What caused the explosion in Egg Corridor?

Dec 2, 2009 at 7:04 PM
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I used the search button to find an answer for this, if it exists and I didn`t find it sorry.

I think it was not the Doctor nor his henchman, because the blue robot guy (at the beginning of the level) didn`t know what caused it, even though he was there all the time (even before the explosion). He could be an eyewithness, but he didn`t see anyone. What do you think?
Dec 2, 2009 at 8:00 PM
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I've kinda suspected the big bomb thing in the middle had something to do with it, maybe there were more of them that exploded. Or maybe when the dragons hatched they started wreaking havoc.
Dec 2, 2009 at 8:15 PM
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wedge of cheese said:
I've kinda suspected the big bomb thing in the middle had something to do with it, maybe there were more of them that exploded. Or maybe when the dragons hatched they started wreaking havoc.

Remember when you defeat the core, and the screen shakes a bit? (I think it did). I think the egg corridor was damaged due to the core being out of comission for about 5 minutes, and the shaking/falling of the island caused/started all of the chaos in the egg corridor. Besides, most of the damage in the egg corridor looks structural, too much just to be the big bomb exploder's work.
Dec 2, 2009 at 9:26 PM
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Huh, ya know, this makes me think.

Here's my theory:

The eggs you see in Egg Corridor aren't healthy. By my assumption, they are all dead. So, the rotting dragons left a noxious, explosive cloud to destroy the egg and release the zombie dragon.

If that holds true, then clouds were set off when the island started to shake when Quote defeated the core. Thus the destroyed corridor.

My only question now is why is there only one cloud bomb? what caused the dragon's eggs to die? WHY ZOMBIE DRAGONS?!?!

Its kinda confusing.
Dec 2, 2009 at 9:54 PM
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However, the consoles in the Egg Observation Room say that all the eggs except no. 1 and 6 are OK. I don't think they would all go bad in such short time.

Anyway, I've always figured that the explosion was due to the No.00 hatching. Though that doesn't make much sense...
Dec 2, 2009 at 10:12 PM
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Ballos, the root of all evil.

I thought I read somewhere that the cause of the destruction in the Egg Corridor was mainly chalked up to Ballos.
Without the Core to keep his powers in check, it all was just let loose in an explosive way, wrecking places like the Egg Corridor and creating horrors like the Zombie Dragons.
It would have had to have been chaotic destruction at random, for the Outer Wall is completely untouched, even though it sits right next to the Eggs.
At least, this is my favored theory.
Dec 2, 2009 at 10:17 PM
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I just assumed it had something to do with Basil...
Dec 2, 2009 at 10:26 PM
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I believe it was just structure damage. when the core was dying the island started falling and shook up places. Just maybe pixel decided he wanted to show it in the egg corridor most.

For the outer wall

By VoidMage_Lowell
for the Outer Wall is completely untouched...

Not necessarily, I mean we didnt see the Outer Wall before the shake up. Bits of ledges may have fallen off. Some of the backing sprites look crumbeled.
Theres wierd random gaps which could suggest vigourosly shaking of the island

I wasnt trying to be all clever and prove you wrong just pointing it out :(
Dec 2, 2009 at 10:28 PM
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JetHawk95 said:
Not necessarily, I mean we didnt see the Outer Wall before the shake up. Bits of ledges may have fallen off. Some of the backing sprites look crumbeled.
Theres wierd random gaps which could suggest vigourosly shaking of the island

I wasnt trying to be all clever and prove you wrong just pointing it out :(
Oh right!
For some reason I assumed you visited the Outer Wall before the Core...
Well, thanks for the correction.
Hmhm, but this gives me an idea....
Dec 2, 2009 at 10:32 PM
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And what is this most super idea of yours?
Dec 2, 2009 at 10:36 PM
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Well, you see, when whyme and a spambot get together... They give birth to a Ryuuotan...
And she destroys everything.
So obviously...
I'm dead...
Dec 3, 2009 at 4:03 AM
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The Sisters were almost ready to hatch, that's why they could fly. They were healthier than all the others. I'll also assume they're twins from the same egg, just because... it makes sense, especially from Pixel's view. The other 15 dragons were not fully developed yet, so they couldn't live long outside the eggs. Whatever destroyed the Corridor also smashed the eggs.
The Egg Corridor was destroyed by an explosion, I'm fairly sure the robot said so. The stalactites and spikes were just added because Pixel wanted to make the game harder. I can't think of a logical reason for them ot suddenly appear. As for the explosion mentioned, it could have been anything. The Ballos explanation kinda makes sense, if he just unleashed energy on a random place. And the ball of gas could have had something to do with it, or it could be a result of ruptured gas pipes.
Dec 3, 2009 at 2:18 PM
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When I first played CS I thought the bombs were manufactured by the doctor to prevent escape from the island by sky dragons.

Or did the Kazuma wanted to fire his fart? ;) Intestine gases explode FOR REAL, you can learn about THAT even in medical books (one of the SERIOUS and FRIGHTENING dangers of colonoscopy is explosion, for e.g. at polypectomy). PROOF: http://www.wjgnet.com/1007-9327/13/5295.pdf Who says you can not learn medicine by playing games?
Dec 3, 2009 at 3:15 PM
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If the Counter Bomb was randomly created, how does it count? As far as I know, random gas clouds don't count down from five and explode after you shoot them. It must have been created by a human. Or a Mimiga. Or a robot. Or a witch. Or a- Well, you know what I mean...
Theory: What if there've been multiple Counter Bombs stored somewhere inside the Egg Corridor and they've gone off during the 'quake after the Core fight?
Dec 3, 2009 at 10:54 PM
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I think Misery probably destroyed the egg corridor. Summoning those bomb clouds, basically she just wrecked all the eggs that she could find. [Luckily for Kazuma, he probably already hatched the sky dragon to escape, and got out of there before Misery showed up. Either that, or Misery just didn't see the egg since it was in a seperate room; and Misery probably just nuked the place and thought she got everything.]

Why Misery? Well, remember Booster and Sue just got captured, along with chomp,chomp the mimiga (Sue told him and who knows who else about the Dragons.) When you leave for the Sand Zone, Kazuma said I think says something about securing the escape route.
"Kazuma" said:
After you left for the Sand Zone, the rest of us hurried to secure a means of escape. That's when Misery showed up. Sue got taken off with her, and I haven't seen the professor...

Okay after reading the quote, that pretty much settles it I think... Misery found them while they were securing a means of escape [probably Egg Corridor], blew the place to pieces, taking Sue and Booster... [but Kazuma got away!]

I don't think the Egg Corridor belongs to the Doctor anyways. Remember Igor? He said DON'T TOUCH MASTER'S PRECIOUS EGGS. I think Igor is probably referring to Miakid, the last Demon Crown owner (from the war). The Doctor hadn't even seen the Red Flower before the storehouse from his dialogue... "So that's the Demon Flower..." or something "would you like me to test it's effects?" "No... feed it to a Mimiga instead."

So, I think Igor has probably been around since the 10 years ago. There might be red flower petals around the bed; but that just means maybe he grew his own red flowers? The flowers were in the control monitoring room for the eggs. So I imagine he's been running the place while the master was gone... Who knows maybe he'd have fed red flowers to Sue if he had the time to. Who else would be crazy enough to hide the ID card and computer inside an EGG! And remember the forcefield was up when Quote got there, but Igor and Sue were already inside... so he knows about everything; even if he's crazy. Is Igor wearing a tie? or a necklace? hmmm...

Anyways yeah I think the Egg Corridor was used by Miakid to make Dragons attack... As for zombie dragons... what if... the eggs had been fed Red Flower stuff? I mean how else would they be Zombie dragons... I think he was up to no good. Maybe only egg 00 was raised properly..? Well a theory anyways.

Oh btw my original theory was that Kazuma caused the explosion accidently xD But, my above one makes more sense now.

(Extra theory : Personally I think the Sky Dragons used to inhabit this island quite a bit, and maybe before the scientists and humans came 10+ years ago..) Dating back to the crocodile/old dragon Crown Bearer. No proof, but since Sky Dragons exist on the island... I might be led to believe once upon a time perhaps there lived MANY more. My personal theory anyways... [Imagines a giant dragon boss for the 2nd crown bearer...]

Alternative theory : With Igor gone, and nobody to monitor the eggs, all havoc broke loose?
Dec 3, 2009 at 11:28 PM
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X-Calibar said:
Okay after reading the quote, that pretty much settles it I think... Misery found them while they were securing a means of escape [probably Egg Corridor], blew the place to pieces, taking Sue and Booster... [but Kazuma got away!]

In order for that quote to settle the argument, it must be assumed that they were in the egg corridor when Misery found them and that misery is capable of causing such great damage, which is unconfirmed/unlikely.

Not that a question like this can be settled, simple due to the lack of facts/explanation from the author.

I still say the "egg corridor was shaken by loss of core for 1 minute" makes sense, since both are major events, and the timing makes sense. Plus the damage is structural and such, and everything looks a bit shifted or out of place. As if an earthquake hit the place, not explosions or such.

Plus with the misery theory she would have to be extremely powerful to do that much damage to the egg corridor, and yet she can't even beat you in a fight on the balcony. I don't believe she would have been able to destroy the egg corridor that much.

Also they would have to be pretty foolhardy to try to escape through the egg corridor with the sky dragons, since only one was immediately hatchable. Or maybe they were hoping for more to be hatchable, but that's a stretch.

As for the gas cloud explody dude, he was probably just something pixel wanted to make, but never got used much in terms of gameplay and such. He's most likely a living entity though, due to his eyes and that you can hear (or see, rather) him counting. It seems unlikely that he would be a technological artifact.
Dec 3, 2009 at 11:52 PM
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Change of plans

Wow, I never thought about Misery doing any of this.
That actually makes a lot of sense.
And we had a theory thread going on about Igor earlier, and you said basically what we came up with. ;);
As for the Zombie Dragons, I think either Misery's magic had a surprising side-affect or Ballos' magic simply brought them back to life when the Core was damaged.
I'm changing to this theory, now....
Plus with the misery theory she would have to be extremely powerful to do that much damage to the egg corridor, and yet she can't even beat you in a fight on the balcony. I don't believe she would have been able to destroy the egg corridor that much.
Maybe Misery just has horrid aim, which made it rather easy to dodge all of her attacks on the Balcony.
Her lightning could pack a punch....
Also they would have to be pretty foolhardy to try to escape through the egg corridor with the sky dragons, since only one was immediately hatchable. Or maybe they were hoping for more to be hatchable, but that's a stretch.
Desperate times call for desperate measures?
Not like they had much else where to go....
Dec 3, 2009 at 11:58 PM
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I don't know about the Core causing much shaking on the island or even causing it to fall at all...
Maybe I need to play the Core battle again, but if I recall correctly, only the Core shook, and not the whole room. Also, the other areas, GrassTown (or whatever it's called now..), the Labyrinth, Mimiga Village, basically every area except the Egg Corridor looks the same. What about the flooding? Well, I think the Core or something related to it regulated the water, so with it taken; the water returned to the lowest point... maybe. Anyways, there was no water in the corridor.

I think Misery could probably destroy the corridor, assuming she could summon those explody clouds. I personally think the Egg Corridor had a lot of pipes and stuff right? Maybe it was volatile and caused a chain reaction, which might explain why the left side of the corridor is so messed up, yet the right side is mostly untouched...
Or maybe just releasing the Sisters caused all sorts of havoc, the cloud could just be a figuratively colorful way of showing you how unstable the place was, and that you needed to .... well anyways; many ways to see it.

As for Misery; I think she's quite powerful, she killed me many times ;)
All the hundreds of robots in the Core area couldn't beat the Core. Yet, Quote and Curly singlehandedly beat it, they also beat BALLOS, the one who blew up a kingdom... yet he wasn't THAT hard. I think Pixel just didn't make Misery or Ballos as tough as blowing up a kingdom hard.

My opinions anyways..

EDIT: didn't check to see if anyone else posted before I finally hit submit... Heya! :p
Desperate times call for desperate measures?
Not like they had much else where to go....
lol personally... in my mod, the pink bike that Kazuma trashed... that bike was capable of flying off the island.
And Kazuma trashed it 8O

lol that would support the theory that Kazuma caused the Egg Corridor's destruction xD
Dec 4, 2009 at 12:01 AM
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X-Calibar said:
As for Misery; I think she's quite powerful, she killed me many times ;)
All the hundreds of robots in the Core area couldn't beat the Core. Yet, Quote and Curly singlehandedly beat it, they also beat BALLOS, the one who blew up a kingdom... yet he wasn't THAT hard. I think Pixel just didn't make Misery or Ballos as tough as blowing up a kingdom hard.

My opinions anyways..

Curly cannot take any damage during the core fight.

Curly is literally invincible, unless she manages to drown.
Dec 4, 2009 at 12:20 AM
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Re: Change of plans

VoidMage_Lowell said:
Maybe Misery just has horrid aim, which made it rather easy to dodge all of her attacks on the Balcony.
Her lightning could pack a punch....
When you possess the power to demolish a whole corridor, you don't need to aim.

I don't believe Misery did it. Well, maybe if she summoned/created/whatever a few gas clouds and set them off... Also, "the 'quake after the Core fight did it" theory would only make sense if the Core Chamber and the Egg Corridor were near each other, which I don't think is the case, since the Labyrinth is deep inside the Island and the Egg Corridor is near the Island's surface. What I think is possible is that, as I said earlier, there were multiple Counter Bombs hidden throughout the Corridor as a self-destruct mechanism, maybe as the last resort in case of the eggs being capptured by an enemy. As Igor said, "NOONE CAN TOUCH MASTER'S PERCIOUS EGGS" *snicker*. At any cost, anyone?