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Vine Story+ Mod

Oct 22, 2016 at 7:49 AM
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I once had a dream to make a mod for Doukutsu Monogatari, a mod for the Vinesauce community starring the main streamer and founder of the team; Vincent P. Pasta. That dream was promptly crushed when I found out that it would be massively difficult to portray the detail I wanted on such large pixels. So the lack of motivation, and the increase in difficulty of the job had pretty much crushed the hopes of making it. Fast forward 2 years later to earlier this month. I decided to try again, this time with CS+, So far I've gotten most of the Egg Corridor done, and I've done a little bit of work in some other places, I know that this is still an early product, but I just figured I'd show it off. (Despite it being barely anything to gawk at or be proud of)

I've still got much to do, but I can confirm that Vinny, Joel, and Rev's sprites are all done and aren't TOO likely to change. I didn't really want to give away many things, so I kept the screenshots to a minimum, download it and try it out if you want, I'm not begging anyone, or forcing anyone. Curly's sprites and Dialogue are GUARANTEED to change, so go look at em all you want now, before they're fixed up. I suggest that you really only try this if you're a Vinesauce fan, as there's going to be a lot of humor and references that are specific to the crew. So far, all of the humor in it is Vinny's, yet I plan to include some Joel memes and Rev memes. Is this mod basically cancer? Yeah. Pretty much. But I had a dream, and I will make it come true! While the Alpha 'supposedly' ends when the dialogue tells you, you can still go on ahead and see scattered differences.

For anyone wondering about a Vine Story Original, it MAY happen after the mod is done. It also MAY not.





Oct 22, 2016 at 10:30 AM
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A ... Cave Story+ mod?! How will this work?
So, first of all. You should remove all the images/sounds that you're not using in your mod. This is because they cost money and come exclusively with Cave Story+ (except for the files from the freeware title). This way people who own CS+ (Cave Story+) can just backup their directory and then copy all the edited files in. But: You really shouldn't be re-distributing files from Cave Story+ in the first place, edited or un-edited.

-Also, please remove the other mods from the directory.

-OK, so you have to turn off Japanese, and go to the "New" graphics setting to see the new content. You might wanna add Japanese support (or at least tell the player they can't play in Japanese), and add graphics to the "Original" graphics setting in later versions.

-So, like; I'm not really a Vinesauce fan, I just like some of his content... but to me, this character looks... like Quote.

-Oh, and the second transmission is completely un-edited. -_-

-The "Baby Gun" is still called the "POLAR STAR" when viewed in your inventory.

-"'HES' such an cruel evil person" -- So besides the fact that they're always capitalising "'HE'", or "'HIM'"; This one should be '"HE'S" such an cruel evil person,' or, alternatively: '"HE" is such an cruel evil person.'

-Allegedly the "Egg Corridor" is now "Egglike Home" (which should be "Egg-Like Home," by the way), but in the teleporter it still says "Egg Corridor," so I guess that was bullshit.

-Oh, look, these blue things which clearly haven't had much care put into their spriting turn into behemoths when shot - how amusing!

-Streamer from the Surface, huh? Fine, I'll keep going. Ignoring the fact that you didn't even change Sue or her dialogue.

-Are there gonna be any modifications to like... the level design? Or enemy placement? I've played this game more than I want to know, when are you going to make this entertaining? Or challenging? Or... NEW?

-Beat Speaking Gibberish-Mc.Igor in 15 seconds. I'm bored.

-You just made me sit trough Sue's fucking dialogue... AGAIN, just so she'd tell me that that was it.


I had hope for this mod, mainly because of the number of graphical changes... but I was wrong to hope for something like that. I'll have pin this one down as being just another "Cave Story again, but..." mod.

Yeah. I had a feeling that this would happen. I totally understand. I'm still working on learning the ropes of modding, so I'll make better things in due time, but yeah for now I can't help but say that I DID tell you that it's barely anything to gawk at. I meant it. AS for the all caps HIM and HE, I was planning on making the doctor into 'Grand Da' and working around that, but have yet to do so.
Oct 22, 2016 at 11:14 AM
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Now um, don't really watch much Vinesauce, so it's time for me to see how many references I miss!

- So um, it's good that you put in how to replace the data folder in the Steam version, though it can be done much easier if you have the humble bundle version, too! Actually, a zipped folder with the humble bundle version with the mod in it may work better!

- Neat disclaimer. Though if you want to keep the dialogue from the second Zazuma scene, maybe put in the disclaimer before the first Zazuma scene, so you wouldn't have to replace it.

- As what Zxin said, the Babby Gun is still called Polar Star in the menu.

- This was a Vinesauce meme?

- There's probably too many vinesauce themed graphics for me to count, but I like what you did with some of them.

- I also have to agree with Zxin on this: Vinny does look like he's just Quote, mainly because of the antennae that's still attached to him.

- Okay, yeah. I think it's going to take someone who's watched plenty of Vinesauce to explain all of this in the mod for me.

Yeah, my review's probably not that helpful at all. This is a neat concept, though this mod should probably take more of an original route than a "Cave Story again, but..." mod.

Also, thank you for saying this to Zxin on his "I had hope, but I was wrong" sentence.
I can't help but say that I DID tell you that it's barely anything to gawk at.
Keep working hard, and you'll be sure to make it a good mod!
Oct 22, 2016 at 11:33 AM
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Now um, don't really watch much Vinesauce, so it's time for me to see how many references I miss!

- So um, it's good that you put in how to replace the data folder in the Steam version, though it can be done much easier if you have the humble bundle version, too! Actually, a zipped folder with the humble bundle version with the mod in it may work better!

- Neat disclaimer. Though if you want to keep the dialogue from the second Zazuma scene, maybe put in the disclaimer before the first Zazuma scene, so you wouldn't have to replace it.

- As what Zxin said, the Babby Gun is still called Polar Star in the menu.

- This was a Vinesauce meme?

- There's probably too many vinesauce themed graphics for me to count, but I like what you did with some of them.

- I also have to agree with Zxin on this: Vinny does look like he's just Quote, mainly because of the antennae that's still attached to him.

- Okay, yeah. I think it's going to take someone who's watched plenty of Vinesauce to explain all of this in the mod for me.

Yeah, my review's probably not that helpful at all. This is a neat concept, though this mod should probably take more of an original route than a "Cave Story again, but..." mod.

Also, thank you for saying this to Zxin on his "I had hope, but I was wrong" sentence.

Keep working hard, and you'll be sure to make it a good mod!

I will try. There's much to be done, and I'm less of an artist and more of a writer as it is. The blue things are basically spheredogs from the 'Fantabulous Game.' (Yeah, didn't really expect many people to get it, and it's not very good sprite work as it is.) Thank you anyway.
Oct 22, 2016 at 2:00 PM
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Ooooohhh Vine Story+ huh
I'm incredibly intrigued, but as several people pointed out, it has to be WAY more than "Cave Story again, but..."
Either way, I hope the finished product will be as awesome as I hope it will, and who knows, maybe Vinny will even play it one day
I mean he played Cave No Story and that mod is pretty much just "Take cave story and remove 99% of everything that made it good"
Oct 22, 2016 at 5:43 PM
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I mean he played Cave No Story and that mod is pretty much just "Take cave story and remove 99% of everything that made it good"
*deep sigh* That was only because some idiot recommended it to him, even though it was specifically made only for the forums to play at that specific 2014 low-point in modding. He verbatim said it was one of the worst streams he ever did, and that falls on the guy who thought it would be a good idea to send it to someone who was trying to entertain an audience.
Oct 22, 2016 at 5:47 PM
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very interesting idea! as a Vinesauce fan myself (though I admittedly don't watch all the streamers) I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this completed.
while it seems that all you have done so far is sprite edits and slight dialogue changes, I like what you've got so far. most of the sprite edits are pretty good, I like the addition of the Vineshroom into the moon and the life refill station (though was it in the life capsule? if not, you might want to change that). Vinny and Rev's sprites are pretty good, but I feel like Joel's might need a bit of work. Maybe you could work in the skeleton motif a bit more, since that's pretty much his thing. Though I do feel like the choice of who is in each difficulty mode is pretty good. Do you plan on incorporating the other streamers in some way though? Obviously not as playable characters (although you could add one of them through the mask item), but just through slight cameos. For example, maybe you could replace the guy at the computer with GPM, who is forced to browse Miiverse and begs Vinny/Rev/Joel to save him. Alternatively, whoever is there could've accidentally installed BonziBuddy, though I guess you might wanna save that guy for later. You could just replace the mimigas with each streamer, though that's a bit too basic and stops them from having much relevance I suppose. The use of firin mah lazer is a bit odd though. Like, I know it's a meme, but it doesn't have much to do with vinesauce does it??? i just feel like it's a bit unnecessary and outdated. maybe consider removing that one. the vineshroom farm is neat, but it seems to be missing Jen's, which I feel you might want to add. The edits of the mushrooms to vineshrooms is nice too.
The idea of Grand Dad being the villain I suppose would work, what with him usually being portrayed as evil, but if the mod is mainly aimed at Vinny I feel like you should go with a vinny joke instead of a joel one. Maybe it could be Ralph Bluetawn?
I've never modded Cave Story+ before, so I'm not quite sure how the difficulty settings work, but since each difficulty setting does have slight differences, would it be possible to give them different dialogue? Because if any other crew members make an appearance it'd be a bit weird if they all referred to you as Vinny or *non-specific nickname or pronoun*. Also, if you play as Joel, the babby gun could totally just be named "OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU" what with it having the "mark of the Northern Star"
Anyway, I enjoyed this one and despite the slight issues I had with it I feel like you're definitely on the right track with it. The sprite and dialogue edits are all very fun and fitting of Vinesauce. I'll definitely look forward to seeing what else you do with this.
Last edited:
Oct 22, 2016 at 6:09 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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*deep sigh* That was only because some idiot recommended it to him, even though it was specifically made only for the forums to play at that specific 2014 low-point in modding. He verbatim said it was one of the worst streams he ever did, and that falls on the guy who thought it would be a good idea to send it to someone who was trying to entertain an audience.
Well I didn't actually know that, pardon my ignorance
Oct 22, 2016 at 6:10 PM
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very interesting idea! as a Vinesauce fan myself (though I admittedly don't watch all the streamers) I'm definitely looking forward to seeing this completed.
while it seems that all you have done so far is sprite edits and slight dialogue changes, I like what you've got so far. most of the sprite edits are pretty good, I like the addition of the Vineshroom into the moon and the life refill station (though was it in the life capsule? if not, you might want to change that). Vinny and Rev's sprites are pretty good, but I feel like Joel's might need a bit of work. Maybe you could work in the skeleton motif a bit more, since that's pretty much his thing. Though I do feel like the choice of who is in each difficulty mode is pretty good. Do you plan on incorporating the other streamers in some way though? Obviously not as playable characters (although you could add one of them through the mask item), but just through slight cameos. For example, maybe you could replace the guy at the computer with GPM, who is forced to browse Miiverse and begs Vinny/Rev/Joel to save him. Alternatively, he could've accidentally installed BonziBuddy, though I guess you might wanna save that guy for later. You could just replace the mimigas with each streamer, though that's a bit too basic and stops them from having much relevance I suppose. The use of firin mah lazer is a bit odd though. Like, I know it's a meme, but it doesn't have much to do with vinesauce does it??? i just feel like it's a bit unnecessary and outdated. maybe consider removing that one. the vineshroom farm is neat, but it seems to be missing Jen's, which I feel you might want to add. The edits of the mushrooms to vineshrooms is nice too.
The idea of Grand Dad being the villain I suppose would work, what with him usually being portrayed as evil, but if the mod is mainly aimed at Vinny I feel like you should go with a vinny joke instead of a joel one. Maybe it could be Ralph Bluetawn?
I've never modded Cave Story+ before, so I'm not quite sure how the difficulty settings work, but since each difficulty setting does have slight differences, would it be possible to give them different dialogue? Because if any other crew members make an appearance it'd be a bit weird if they all referred to you as Vinny or *non-specific nickname or pronoun*. Also, if you play as Joel, the babby gun could totally just be named "OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU" what with it having the "mark of the Northern Star"
Anyway, I enjoyed this one and despite the slight issues I had with it I feel like you're definitely on the right track with it. The sprite and dialogue edits are all very fun and fitting of Vinesauce. I'll definitely look forward to seeing what else you do with this.

Forgive me, for I am about to REALLY geek out with the Vinesauce talk.

Ha ha, yeeah. I had plans to make Dr.Booster into Ralph, it would fit his body stature so nicely! I DO plan on cameo-ing other streamers in, and that GPM idea is a really cool one, if you don't mind I might try to work that in, in some way shape or form. Sadly, from what I can understand so far, there is NO way I'll be able to get dialogue to be different based on difficulty. But I do have the possible plan to make Joel and Rev their own respective versions, with Vinny's being less focused on him alone, and more the entire crew. Limes, Darren, and Dire will DEFINITELY have an easy cameo. But before you ask, I will not do what NotSoSerious did in her Vinesauce Spelunky mod and put Darren in the rocks, he's most likely going to take place at the plantation (MAYBE.) And the real reason why I believe Grand Dad would work quite well as a final boss (Er. Not technically FINAL, but close enough) is because Grand Dad is usually a meme that is (for Vinny) 'He who's name must not be spoken'. As it (IMO) one of the more festering memes in the community. As for the other bosses and Balrog, I have no plans yet; hopefully I'll get something to work for them. Yeah, I figured it might be a cool 'oh ha ha, cool old may may' joke to put in the Shoop Da Whoop face, but now I see that I can do better. I might try to make Igor the 'Shamrock King' as he IS in the Egglike Home, and it would make SOME sense. But it might not work out. I've already got a better story basis all planned out for why the streamers are here, why chat is a physical being, and why Grand Dad is trying to take over the world. I really don't mind if Vinny, Joel or any other streamers never get the mod and play it, even when it's in a better state anymore. I kinda just want to do this for fun now, and to get some experience from this. Anyway, as I've already gone on too long, and I've said before, pretty much all these things will change in due time.
Oct 22, 2016 at 7:01 PM
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Forgive me, for I am about to REALLY geek out with the Vinesauce talk.

Ha ha, yeeah. I had plans to make Dr.Booster into Ralph, it would fit his body stature so nicely! I DO plan on cameo-ing other streamers in, and that GPM idea is a really cool one, if you don't mind I might try to work that in, in some way shape or form. Sadly, from what I can understand so far, there is NO way I'll be able to get dialogue to be different based on difficulty. But I do have the possible plan to make Joel and Rev their own respective versions, with Vinny's being less focused on him alone, and more the entire crew. Limes, Darren, and Dire will DEFINITELY have an easy cameo. But before you ask, I will not do what NotSoSerious did in her Vinesauce Spelunky mod and put Darren in the rocks, he's most likely going to take place at the plantation (MAYBE.) And the real reason why I believe Grand Dad would work quite well as a final boss (Er. Not technically FINAL, but close enough) is because Grand Dad is usually a meme that is (for Vinny) 'He who's name must not be spoken'. As it (IMO) one of the more festering memes in the community. As for the other bosses and Balrog, I have no plans yet; hopefully I'll get something to work for them. Yeah, I figured it might be a cool 'oh ha ha, cool old may may' joke to put in the Shoop Da Whoop face, but now I see that I can do better. I might try to make Igor the 'Shamrock King' as he IS in the Egglike Home, and it would make SOME sense. But it might not work out. I've already got a better story basis all planned out for why the streamers are here, why chat is a physical being, and why Grand Dad is trying to take over the world. I really don't mind if Vinny, Joel or any other streamers never get the mod and play it, even when it's in a better state anymore. I kinda just want to do this for fun now, and to get some experience from this. Anyway, as I've already gone on too long, and I've said before, pretty much all these things will change in due time.
Hey, I wouldn't have suggested that if I didn't want you to use it. Hell, you could have it change between the cutscenes he's in (maybe the second time could be roblox and another could be Club Penguin if he ever ends up doing that again). I think it'd be pretty fitting.
I feel like you should change characters like Balrog just so it won't be too jarring having Cave Story characters still in. It'd still work in a way of "vinny gets lost in cave story world" but it's definitely more fun to have them change to Vinesauce related things.
It would be cool to give Joel and Rev their own versions, I guess you'd do that by adding them as one of those other extras like Curly Story? In fact, I guess you could have one of them as an edit of Curly Story.
Does Chat being a physical being really need an explanation though? I didn't actually play up to that point but judging by that dialogue edit earlier and from the sprites in the data folder it seems Curly will be Chat. Considering a good amount of the streamers generally just consult Chat like it's an actual person, I feel like it doesn't really need to be explained. Chat can just say a bunch of chat-like phrases/emotes and be helpful/obnoxious at the appropriate times.
And yeah, I sort of assumed that was the reason for Grand Dad being the villain what with him being referred to as just "HE/HIM". The thing is though, while Vinny doesn't like to talk about Grand Dad, Joel is usually fine with it and still uses it for the spooky saturday intro (granted he doesn't usually directly mention it but it's usually for more of a comedic thing), so maybe you'd want to change that aspect for Joel's version. Maybe Joel's villain could be BonziBuddy instead? Though that'd probably have a harder sprite to make.
One important question though, do you plan on uploading this anywhere else? Because while it'd be cool for Vinny or any of the other streamers to play it, I think it should be available to Vinesauce fans in general (although I suppose they'd have to own Cave Story+). There are plenty of places you could share it though like the forums, the booru, the subreddit, or the discord group.
Oct 22, 2016 at 7:16 PM
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Hey, I wouldn't have suggested that if I didn't want you to use it. Hell, you could have it change between the cutscenes he's in (maybe the second time could be roblox and another could be Club Penguin if he ever ends up doing that again). I think it'd be pretty fitting.
I feel like you should change characters like Balrog just so it won't be too jarring having Cave Story characters still in. It'd still work in a way of "vinny gets lost in cave story world" but it's definitely more fun to have them change to Vinesauce related things.
It would be cool to give Joel and Rev their own versions, I guess you'd do that by adding them as one of those other extras like Curly Story? In fact, I guess you could have one of them as an edit of Curly Story.
Does Chat being a physical being really need an explanation though? I didn't actually play up to that point but judging by that dialogue edit earlier and from the sprites in the data folder it seems Curly will be Chat. Considering a good amount of the streamers generally just consult Chat like it's an actual person, I feel like it doesn't really need to be explained. Chat can just say a bunch of chat-like phrases/emotes and be helpful/obnoxious at the appropriate times.
And yeah, I sort of assumed that was the reason for Grand Dad being the villain what with him being referred to as just "HE/HIM". The thing is though, while Vinny doesn't like to talk about Grand Dad, Joel is usually fine with it and still uses it for the spooky saturday intro (granted he doesn't usually directly mention it but it's usually for more of a comedic thing), so maybe you'd want to change that aspect for Joel's version. Maybe Joel's villain could be BonziBuddy instead? Though that'd probably have a harder sprite to make.
One important question though, do you plan on uploading this anywhere else? Because while it'd be cool for Vinny or any of the other streamers to play it, I think it should be available to Vinesauce fans in general (although I suppose they'd have to own Cave Story+). There are plenty of places you could share it though like the forums, the booru, the subreddit, or the discord group.

Yeah, I was planning on getting it up to the Vinesauce subreddit today. I almost want to wait until its a bit more complete though. Bonzibuddy should be a cakewalk after I manage to get Grand Dad done, considering i'm already having a bit of a pickle with him. I guess you're right, chat might not, but just in case I could hide little explanations here and there. As for the separate versions for each streamer, I will try to give Joel and Rev their own 'Vine Story' so to speak. Where the different difficulties are actually different skins for them basically. I actually thought of changing Joel's Mimiga mask into a skull, complete with his entire sprite becoming a skeleton. As for Rev's Mimiga mask, I would need to dwell on that for a while. But there will be prominent roles played by other streamers and memories. Like how Vinny's Mimiga mask is a (poorly sprited I'll admit) Sponge, and as you go through the walk animations, the tears fall down his face. There are some improvements that I think I can make, but for now I'll just stick to fixing the major things.
Oct 22, 2016 at 11:15 PM
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Yeah, I was planning on getting it up to the Vinesauce subreddit today. I almost want to wait until its a bit more complete though.
DEFINITELY wait until it is a bit more complete. You want to make a good impression with anything, but especially with this.