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What did you dream about last night?

Mar 25, 2014 at 3:02 PM
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Posted this elsewhere but w/e

I recently had one that was not only utterly terrifying, but also it played out like it's something that could just happen:

I woke up from my bed, just like usual nothing's wrong and everything is fine so far. I walked to downstairs and i hear an uproar outside, looking outside there are a group of people gathering up close. I see my mother in her bedroom and ask her what's wrong with the people: Apparently, a strange phenomenon known as a fire wave started happening none too long ago while i was sleeping. Which basically means a giant firestorm that will blaze across the world in a pattern akin of a vertical line across the world, traveling west from the Pacific Ocean which will last untill the entire Earth is a scorched dead wasteland. When i talked about the situation she told me that the entirety of China already went up in flames and that the fire will reach our hometown in half a day.
I then (naturally) went online and started looking about here, and everyone was in panic and mourning their contacts that were in Asia as the time. The entire forums were confessing secrets, taking how they are going to miss eachother so much, saying how scared they are of dying. Newsblogs were constantly updating on the situation of near Asia, with stories of burn victims who (temporarily) survived. I wanted to talk to my online friends about it and then the dream ended.

This dream was really wierd because it felt so realistic. It obeyed reality for the most part, i actually woke up instead of being jammed in a crazy situation and nothing really wacky or unordinary happened aside from the world-sized disaster. I know giving a short description doesn't do the experience justice but it really scared me on a personal level.
Mar 25, 2014 at 10:32 PM
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ElecMaw said:
Posted this elsewhere but w/e

I recently had one that was not only utterly terrifying, but also it played out like it's something that could just happen:

I woke up from my bed, just like usual nothing's wrong and everything is fine so far. I walked to downstairs and i hear an uproar outside, looking outside there are a group of people gathering up close. I see my mother in her bedroom and ask her what's wrong with the people: Apparently, a strange phenomenon known as a fire wave started happening none too long ago while i was sleeping. Which basically means a giant firestorm that will blaze across the world in a pattern akin of a vertical line across the world, traveling west from the Pacific Ocean which will last untill the entire Earth is a scorched dead wasteland. When i talked about the situation she told me that the entirety of China already went up in flames and that the fire will reach our hometown in half a day.
I then (naturally) went online and started looking about here, and everyone was in panic and mourning their contacts that were in Asia as the time. The entire forums were confessing secrets, taking how they are going to miss eachother so much, saying how scared they are of dying. Newsblogs were constantly updating on the situation of near Asia, with stories of burn victims who (temporarily) survived. I wanted to talk to my online friends about it and then the dream ended.

This dream was really wierd because it felt so realistic. It obeyed reality for the most part, i actually woke up instead of being jammed in a crazy situation and nothing really wacky or unordinary happened aside from the world-sized disaster. I know giving a short description doesn't do the experience justice but it really scared me on a personal level.
Woah... That's deep.

Like, if it was that realistic then that has to be scary waking up from.
Mar 27, 2014 at 8:01 PM
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Had a weird dream. Slept in a big bath tub with some girl I used to know and two guys (no homo).
Jul 18, 2014 at 2:26 AM
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I dreamed I was sleeping uncomfortably

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it was true

Jul 22, 2014 at 5:19 PM
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I ended up having a strange dream last night due to a combination of getting my Evolutionary Spectrum t-shirt in the mail and thinking about what I should draw for Spirit's wallpaper collab. (spoiler'd for the sake of taking up less space)
I was at this random house that was by a dirt road and between a forest and a grassy plain. I also apparently worked for the owner of the house. As I was doing work around the house, I stumbled upon two cages, one closed with a latch and the other with a spike driven through two metal loops. I was shocked at what was contained in the cages: it was a bunch of eeveelutions, all looking like, well, caged animals. At once I demanded that the house owner explain himself, and he said that they were one of his sources of food (I assume by this he meant that he hunted for them in the forest/plains).

The next few moments were a blur, and before I knew it I was back at what I assume was my home. There I was pondering how to help the poor things because if you think about it, it would be like eating cats or dogs. You just don't do it. The phone started ringing, and I picked it up. Somehow, through what I assumed was telepathy, one of the house owner's pets told me that if I was careful enough, I could release the eeveelutions without being caught in the act.

The next day, while the house owner was doing his own thing on one side of the house, I undid the latch on the first cage, and all of the contained eeveelutions bolted out, running out of the door I had left open. The noise caused by the cage being opened caught the attention of the house owner, and when he noticed that I had let half of the eeveelutions loose he scolded me. I ended up retorting with how wrong it was to keep them holed up like that and for that purpose.

Surprisingly, he didn't fire me, and instead went back to doing his own thing on the other side of the house. Once I was sure he was out of earshot this time, I went to work on the other cage. Even though at a glance the spike seemed like it was firmly wedged into the lock, I was able to easily remove it. This time only most of the eeveelutions inside jumped out and ran out the door. I had to help a few of them out myself due to them being weakened by their imprisonment.

After I had finished helping all of them escape, I ran out the door and outside. There I saw all of the eeveelutions I helped escape making their way onto the grassy plain. I tried to cautiously follow them, not wanting to spook them, but with every step I made they retreated two or three. Eventually I just sat down on the ground and waited. Soon enough, a Sylveon broke from the group and ran up to me, jumping up into my arms and hugging my shoulder. Through telepathy, it thanked me for freeing it and its friends. It was then that the dream ended.
I wish I had memorable dreams like this one more often...

EDIT: Fixed up the spoiler so it isn't a gross wall of text anymore.
Feb 11, 2015 at 9:54 PM
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Last night I had a dream where I had my first beer. It tasted kinda meh, and I wondered why people liked it so much.

wonder what caused that. maybe my shitty pre-calculus grade is so bad it's compelled my subconscious to drink ;-;
Feb 12, 2015 at 1:46 AM
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I remember i was dreaming something and it was really good quality 100/100 metacritic stuff. But i forget what. then i woke up in the middle of it because my cat started barfing in my bed.
Dec 4, 2016 at 1:26 AM
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I was nodding off as the final round went on, despite my initial determination to be a good competitor who learned from his most skilled opponents. When I left, eyelids falling implacably like heavy snow piling on, I scattered my things, sat down out of sight in the dark, deserted classroom and fell asleep after getting comfortable and hunkering down, head in arms.

Free from muddled descent into unconsciousness via some huge intake of Internet Garbage, my dreams were beautiful. They intertwined, one into and out from the other, unless the relevant Muse saw fit to remove others from my grasp. In one I was among a trio (or a quartet?) of rather young, black female singers (was I a sister?), in the other, one of a group with two white or Asian brothers (was I a brother?).

With the sisters, as I assume we were, beauty was easy. Our voices flowed like honey, and we were attending a carnival + concert show of some sort. (I specifically remember seeing a friend from school among our ranks.) As we ate and made merry, perhaps engaging in other activity with the other stars at that long, long table under the big screen and stage and seeming moonlight, someone - perhaps my sister - got it into her head to make some mischievous fun. I couldn’t help but agree. We got up, stirred our table mates into frenzy, then took our place in the conga line that ensued among and around the surprisingly small big tops and performers. Quickly my section realized that we hadn’t a chance, the line broken for reasons unknown until an elephant ridden by a carnie broke amiably into the scene. We broke to a left path, some ahead went right then changed course, things were scattered and we stepped on top of a loose piece of tent in our getaway. It was a ruckus, a catastrophe - everyone crying out, laughing, shouting and whooping as we wove around the patient elephant and the cursing carnie.

There may have been more, I may remember singing or being onstage with a crowd, but that was enough. It was a wonderful night, scented with a good sweat and lots of mirth.

The other dream was closer to a game, a modern variant of the figurine/enemy collecting sort. I and my brothers visited some sort of waterpark in our quest, and took a ride on the single attraction. I realize now as I realized then that it was very expensive, something like $14.95 per ride per person, and I was treating all three of us. Worse, I went on the ride three times. But I didn’t care, because my usual, irritating hormonal impulses didn’t trigger and yet such a clean ebullience - so visceral, vivid and desired - went through my body as I went down the various sections that I didn’t want to do anything else. Near the bottom, in a connected two rooms styled after an undersea cave and surrounded by exits of darkness, I saw my youngest brother floating underwater in the next room (or were we both underwater?). In my second trip, or was it the third, I saw to my right as I headed towards him a mossy green, ogre or hippo like creature - straight out of Dark Souls yet only one or two feet tall - stumble-swimming towards me from out of a hole in the wall under the water. I recognized it as a figurine design, but hurried along out of its reach and to the main event.

It surrounded me like an FMV. My brother floating unconscious underwater, space suddenly no longer completely bound to the cramped cave walls of the previous room. I notice a little eel, or a snake, wrapped around his arm, and softly uncoiling and removing it I push it off into the water. The serpentine being, or beings, are speaking words I don’t believe I cared to hear and can’t remember. There were many, and I threw them all into the void, fearing that they’d consume him. I don’t recall whether they helped with the quest or threatened, but when my work was done I was left there with him, he who logically should have drowned then and I with him. It was only on my third ride that I realized the events, the fear I felt when seeing that serpent, and their words were all repeated. I vowed not to go on the ride any further. After being abandoned to floating we cut to surfacing above a trash-infested sea?lake?facility?pond?, the end of the road. We were left there awhile, reflecting, my two living brothers and I. Dream or vision within a dream? The waters were almost white, it felt, and I don’t know whether we were surrounded by a background of pool, endless ocean below a wooden structure supporting a home, or clearing with a pond. I only know that the second was the site of another dream, once in the misty past, of our family taking vacation in a small home above the ocean. The site, my own dreaming sight, was beautiful despite or because of the multicolored trash in the ocean/pond/pool, especially thanks to the unique music playing. At once familiar of Stickerbush Symphony, Aquatic Ambiance especially, and its ilk, yet full of mysterious power and charm, the song was playing in my head as I woke and stayed playing for some time, though like many dreamed things it was not mine to keep entirely and I made no effort to record it. I only have its memory now, at least for the moment.

Somehow, we dried off and headed back to the inside of the hotel or waterpark. We were rewarded with figurines for taking the ride, on my third trip one was an upgrade version of one I’d received for the first or second trip and as far as I remembered we always received an oyster figurine that looked like a geode. I was afraid that the oyster would close around my fingers with its sharp bristles, though it never did, and carefully carried it and the others to a vague brown structure where we deposited them.

That’s as far as I remember, but even as one was winding down the other was cycling in with fresh enjoyment, over and over they repeated, a whirlwind of dreams. As I woke, bundled up in my too-large warm jacket, mouth dry and clammy, feet unused to the sudden rising, item-gathering, exiting I performed, and jangling from my many backpack parts like a sleigh bell, I had a very real and powerful fear that I was completely alone in an abandoned school at night. (I also felt weirdly relieved, in that amusing just-woke-up way, that I hadn’t spent $161.55 on waterpark rides.) Yet I had specifically (and at the very least) unsilenced my phone prior to that wondrous siesta, and saw nothing but the late hour of 5:03. Somehow, something (an angel or fairy, my relieved coach said) had woken me up at just such a time that award ceremonies, the longest and most agonizing part of the day, had just ended, and I found my way back to society just as my team emerged for the buses. A rare blessing, on top of an uncommonly good tournament, that I won’t forget for some time to come.
Dec 4, 2016 at 2:35 AM
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I was nodding off as the final round went on, despite my initial determination to be a good competitor who learned from his most skilled opponents. When I left, eyelids falling implacably like heavy snow piling on, I scattered my things, sat down out of sight in the dark, deserted classroom and fell asleep after getting comfortable and hunkering down, head in arms.

Free from muddled descent into unconsciousness via some huge intake of Internet Garbage, my dreams were beautiful. They intertwined, one into and out from the other, unless the relevant Muse saw fit to remove others from my grasp. In one I was among a trio (or a quartet?) of rather young, black female singers (was I a sister?), in the other, one of a group with two white or Asian brothers (was I a brother?).

With the sisters, as I assume we were, beauty was easy. Our voices flowed like honey, and we were attending a carnival + concert show of some sort. (I specifically remember seeing a friend from school among our ranks.) As we ate and made merry, perhaps engaging in other activity with the other stars at that long, long table under the big screen and stage and seeming moonlight, someone - perhaps my sister - got it into her head to make some mischievous fun. I couldn’t help but agree. We got up, stirred our table mates into frenzy, then took our place in the conga line that ensued among and around the surprisingly small big tops and performers. Quickly my section realized that we hadn’t a chance, the line broken for reasons unknown until an elephant ridden by a carnie broke amiably into the scene. We broke to a left path, some ahead went right then changed course, things were scattered and we stepped on top of a loose piece of tent in our getaway. It was a ruckus, a catastrophe - everyone crying out, laughing, shouting and whooping as we wove around the patient elephant and the cursing carnie.

There may have been more, I may remember singing or being onstage with a crowd, but that was enough. It was a wonderful night, scented with a good sweat and lots of mirth.

The other dream was closer to a game, a modern variant of the figurine/enemy collecting sort. I and my brothers visited some sort of waterpark in our quest, and took a ride on the single attraction. I realize now as I realized then that it was very expensive, something like $14.95 per ride per person, and I was treating all three of us. Worse, I went on the ride three times. But I didn’t care, because my usual, irritating hormonal impulses didn’t trigger and yet such a clean ebullience - so visceral, vivid and desired - went through my body as I went down the various sections that I didn’t want to do anything else. Near the bottom, in a connected two rooms styled after an undersea cave and surrounded by exits of darkness, I saw my youngest brother floating underwater in the next room (or were we both underwater?). In my second trip, or was it the third, I saw to my right as I headed towards him a mossy green, ogre or hippo like creature - straight out of Dark Souls yet only one or two feet tall - stumble-swimming towards me from out of a hole in the wall under the water. I recognized it as a figurine design, but hurried along out of its reach and to the main event.

It surrounded me like an FMV. My brother floating unconscious underwater, space suddenly no longer completely bound to the cramped cave walls of the previous room. I notice a little eel, or a snake, wrapped around his arm, and softly uncoiling and removing it I push it off into the water. The serpentine being, or beings, are speaking words I don’t believe I cared to hear and can’t remember. There were many, and I threw them all into the void, fearing that they’d consume him. I don’t recall whether they helped with the quest or threatened, but when my work was done I was left there with him, he who logically should have drowned then and I with him. It was only on my third ride that I realized the events, the fear I felt when seeing that serpent, and their words were all repeated. I vowed not to go on the ride any further. After being abandoned to floating we cut to surfacing above a trash-infested sea?lake?facility?pond?, the end of the road. We were left there awhile, reflecting, my two living brothers and I. Dream or vision within a dream? The waters were almost white, it felt, and I don’t know whether we were surrounded by a background of pool, endless ocean below a wooden structure supporting a home, or clearing with a pond. I only know that the second was the site of another dream, once in the misty past, of our family taking vacation in a small home above the ocean. The site, my own dreaming sight, was beautiful despite or because of the multicolored trash in the ocean/pond/pool, especially thanks to the unique music playing. At once familiar of Stickerbush Symphony, Aquatic Ambiance especially, and its ilk, yet full of mysterious power and charm, the song was playing in my head as I woke and stayed playing for some time, though like many dreamed things it was not mine to keep entirely and I made no effort to record it. I only have its memory now, at least for the moment.

Somehow, we dried off and headed back to the inside of the hotel or waterpark. We were rewarded with figurines for taking the ride, on my third trip one was an upgrade version of one I’d received for the first or second trip and as far as I remembered we always received an oyster figurine that looked like a geode. I was afraid that the oyster would close around my fingers with its sharp bristles, though it never did, and carefully carried it and the others to a vague brown structure where we deposited them.

That’s as far as I remember, but even as one was winding down the other was cycling in with fresh enjoyment, over and over they repeated, a whirlwind of dreams. As I woke, bundled up in my too-large warm jacket, mouth dry and clammy, feet unused to the sudden rising, item-gathering, exiting I performed, and jangling from my many backpack parts like a sleigh bell, I had a very real and powerful fear that I was completely alone in an abandoned school at night. (I also felt weirdly relieved, in that amusing just-woke-up way, that I hadn’t spent $161.55 on waterpark rides.) Yet I had specifically (and at the very least) unsilenced my phone prior to that wondrous siesta, and saw nothing but the late hour of 5:03. Somehow, something (an angel or fairy, my relieved coach said) had woken me up at just such a time that award ceremonies, the longest and most agonizing part of the day, had just ended, and I found my way back to society just as my team emerged for the buses. A rare blessing, on top of an uncommonly good tournament, that I won’t forget for some time to come.

Sounds like a cool ride.
Dec 4, 2016 at 4:12 AM
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I woke up in my dream as a pancake and got eaten....death must really be an experience.
Dec 4, 2016 at 4:13 PM
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Last night:
I went to physics or math class, sat at my desk and realized I had been absent a lot this semester. I had been getting A's but, my classmates were dubious if I could pass suddenly showing up this late in the game...
A project was due tomorrow I had yet to check it out or start it, and there was an exam right around the corner D: Was wracking my brain on how to deal with doing everything overnight, not to mention extended family was staying over at home.

Was HAPPY to wake up and realize it was just a dream lol
... It is just a dream right???

Other notable dreams, 2 days ago?:
I was part of some kind of attack on a complex city sized labyrinthine structure... I don't remember the details, except I do recall seeing two enemies at an upper platform and sent out a blast of lightning to annihilate them. Spotting the direction of one of their staging points, I warped over to the distant platform, leaving the others and followed the path... Eventually finding the enemy. I boldly walked through their army during their preparations, suddenly demanding their surrender to their surprise. When the likely overpowered, cool and collected general stepped out he probably told the army to dispose of me. ...Fortunately, I was my favorite overpowered sorcerer and the following involved a grim scene... Many simply exploded, others literally blown to dust... When they got close, the black blade of disaster appeared in my hand which further cut the incoming down in a wave. Slowing down time to avoid attacks you could see their morale turn 360. ...I don't remember what happened with the general, but I imagine there was a noteworthy battle against him...
The last thing I remember was sprouting blazing red fallen angel/phoenix wings and being satisfied with the routing; flying and returning to see how the others fared since I had left them alone.

There was at least one other dream that night which involved cars and shootouts I think. D:
Quite a contrast to last night's dreams D:
Just woke up half way through the night... here's the tail end of the dream (last minute of it)...

Don't remember much of it now, tried to start a sketch of the thing...
Basically I was walking around my "house" that was actually a giant Cthulhu tree thing that expanded overhead, covered in countless "eyeball" seeds. While the picture has a little more organic random feel, it was more like pipe works in its layout which I didn't convey too much. Anyway, was walking around it, and those eye things would fall when I walked around causing the "thing" to spread throughout the yard quickly. I was hopping over that stuff and avoiding getting hit by the "eyeball" seeds which had a spike on them, making them dangerous as they fell all around.

Was making my way to the backside of the "house" while singing some kind of creepy tune which would cause a Troll or another critter to come out of the muddy ground and attempt to pull you into that nasty looking grave-like muddy pit. I was singing or saying something that would cause the right Troll or creature to attack me, because there was another monster or something nearby that I wanted to avoid meeting. And I had to say the right thing to the Troll to avoid being pulled in by him.

All I know is I woke up shortly after this scene. I don't think I wanted to know what happened next, since I was kinda just trying to stay alive lol. Though it took me a while after waking up to actually classify it as a nightmare, (despite the insane imagery which I am not properly conveying), since it wasn't too scary, just stressful.
There was a space battle commander like game in full 3d, obviously based on a phone game I play, Galaxy Legend. Don't remember enough about the dream, but it was pretty cool.
Was in my old messy room... When I noticed Dad had brought in Lego creations with a lot of surface area. Some buildings and a space ship. Went to the room he was in to jokingly say, nice lego skills. But, apparently he actually DID build one of them and I was impressed!
Checking the Cave Story Forums...
Andwhyisit made a post about each member's contribution to the forum. I liked what he said. I think some of my contributions to the theory section (once upon a time) were mentioned for me. Didn't get to read more than that... I woke up!
Last edited:
Dec 26, 2016 at 4:22 AM
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Last night I dreamt a very strange dream. I was sent by my mother to find something, but got swept up in a jetski(?) race. I was on the jetski with 3 middle-aged guys. 2 were in white shirts and 1 was in a black shirt with yellow sides. The other competitors used a lot of dirty tactics, and at some point punched one of the white shirt guys off. We were coming in fourth place just as we were aproaching the finish line. I thought that fourth place wasn't so bad, but my two companions jumped off backwards just before we passed the line and didn't resurface. The referee disqualified me because i needed at least 2 team members to cross the finish line, and took away my jetski. People in my dreams are pricks.
Jan 1, 2017 at 1:01 PM
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I had a dream AGES ago, that I still remember vividly
I was walking through a forest, the air seemed green. I heard an old man say *Hey!* I looked up and saw an old guy in a tree, he had 3 teeth left and had small amounts of hair. He then fell from the tree and the resounding thud of a fridge door woke me up.
Jan 7, 2017 at 9:40 AM
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i don't fucking dream
Jan 14, 2017 at 4:22 PM
Serenity now, insanity later.
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Chad Kroeger got arrested for molesting kids and that's why no one likes Nickelback anymore
Jan 14, 2017 at 6:39 PM
Soup Man
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I dreamed I was playing Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, only to wake up and find out I WAS playing it, but fell asleep. Waking up was very confusing because I forgot where I was in the game because I was confusing it with my dream because my dream was about me playing the game.
Jan 14, 2017 at 8:37 PM
Been here way too long...
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I dreamt that I was waking up and having breakfast, packing my bag, and rushing to college. After I woke up I realised the only thing that was weird in my dream was that I was eating a lunch-associated food for breakfast.
The one time I remember a dream, and it has to be something boring like this.