What the FUCK noxid!?

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May 3, 2011 at 1:24 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

Gullible People are Gullible
May 3, 2011 at 1:43 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

Dubby said:
bored? more like drunk.
you shaht your mauf
ah'm not drank
May 3, 2011 at 2:19 PM
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Yeaaah this was pretty silly, but I won't lie, I enjoyed the little charade.
The basic chronology is as follows:

[00:10] <@Noxid> I have 1800 posts 
[00:10] <@Noxid> when did this happen
[00:10] <+Lace> too soon
[00:10] <+DoubleThink> You spammer
[00:10] <+Ollie> ^
[00:10] <@GIR> at the time you made your 1800th post
[00:10] * Noxid bans self
[00:10] <+sexplosive> [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIKFD23fktc[/url]
[00:10] <+Lace> didn't we already go over this?
[00:11] <@Noxid> Actually will it let me do that
[00:11] <@Noxid> ban myself
[00:11] <@GIR> you can try
[00:11] <+Lace> yes
[00:11] <@GIR> i'll unban you
[00:11] <+DoubleThink> Oh man
[00:11] <+Lace> gir ban him
[00:11] <+Lace> or dt
[00:11] <+DoubleThink> Heavy rain out of nowhere
[00:11] <+Lace> AUSTRALLLLIA
[00:12] <@Noxid> If they ban me
[00:12] <@GIR> ban yourself
[00:12] <@Noxid> then we will have acheived nothing
[00:12] <@GIR> then i'll unban you :momo:
[00:12] <@Noxid> So you say
[00:12] <@GIR> also write it on the ban list thread
[00:12] <@GIR> "banning myself to see if it works"
[00:12] <+Lace> (do that first)
[00:13] <+Lace> I need to sleep guyz
[00:13] <+Lace> have a fun bannsess
[00:13] <@Noxid> That would look so unprofessional
[00:13] <@GIR> no it wouldn't :toroko2:
[00:13] <+Lace> GIR: "Noxid Banned for threatening other members, spamming, and being unproffessional"
[00:14] <+Lace> noxid threaten me
[00:14] <+Lace> :3
[00:14] <@Noxid> Lace I will cut off your face and wear it
[00:14] <@Noxid> is that good?
[00:14] <@GIR> you heard him!
[00:14] <@GIR> physical threats!
[00:14] <+Lace> I live in massachusettes noxid
[00:14] <+Lace> come hug me!
[00:14] <+Ollie> Noxid is scaring me.
[00:14] <@GIR> as a professional moderator noxid
[00:14] <+Lace> oh wait faces
[00:14] <@Noxid> I guess I'd better ban myself now
[00:14] <+Lace> nuuuuuuuuu
[00:14] <+DoubleThink> Tyranny
[00:14] <@GIR> you should ban yourself
[00:15] <+sexplosive> for disrespect
[00:15] <+sexplosive> towards yourself
[00:15] <+DoubleThink> No wait
[00:15] <+Lace> broke the archrule
[00:15] <+DoubleThink> Noxid if you want to be a true tyrant you need to disagree with somebody
[00:15] <+Lace> "Don't be a fucking idiot"
[00:15] <+Lace> wait let's stage something
[00:15] <@Noxid> I disagree with you stating that I need to disagree with somebody to be a tyrant
[00:15] <@GIR> you need to disagree with the community
[00:15] <+DoubleThink> FUCK YOu CUNT
[00:16] <+Lace> this will work perfectly
[00:16] <@GIR> oh shit it's a flame war
[00:16] <@GIR> and yeah we should stage something
[00:16] <+Lace> what should I post that you disagree with
[00:16] <+Lace> how about
[00:16] <+Lace> me, gir, and dt
[00:16] <+Lace> vs ollie and noxid
[00:16] <+Lace> then we can ban ollie too!
[00:16] <@Noxid> Yes let's rope Ollie into this
[00:16] <@Noxid> that sounds good
[00:16] <@GIR> idk if we need to drag ollie into this
[00:16] <+Ollie> You could..
[00:16] <+Lace> I will make a thread entitled
[00:17] <+Lace> "What the fuck noxid!?" in the spot
[00:17] <+Ollie> So I get to be on Noxid's side?
[00:17] <@GIR> yes
[00:17] <+Lace> and also I need good circumstantiale evidence blaming you two
[00:17] <+Lace> GIR, DT
[00:17] <@GIR> say um he stole something of yours
[00:17] <@GIR> a sprite
[00:17] <+Lace> give me ideas
[00:17] <@Noxid> just take some out-of-context IRC quotes
[00:17] <@GIR> a sprite or something
[00:17] <@Noxid> they work pretty good
[00:17] <@GIR> lol
[00:18] <+sexplosive> hey noxid
[00:18] <+sexplosive> fuck you
[00:18] <@GIR> "I disagree with you"
[00:18] <+DoubleThink> Say he laced your jerky
[00:18] <+DoubleThink> with lace
[00:18] <+sexplosive> noxid is a tyrant

So basically it was a crazy idea that got slightly out of hand.
These things happen, from time to time. I apologize if we caused anybody undue stress, but it was all in the name of science you see.
May 3, 2011 at 2:33 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

This reminds me of a thingy I Stumbledupon where it showed these two guys, and one of them was a psychologist. The psychologist gave the other guy some sort of "test" and then after the test was done, the psychologist observed his reaction and said something like "actually this was a test of [something else, related to the reaction]" and they repeated this process many many times. I would post it here, but I was unable to find it...

And for the record, I thought it was pretty clear that Lace was joking, not only due to the fact that the things Lace was accusing Noxid of doing were very out of character for Noxid, but also due to the fact that the manner in which the accusations were made was very out of character for Lace. (admittedly, the fact that Lace had already edited the may fools thingy at the bottom of his post by the time I found this thread prolly gave me a bit of an unfair advantage...)
May 3, 2011 at 2:38 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

The only thing concerning to me was how willing everyone was to turn on poor Noxid ;_;

He didn't even say much in the thread
May 3, 2011 at 2:52 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

Indeed. Though most of them were newer members who didn't know Noxid as well as you or I, so I guess we can forgive them :toroko2:

You can bet your ass that if I ever get around to making that "The Dark Side of MiraiGamer" song that SPG and I were working on a long time ago (i.e. when we were still MiraiGamer) there will be a verse about this in it.

Lace said:
thus story is almost 100% truth
Wait, really? How so?

It seems I've just discovered a practical use for what might, on the surface, seem to be an obsolete grammatical principle. "members who didn't know Noxid as well as you or I" actually has a very different meaning from "members who didn't know Noxid as well as you or me". The former refers to members who didn't know Noxid as well as you or I knew Noxid, while the latter refers to members who didn't know Noxid as well as they knew you or me. Interesting.
May 3, 2011 at 3:07 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

Oh but you see, this was actually an experiment to see whether or not you would actually travel back in time once you figured it out.

Oh, but you see...

Voyce said:
we were actually testing you see,
we wanted to know if the staff would be smart enough to try and find out if we were willing to travel back in time... so we can predict the entire story.

Of course I predicted that you would predict go back in time thus setting up many events that will lead to me taking over the planet.

andwhyisit said:
Okaaaay. I am officially lost.

Poor Andy.

DoubleThink said:
Only because you are tiny, and my hand is in fact the universe

The mental image of that is actually kind of cute.
May 3, 2011 at 3:47 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

lol, you guys got me for a secound.


Wedge of Cheese said:
You can bet your ass that if I ever get around to making that "The Dark Side of MiraiGamer" song that SPG and I were working on a long time ago (i.e. when we were still MiraiGamer) there will be a verse about this in it.

Still waiting Mr. Cheese... >:/
May 3, 2011 at 4:01 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

Hahah, damn, you guys sure had me convinced last night. It's relieving knowing it was all just a joke, even if that was a pretty harsh one.

May 3, 2011 at 4:17 PM
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I'm glad I'm not an asshole too :toroko2:.

@ Cheese: there are *some* grains of truth in this tale. The Pink Gabriel org is actually GIR's, and so is the Options Menu hack. The key distinction though is that he let me use those, just like I let him use the 3 Saves title thing I came up with. The 2x Hack really belongs to both of us equally, but I took on the responsibility of overseeing the distribution (and dealing with Nicalis about it... bleh). The Pxtone DLL thing, I can't even remember. I definitely wrote some of my hypotheses in the EverNote, but I'm pretty sure that was during Lace's absence. The failed "suspended" particle system was a joint project between Lace and I that sort of fell flat due to limitations with DirectDraw making it slow the game down horribly.

We share a lot of ideas and code snippets and other things, but I would never outright steal them from somebody without at least trying to ask first.
May 3, 2011 at 4:28 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

S. P. Gardebiter said:
Still waiting Mr. Cheese... >:/
I was under the impression you were gone... I have actually come up with some more verses in the mean time; lemme VM them to you...

Noxid said:
@ Cheese: there are *some* grains of truth in this tale. The Pink Gabriel org is actually GIR's, and so is the Options Menu hack. The key distinction though is that he let me use those, just like I let him use the 3 Saves title thing I came up with. The 2x Hack really belongs to both of us equally, but I took on the responsibility of overseeing the distribution (and dealing with Nicalis about it... bleh). The Pxtone DLL thing, I can't even remember. I definitely wrote some of my hypotheses in the EverNote, but I'm pretty sure that was during Lace's absence. The failed "suspended" particle system was a joint project between Lace and I that sort of fell flat due to limitations with DirectDraw making it slow the game down horribly.
Oic. I did tually know most of that, I was just a bit confused by Lace's earlier statement.
May 3, 2011 at 4:49 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

Okay, okay.

This has got to be one of my favorite threads, other than this one.
May 3, 2011 at 5:55 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

I'm surprised how fast everyone turned on him (although some people still sided with him).

Most people only condemned the actions that Lace made up. Hardly anyone brought Noxid's character into question.
May 3, 2011 at 6:49 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

I was 99% sure this was a joke so kept waiting.

1% went for him:
A) acting out
B) joining some evil mind-controlling people
May 3, 2011 at 7:03 PM
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:awesomeface: (Joke)
:muscledoc: : A bunch of droll troll will now descend on you! :greydroll: :greydroll: :greydroll: :greydroll: :greydroll: :greydroll: :greydroll: :greydroll:

:-D (Truth)
:mahin: : chinfish slap :mahin::chin::sue:

>< (Me)
:sue: : haven't been around enough to guess this stuff (needs a lurk mor Kazuma icon)
May 3, 2011 at 9:07 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

You guys is so crazy
May 3, 2011 at 9:48 PM
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Re: What the FUCK noxid!?

I knew this was a joke from the very beginning just by reading the first paragraphs. None of you have the spine to betray another person for your own sake. Whether it's for pride, money, or simply kicks.

Also Noxid why the fuck do my tiles get cut in half when they're on the border of the map? What the hell.
May 3, 2011 at 9:53 PM
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Because Pixel programmed it so that the camera won't go beyond half a tile from the edge of a map. Presumably this was a design decision of his and I can't see why it wouldn't be safe to go closer.
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