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Translation Discussion

Apr 3, 2010 at 9:02 PM
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That's sort of true, and it does make sense as something someone would say, but ANDing two such different verbs is bad practice. The "am" in the contraction is merely the copula for a predicate adjective, whereas the "get" is an active, transitive verb; adding I would be better.
Apr 3, 2010 at 10:07 PM
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Yup. What about the aren'y?
That's more of a typo, but meh.
Apr 10, 2010 at 3:30 PM
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The translations you were never meant to see...

Debug Cat speech
Thanks for helping debut this game!<NOD
I have only made up this much so far.<NOD
I'm thinking I'll make this next
stage ahead the last one.<NOD
With two more months we'll see
how far I can get...<NOD<END
Good work on the debugging!
It's still under construction
This one's rather charming.
You don't see anything...<NOD<CLR<CMU0010<GIT1005<IT+0005
How did you get the Beast Fang?
This one's priceless. First is Nicalis translation, second is AG. Jenka2.


Good work!
This is it for now.
2003/09/27 Studio Pixel<NOD<END
I'm not sure if this one is viewable ingame or not... Plantation.
These sprinklers is very useful<NOD
but are so easy to break.<NOD<END
Apr 10, 2010 at 4:50 PM
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lmao, i think i did see the sprinkler one. Might wanna doublecheck..

"Wan..." sounds like a noise a dog would make I guess, and Nicalis seemed really adamant against trying to do emotions like AG did a lot, i.e. with asterisks around them... for some reason.

So why the hell would they translate the debug stuff? Assuming that's Nicalis who did those translations, it kinda makes no sense lol.

Apr 10, 2010 at 8:19 PM
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Noxid said:
I'm not sure if this one is viewable ingame or not... Plantation.
Yup, just checked. The line appears when you talk to Megane, the Mimiga, before you grab the broken sprinkler.

ragnaroq said:
"Wan..." sounds like a noise a dog would make I guess
I think "wan" is the Japanese onomatopoeia for a dog's whining.

And that debug stuff? Didn't AG translate them as well?
Apr 10, 2010 at 8:25 PM
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I get the wan thing, but I don't get why they would leave it at that, but then again localization wasn't exactly a priority I suppose.

And yeah, AG translated the debug stuff too. Nicalis's translations differ, of course, in their own special way.

And, beast fang is definitely my favorite :]
Apr 13, 2010 at 12:43 AM
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They probably just translated the TSC scripts separately from porting the game, and the translators may not have known what text was actually possible to see in-game.
Apr 13, 2010 at 12:46 AM
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Celtic Minstrel said:
They probably just translated the TSC scripts separately from porting the game, and the translators may not have known what text was actually possible to see in-game.

If they didn't know what was viewable why would they add that quip to the beast fang?
Apr 13, 2010 at 2:55 AM
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I would assume that the quip was always there in the Japanese translation. Have we ever had any reassurances that the translation staff (Nicalis, I suppose) were diehard cave story fans. They could have thought the beast fang was something like the red demon (or whatever they call it) badge, Curly's panties, etc. There's a good chance all the text was exported before it was translated, then the English chunks were simply placed where the Japanese chunks had been. The process was most definitely not so fluid that the translator was aware at what point in the game anything happened. Perhaps relative to other parts of the game, but not so specifically that they would have seen that the beast fang quip appeared in a beta section removed from the actual game.

Minority opinion: This is an easter egg for us die hard fans.