Jan 6, 2009 at 3:27 AM
Join Date: May 28, 2008
Location: PMMM MMO
Posts: 3713
Age: 32
Fluff8836 said:I would, but it will be a waste of time. And I got some characters closer to the edge of the icon area that outlining will be impossible. It wouldn't completely wrap around as it could be some breaks. If I would try to center it, it would hit the triangle pointer or other tool. The Quote cursor... I could not tell if outlining will be possible because he has black hair, a black shirt and shoes.
What program are you using to make your cursors? I use AniTuner (link here if you want to see it http://www.gdgsoft.com/anituner/) which can change the hotspot of the pointer (what part of the image is the clicker part) can change the dimensions of the mouse to whatever you want (that could be really abused to make big mouses).
That should solve most of your problems with outlining it, and what do you mean it wouldn't completely wrap around? Idk, but your issues sound pretty solvable to me. They shouldn't be issues with Anituner (oh gawd I sound like an Ad now, oh well just letting you know.). And I would outline the whole quote too, because otherwise it would be offbalance. Or you could outline quote's black parts with a white-ish line.