• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT

Tribute Site Submissions: Guides, Fanart, etc.

Oct 5, 2008 at 4:56 PM
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But writing up a guide would take a while, especially for those like me who've found a life.

Dunno though, I could write a minimal items' guide for the whole game (excluding hell) if you specified a deadline, andwhy.
Oct 5, 2008 at 11:58 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
Dunno though, I could write a minimal items' guide for the whole game (excluding hell) if you specified a deadline, andwhy.
No deadline, take your time with it.
Oct 6, 2008 at 12:07 AM
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Guxt has hell?

Andwhyisit said:
Doesn't need to be an all out guide, just list out enemies, bosses, upgrades and items (you only need one sentence for each or no description if you prefer, images or a description of what it looks like in brackets would be helpful) as well as secrets in the game and that's it. You don't even have to lay the information out if you don't want to and you do not need any large amount of detail, as long as I have enough to build a page from.
Wait, why'd you edit? :/
Oct 6, 2008 at 12:12 AM
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Celtic Minstrel said:
Guxt has hell?

Wait, why'd you edit? :/
Because I realised that he wasn't talking about Guxt.
Oct 11, 2008 at 5:23 AM
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Hi, sorry to bump this thread, but I would like to submit a general walkthrough for Cave Story. The guide is already hosted on Gamefaqs, and you can find it here:


Right now I have an updated version (2.1) completed and ready to upload, but I first want to ask if you guys want to use it as well. I originally didn't post this here because I thought this site was dead (last site update May 22, 2007...), but the site redesign proved me wrong, so here I am.

Anyway, if you accept then I can send you the updated FAQ via email or something (unless PMs here allow attachments). Also, if you have any questions or comments about the walkthrough feel free to tell me. Thanks!
Oct 11, 2008 at 6:17 AM
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neon screen said:
Hi, sorry to bump this thread,
Reviving threads is allowed in this forum as long as you contribute to the topic of conversion, which you did, so no need to apologise.

neon screen said:
but I would like to submit a general walkthrough for Cave Story. The guide is already hosted on Gamefaqs, and you can find it here:


Right now I have an updated version (2.1) completed and ready to upload, but I first want to ask if you guys want to use it as well. I originally didn't post this here because I thought this site was dead (last site update May 22, 2007...), but the site redesign proved me wrong, so here I am.

Anyway, if you accept then I can send you the updated FAQ via email or something (unless PMs here allow attachments). Also, if you have any questions or comments about the walkthrough feel free to tell me. Thanks!
Sure. Thanks!

Send it to either me:
or to SkyeWelse and he will forward it to me.
Oct 11, 2008 at 3:10 PM
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A couple of issues with your walkthrough.
[ Yamashita Farm ]

Head to the other side of the farm to find a Life Capsule in the water.
neon_screen, I believe the Life Capsule only appears AFTER you defeat Balrog.
( Attacks )

Well, this is as easy as it gets. Balrog, being the simple-minded guy he is,
charges at you, and that's about it. At half-health, he will add a jump at the
end of his charge, although it's nothing you shouldn't be able to predict and
dodge correctly.
As for this, I believe he jumps after running twice.
[ Arthur's House ]

The teleporter should now be connected to Grasstown. Jump in the teleporter
once again and select Grasstown as the destination.
I thought you had to talk to the computer first.
( Strategy )

First off, missiles are useless in the match since Curly has some sort of force
field that blocks them. The Fireball should suffice, since you can hit Curly
even if you're jumping to dodge her bullets. They also disable the Mimigas
fairly quickly and effectively. Just keep a level head and keep your finger off
the Jump button until when it's necessary and you'll pull through.

Oh, and don't feel bad about shooting the children, they can't die. I can't
guarantee that it's a completely painless process, through.
I think you mis-spelled "though", just like I may have mis-spelled mis-spelled.
[ Sand Zone Residence ]

After you defeat Curly, she'll ask you if you want to trade your Polar Star for
her Machine Gun. Keep in mind that the Machine Gun is one of three weapons you
can trade your Polar Star for. You can read more about the pros and cons of
each weapon in the Weapons section. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the
Machine Gun so I would recommend keeping your Polar Star for now, but it's your
choice. Once you either accepted or declined her offer, enter the door marked
by a save point.
I believe that the trade is permanent, you should inform the reader on this.
( Boss: Balrog(3) )============================================================

After Monster X, this battle seems almost like a joke. Don't let down you
guard, though; although you have a solid chance of winning, it's suprisingly
easy to get damaged in this battle, and if you don't have the Machine Gun or
Booster you can't access the refill station in the previous room. This will be
your last skirmish with our favorite toaster monster (:sadface:).
Mis-spelled "your" in "down you guard", just like how I may have mis-spelled mis-spel-Oh wait, I already told you that.
[ Core ]

As the Core destabilizes, Misery appears and explains that the Core is in fact
the very heart of the island and is why the island is kept afloat. The Doctor
shows up as well, and they quickly teleport the Core to his lab. Afterwards,
the entire room is flooded with water. If you haven't yet picked up the Tow
Rope, I suggest you do so right now. Otherwise, just stand there and try not to
panic as the air slowly counts down to 0. Instead of dying, however, you black
I thought you had to get the Tow Rope during the battle.
[ Black Space ]

You'll see Mrs. Sakamoto and Itoh fix the helicopter right before the island
starts falling apart. You wake up in Black Space, stunned, with Sue by your
side. She wakes rushes ahead. Follow her and jump down. Note that your health
has been completely restored.
What's a wake rush?
[ Balcony ]

Sue will call out to you, then run on ahead. Blocks will then start falling
from the sky. They do -10 damage each, so don't get hit, ESPECIALLY if you're
aiming for the bonus stage. In fact, if you get damaged here, you should just
reset and fight the last three bosses over again. Starting with full health in
Sacred Ground is extremely important.
I believe there's a bed you can rest on in the Prefab House, but I'm not too sure.
( Attacks )

Ballos himself will travel in a clockwise rectangular path, with the eyeballs
circling counterclockwise. While he is moving at the top, his eyes will drop
skull projectiles on you, but they're easy to spot and even easier to avoid.

Things get tricky when Ballos starts moving along the bottom of the room - he
will travel low enough so that his eyeballs barely touch the floor. in order to
avoid touching the eyes for contact damage, you must stand in a gap in between
two eyes when Ballos passes you. As he is coming towards you, predict where a
safe spot would be located, then stand still in that safe spot until Ballos
passes you by. The eyes do -14 damage if you bump into them, so be very careful
-14 damage makes it sounds like it's healing you. After all, double negative = positive.
Oct 11, 2008 at 3:24 PM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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jcys810 said:
neon_screen, I believe the Life Capsule only appears AFTER you defeat Balrog.
jcys810 said:
As for this, I believe he jumps after running twice.
jcys810 said:
I thought you had to talk to the computer first.
jcys810 said:
I think you mis-spelled "though", just like I may have mis-spelled mis-spelled.
jcys810 said:
I believe that the trade is permanent, you should inform the reader on this.
jcys810 said:
Mis-spelled "your" in "down you guard", just like how I may have mis-spelled mis-spel-Oh wait, I already told you that.
jcys810 said:
I thought you had to get the Tow Rope during the battle.
jcys810 said:
What's a wake rush?
jcys810 said:
I believe there's a bed you can rest on in the Prefab House, but I'm not too sure.
jcys810 said:
-14 damage makes it sounds like it's healing you. After all, double negative = positive.
True. But no.
Oct 11, 2008 at 3:44 PM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Gotta go anyway, bye.
Oct 11, 2008 at 4:03 PM
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I want to thank everybody for their comments, and especially to jcys810 for taking the time to find all those spelling mistakes, and the attack pattern for the 1st Balrog. If you want, I can put you in the credits section. (what name would you prefer?)
Oct 11, 2008 at 5:22 PM
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jcys810 said:
neon_screen, I believe the Life Capsule only appears AFTER you defeat Balrog.
I don't think this is true.

jcys810 said:
I thought you had to talk to the computer first.
Yes you do.

jcys810 said:
I thought you had to get the Tow Rope during the battle.
The best time to get the Tow Rope is before the battle. I'm not sure if you can get it during the battle, but I don't think you can get it after the battle.

jcys810 said:
I believe there's a bed you can rest on in the Prefab House, but I'm not too sure.
There is a bed. You can rest there only before defeating the three end bosses, though.
Oct 11, 2008 at 5:52 PM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Celtic Minstrel said:
Yes you do.
Nope, you need to only for the Egg Corridor.

Celtic Minstrel said:
The best time to get the Tow Rope is before the battle. I'm not sure if you can get it during the battle, but I don't think you can get it after the battle.

Before - Yes.
During - No.
After the battle but before your air meter hits 0 - Yes.
After that - No.
Oct 11, 2008 at 10:16 PM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
Nope, you need to only for the Egg Corridor.
I thought that's what you were talking about. Yes, you're absolutely correct.

Roonil Wazlib said:
Before - Yes.
During - No.
After the battle but before your air meter hits 0 - Yes.
After that - No.
Oh.... when I tried getting it after the battle it was after drowning...
Oct 11, 2008 at 10:40 PM
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Might want to add that the down arrow aims down when you're in the air. Also looks down if you hold it and just wait.

Also, Snake is 30-40-20 on experience. I've proved it.
Oct 12, 2008 at 12:00 AM
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure I got the computer and tow rope thing right.

Lyger said:
Might want to add that the down arrow aims down when you're in the air. Also looks down if you hold it and just wait.

Also, Snake is 30-40-20 on experience. I've proved it.

Thanks, I really need verification on the weapons section (especially damage output). Are the numbers in the weapons page on the site accurate? When I checked it before, it listed Machine Gun as needing no exp to reach MAX, which is why I didn't trust it before.
Oct 12, 2008 at 12:24 AM
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No, they are not accurate; I've actually got a video on YouTube proving the Snake XP, and if you want I can try to do the same for all weapons.
Oct 12, 2008 at 12:48 AM
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neon screen said:
Thanks, I really need verification on the weapons section (especially damage output). Are the numbers in the weapons page on the site accurate? When I checked it before, it listed Machine Gun as needing no exp to reach MAX, which is why I didn't trust it before.
I fixed all of the information.

Ask Lyger, he was the one who figured out the weapon exp or got it from somewhere else *shrug*. But I am willing to bet that it was grabbed from the exe.
Oct 12, 2008 at 1:29 AM
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Oh, no, it was tested live. I used Sue's to create a room full of +5 energy capsules and, when needed for precision, +1. Then I gave myself every weapon (except the Spur, of course) and went wild. Checking the EXE would have required lots of referencing the FAQ and knowing my own hex skills, I prolly woulda made some mistakes. :p