What did you dream about last night?

Apr 17, 2013 at 8:53 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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I dreamt that I woke up in a town named Venomino Town and that an army of man-eating mushrooms invaded it. And then caused the entire town to fall apart, with a witch casting a spell to injure a villager. And then a meteor storm came and wiped out the entire town except for me, who managed to escape by running towards a (non-man-eating) mushroom forest. And then I heard people shouting "FOR THE FIRE NATION". And then I was teleported home, and for some odd reason, I killed the current South African president. Then I leapt off a cliff and somehow flew off all the way to the Drakensberg (or whatever the name is of the largest mountain in South Africa) where I lived with a giant toaster named Stumprog. Basically, a fusion of Balrog and Pinocchio as, whenever it lied, its nose grew.

... Then I woke up.
Absolutely no idea what is going on with that dream...
May 2, 2013 at 7:44 AM
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The other day I had a dream where I was browsing through the CSTSF for the first time in a while. In this thread, Noxid kinda snapped. He made a post that was something along the lines of "I'm done trying to moderate this cesspool of shit. I quit."

People were all like "omg" and "the forums are dead" etc.

A few posts later GIR was all like "yeah fuck this I quit too". DT made a similar post soon afterwards.

Afterwards, Andwhy made an announcement saying "It's dead. The forums are over."
May 2, 2013 at 12:29 PM
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It's okay, sexpy.
It was only a dream.
There, there.
May 2, 2013 at 12:56 PM
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Let's hope you're not a prophet, Sexplosive...

I'm getting an awesome story idea from this, though.
May 2, 2013 at 10:23 PM
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So this was part of a dream I had some weeks ago.

For some reason my brother was home from college, and my parents were out of the house and wouldn't be getting home until late, so I, my younger sister, and my older brother decided we'd watch a movie. We came across a DVD that none of the three of us had noticed before. It had a picture of a girl wearing clothes, but something was peculiar about the cover and the way that the picture of the girl presented itself. The title of the DVD said: "The Naked Girl". Although the girl in fact wasn't naked, so my two siblings thought nothing of it, unlike myself who with my dreamer omniscience knew that it was a pornographic film.

You know how sometimes when you have a dream you do really weird things without thinking about it (such as taking a bite out of a Rubiks Cube for no apparent reason when you're trying to solve it [true story])? Well, I was experiencing that in this dream. For some reason I made no attempt to notify my siblings that we were popping a porno into the DVD player. To my surprise, it didn't begin with showing the girl on the front cover naked. Instead, it showed this weird sort of documentary on her that occasionally had weird music going on, though it was not pornographic in any way. This went on for a while, until eventually it faded to black.

When it faded back in, it showed the girl on the front cover in some room sitting in a chair (still not naked). Then she spoke. I can't remember exactly what she said, but it was something like: "Warning: The following clips contain anti-anonymous content. Viewer discretion is advised.". The main part of that that I know I repeated correctly was "anti-anonymous". I've honestly never heard that term before, I'm guessing that my mind made it up along with the rest of that dream. I didn't know what anti-anonymous meant, but apparently it meant something to my brother who was suddenly alarmed, promptly got up, and quickly ejected the DVD from the DVD player.

He then told us that what we were watching was culminating into a pornographic film, and that we had unwittingly come dangerously close to viewing XXX content. After taking in what had happened, we agreed to all three act like that had never happened, and decided to calm ourselves down by watching The Incredibles, one of our favorite movies to watch together when we were younger.

So the real highlight for me in this dream is the whole term "anti-anonymous", and why on earth my mind chose to coin such a term, as well as associate it with pornography.
May 3, 2013 at 1:18 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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I dreamt that I received a permaban here just because I made a remake of one of my old mods. Then I went to my forums and found that I was banned at all three of them. And then I got turned into a mushroom by a squirrel. :/
May 4, 2013 at 5:40 PM
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I can't remember much now... but, I had a dream where I was this unpopular kid, at this academy of sorts. Probably had some connection to the military or navy.
This was in the future mind you. Space travel, and distant outposts were things of the norm.

Anyway, I was pretty unpopular, and I remember even getting caught drinking a cola mixed with liquor D: My mom told the teacher, did you check his drink? He might be having a screwdriver (or something that sounded similar); which got me in trouble lol.

The main plot of the dream though was related to an installation, maybe a mining asteroid; or some kind of cavernous terrain. I can't remember that part anymore; it was an earlier dream I think.

Back to the academy or whatever it was, men and women were preparing to take an educational trip to that site. Though, there were signs of military coming along as well.

I saw the future. I knew that if we went to that place, we wouldn't come back. Not all of us anyway, maybe not any of us. I tried to warn people. Warn my peers about what I vaguely knew to be true.

What I remembered about my earlier dream was that it was like something you would have seen on the movie Aliens. Something was on that asteroid or whatever that place was. And nobody was still alive there. We were going to fly right into something out of a sci-fi horror movie deathtrap. I DID see however, that there would be one way off that place, a small craft, still capable of flight. Looked like some kind of fighter, more akin to a modern airplane.

But, despite accuracy on details it was an insane sounding prophecy, key word being prophecy; people laughed off what I had to say. And the only one that might have believed me, found out I was drinking a little or whatnot, and they gave up on me as well D:

So basically, they were going despite what I knew would come to pass... Though there was one other person I snuck around to try to meet, someone on the military crew. A huge mean looking guy with a big scar on his face. I don't remember why, but I had the feeling he was the only one who might take my warning seriously.

We were about to leave, and that's when I was rudely woken up ><
Most of the details are already lost, since I've been up for a while; but I remembered that much :D
May 5, 2013 at 5:14 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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I don't dream every night but when I do it is always something important.

Last night I was dreaming that me and a bunch of other people had gotten together in a place like this


and it was like we were acting something out or something, it was then that I realized this was a wedding rehearsal and I was the one getting married; I then turned to see who it was I was marrying and just as I was about to see their face I woke up.

May 5, 2013 at 2:40 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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I dreamt that I was turned into a Mewtwo. And then everybody threw me to death with whatever they could find just because Mewtwo gained a new form.


And then I fell out of the sky and ended up in Supernatural (the TV show) of all things.
May 22, 2013 at 1:29 AM
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A few nights ago I dreamed that I was in a dungeon chained to a wall. I had been been part of an army that had been ambushed and I had been captured. I was still wearing all my armor and everything. I looked around to see if anyone else was imprisoned with me, but I was alone.

I hear footsteps from behind the only door in the prison, and a person in a hood steps through the door. They slowly approach me and I suddenly feel something stab me in my side, I actually literally felt this stabbing pain, and I pass out.

When I wake up I'm now lying on a stone table with the hooded figure leaning over me. The figure starts stabbing me with all kinds of sharp objects, cutting me across my chest and burning me. I suddenly start to feel really cold and I start to feel really sleepy, when I close my eyes for the last time I woke up. I was extremely cold and shivering despite having a thick blanket and it being nearly 80 degrees in the room.

I don't normally have dreams where I literally feel pain but I did with this one. When I took off my shirt to take a shower I noticed a small scar across my chest and a small burn mark near it. I hope to never meet that hooded figure again...
May 22, 2013 at 10:34 PM
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Had a dream about my classmates eating another classmate.
May 24, 2013 at 3:07 AM
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Had a dream last night that I was fighting one of my story villains to the death.

I woke up before the battle ended T_T
May 24, 2013 at 5:27 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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I dreamt that I was killed with a dead cat by my parents because they called me the most useless thing in existence.

(If I were to post the exact words, I'd get banned. Let's just say that it has every swear word in it. Even swear words that don't exist yet.)

And now I miss Simba again... ;_;
May 28, 2013 at 4:26 PM
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Wasn't last night, but I recently dreamed about Shadow with Jeff Goldblum's face. So enjoy my incredible MSPaint rendition of the beauty that graced my brain that night.

May 28, 2013 at 6:55 PM
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I think this was a few days ago, but I remember something about cutting off the top half of a sunflower and tossing it to another, which then uprooted itself and started violently devouring the first one with its roots, while it disturbingly struggled to crawl away from its death.

Instead of "what the fuck is going on," I was just thinking "wow, nature sure is beautiful."
Yay melatonin.
May 28, 2013 at 7:22 PM
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I had the wierdest dream last night

I can't remember some of it, but I remember this: most of the known users on the CSTSF (like Noxid, Polaris, MagicDoors, etc.) and I were all in this alternet demension full of plants and trees and flowers and stuff. It kinda looked like Kokiri forest from LoZ: OoT. We all had this giant encyclopedia thing full of random shit we had to find. Well, Noxid told us that last part, but there was freaky stuff in there, like a pair of lungs, a frog brain, and an organ we had no idea what the fuck it was. so we all went through the forest thing and found a kidney, but then we all fell through a hole into nothingness. While we fell, we all started glowing and turned into cats. Then I woke up.

Like I said I can't remember some of it but I remember it being really long.
May 28, 2013 at 7:42 PM
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CookedChef said:
I can't remember some of it, but I remember this: most of the known users on the CSTSF (like Noxid, Polaris, MagicDoors, etc.) and I were all in this alternet demension full of plants and trees and flowers and stuff.
Yay, I'm noticeable enough to appear in people's dreams :debug:
Jun 8, 2013 at 1:40 AM
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I don't remember my most recent dream, but I usually dream about me being a hero, stopping evil and adventuring. Sometimes I dream that everyone is drawn in anime (yes, I like anime, but not for the B00Bs). I also like Cheese, if you didn't know.
Jun 11, 2013 at 7:36 PM
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A while ago I had a dream about that stupid Progressive commercial (the one where there was a castle made of those boxes) but I was a giant made of those boxes. I destroyed their castle and a few people with it (Flo, that knight, and the guy who took the knight's shield). It was a weird dream. Then Sonic appeared and missed me by a half-mile and vaporized the rest of the boxes (they're called discounts, right?) into thin air. Some dream, but I really hated that commercial, so I consider it a good dream. :I
Jul 12, 2013 at 11:31 AM
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I had a dream where I was at a party and at the end they were handing out humourous anecdotes on printed sheets of paper, but I missed the handout. I had to go around looking for the leftover sheets because someone moved them elsewhere after the handout. When I had the sheets after searching all over the place and sat down to read them I woke up from my dream. THE F**K!