normal ending for my first run (I took the Booster v0.8 + Curly died).

I have played against him WITH the Booster v0.8 yet I kept dying from everything: the bullets, drowning, energy balls...was hard.

First time I played I got trouble with Monster X and its fish missiles. Then I defeated The Core in the second try, WITH the Booster and MG. Second time I start playing the game Monster X was easy, but before the battle with Core I skipped the Booster v0.8 and the MG, so I tried to defeat The Core about 7~8 times, since without Booster/Machine Gun level 3 I can't fly and avoid the flood. I DEFEATED BALLOS WITH ULTIMATE DM TRAINER!:muscledoc:
Jul 23, 2011 at 7:39 PM
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I'd have to say The Core.
All the other battles are really easy.
Jul 26, 2011 at 2:57 PM
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I have to say Monster X, Ballos, then Ironhead.
I've beaten Ballos, 8 times.
I beat Ironhead and Monster X,
Ironhead two months ago on Carrotlords mod,
and Monster X 2 weeks ago on Ollies mod.

I am a failure :(
Jul 26, 2011 at 4:15 PM
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The hardest boss for me has always been Ballos, if you don't count no-damage Ironhead.

The first time I played it I beat him and got the Alien Medal on my first try without even knowing about it. Now I have to fight him over and over again to get it, yet I refuse to let myself not get it.
Aug 18, 2011 at 9:06 AM
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Are you kidding? I think we all know the answer to this one. It starts with "ball" and ends with "s".
Aug 18, 2011 at 9:10 AM
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Jetpackcat said:
Are you kidding? I think we all know the answer to this one. It starts with "ball" and ends with "s".

....balls? :( I don't remember that boss, unless you're talking about the bubbles pooh black summons.
Aug 18, 2011 at 2:14 PM
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It's a SECRET boss gir. It only occurs if you find curly's panties at the wrong time.
Aug 18, 2011 at 4:56 PM
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Lace said:
It's a SECRET boss gir. It only occurs if you find curly's panties at the wrong time.

But when is it ever wrong to find a pair of panties?
Aug 18, 2011 at 6:24 PM
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When they're on her
and her long, hairy schlong
(she's a tranny) :0
also, HARDEST boss in the game. Hurrrrr.
Aug 18, 2011 at 8:46 PM
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Aug 21, 2011 at 5:23 AM
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Monster X proves the hardest for me Ballos is easy if you take the cheap way
Aug 21, 2011 at 5:50 AM
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MUSCLE DOCTOR. He comes right after the Misery and Normal Doctor fights, and both of those fights aren't exactly cakewalks. EVERYTHING he does deals 10 damage, and the most HP you can have at that point is 50.
Aug 21, 2011 at 1:43 PM
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Misery said:
MUSCLE DOCTOR. He comes right after the Misery and Normal Doctor fights, and both of those fights aren't exactly cakewalks. EVERYTHING he does deals 10 damage, and the most HP you can have at that point is 50.

I thought all three of them were pretty easy.
Hardest for me-

Aug 21, 2011 at 6:49 PM
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Mine is BALLOS.

All I used during the whole fight was the Spur and didn't know about the jumping in the eye thing at the time.
Aug 21, 2011 at 7:43 PM
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Hmm after playing it that many times, no boss is hard for me I guess. The only bossfight I find long and annoying is normal core.
Aug 21, 2011 at 9:53 PM
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The battle with the undead core, I was on the verge of tears after that. By itself its not that hard, but with Misery and Enraged Sue.. So hard. Took me at least 10 plus tries. Oh the feeling of triumph when I defeated it..