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The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

Jan 23, 2012 at 1:48 AM
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I don't know if I would count as "Epic". It's just what I have been using in my username forever now. So there's no reason to change it!
Jan 27, 2012 at 7:47 PM
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Hi there, I'm new (DUH), I like Cave Story (Who doesn't?), I am trying to mod a bit but failing at it (An empty room with a working door. Hooray for huge accomplishment) and I have never even once succeeded at defeating the demon called Ballos.

In other words I'm your average Cave Story Fan Geek but without the speedrun times in his signature.
Jan 27, 2012 at 7:54 PM
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I think that is the best introduction one could possibly give.
Here is your cookie.
Jan 30, 2012 at 7:26 PM
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Dammit I forgot to introduce myself. Ok hello, I am JiNXeD. I play various indie games including Amnesia and Cave Story, and many others. Well actually I play any type of games.
So yeah. I'm trying to learn how to mod but can't seem to be able to get the hang of it. I've modded for other games tho.
If I had to choose a side in a modding project, I would be a level designer, since I suppose I do that the best. I can also sprite a little I suppose. Well to be honest I propably can't but I could do that in Meteor, and pretty well too.
Been around for like.. a month.
Feb 23, 2012 at 5:29 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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Ich heisse (German for "I am", if my translation is correct) Shane "Bane" Neumann, and I joined 12/02/2012 (just noticed this topic-thing). And I'm 15 until 25 February. And most likely the only one who goes by his real name (I couldn't think of anything else). And I'm a modder (see Shane's Cave Story topic in Ideas and Development) but probably require SOME form of help... in the graphics/ideas department (technically, I'm not sure why I'm not so literal these days). And I hate cookies (for some reason) since they remind me of my cat's death when I was 7... and I've been suspended 10 days for bumping old threads. Not gonna do that twice unless I forget. Anyway, I'm very terrible at slang, so PLEASE use as little possible when saying something to me. I had to ask somebody what "meh" meant and Dunc2403 was kind enough to say what it means. As of today, I'm back again, so I got suspended on the 13th of February. That's a record, I assume, but I'm not much for records... and this introduction is rather long, I assume. Oh well.
Feb 23, 2012 at 6:30 PM
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Okay, well if you're scared of cookies, here's a muffin.

And a ten-day ban isn't a record, I was banned that long too.
But anyways, welcome (back) to the forums!
Feb 23, 2012 at 7:08 PM
The Eternal Darkness
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Er, I was referring to the time it took me to get suspended. My second day as a member and I got suspended, not banned. And I hate muffins too, as well as any forms of cookies, muffins, cakes, et cetera. I prefer swords, though. Especially katanas. Although I wish I had training with one (even if it's plastic) I did train myself with a stick (as if it was a staff). And I'm not scared, I hate cookies, muffins, cakes, and who knows what else (even fire, meaning I prefer coldness, since that's all that removes my headaches). Oh, and a ten-day ban? How'd that happen?

My guess: bumping old threads.

Oh, and is the "Website URL" thing in the Profile editor the e-mail address? I see nothin' of Gmail there, so I assume that it doesn't exist on the forums? Offense is not meant, if that's what this post seems like.
Feb 23, 2012 at 8:56 PM
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But "meh" isn't slang... In fact it's an actual word to my knowledge!
Also it's not like we're going to use tl;dr iirc lol and other abbreviations on here.

I still feel that a suspension is the same as ban, mostly because what was a suspension was equivalent as a ban back when the forums were running on vBulletin, and your susbansion occurred for the same duration/reason as any other autoban. Not to mention, the autoban has been 10 days since infractions were implemented on these good forums.

Also, a Website URL would be something like http://n0xid.wordpress.com/. E-Mails are entirely different.

Also, one last question; how does a blade relate to pastries? Do you want to kill every pastry in a gruesome cherry-filling death with katanas?
Feb 23, 2012 at 9:40 PM
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iirc we use tl;dr all the time, lol

P.S. a suspension is a ban
Feb 24, 2012 at 8:03 AM
The Eternal Darkness
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ShinyElectricBlueTiger, to annihilate every sort of pastry isn't my quest, and I like slicing things up on video games (meaning that in any mod that I may make, there is a 99.9% chance that the Blade will be the first weapon). Cave Story? Blade. Quest for Glory? Broadsword. NetHack? Katana. Terraria? Broadsword. Of course, the only reason that annihilating all pastry will be a quest of mine is if it started to attack me, trying to kill me. And that's not gonna happen. Of course, unless it's mechanical, it won't exist in real life. But on video games... Let me stop there. Otherwise I'm going to make pastry the enemy of one of my mods. And that's not gonna end well.

Captain Fabulous, what in blooming blue blazes (quoted from Greygnarl from Dragon Quest IX) does "tl;dr" mean? Abbreviations, I'm not good at, but I know that one type is "apocope" (abbreviation of a word by omitting the final sound or sounds, according to the WordWeb program). Thankfully, my abbreviations are better than slang, and in my home language, "slang" means "snake". Sounds like "slung". But going off-topic is a bad idea.

36th post already. This topic? SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR. I've got a long way to go to reach 50 or 100 posts. Funny, nobody posts in my mod's topic. Guess it's dead. Or boring. Or something. But maybe a katana is better anyway. Pastry, I hate. Katanas, capable of slicing through bone if forged correctly, and my favourite weapon. Useful against bone monsters if it's on a video game. Skeletons, et cetera.

Uh... What does "iirc" mean? The dictionaries nearby and the WordWeb program on my computer doesn't contain those.
Feb 24, 2012 at 11:40 AM
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Uh... What does "iirc" mean? The dictionaries nearby and the WordWeb program on my computer doesn't contain those.
did you just get the internets last week?
Feb 24, 2012 at 11:54 AM
The Eternal Darkness
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Actually, somewhere in April 2011. I didn't go on the Internet as much as I do these days. If I did, then it was mostly to e-mail the person who my father brought a computer from (this one), although he moved to Johannesburg (I think) and thus no contact. I used to take lessons from him of C++, but it's hard. Using a program such as Adventure Game Studio would be easier to make games with than with Visual Basics!

Oh, and may avatars have dimensions of 80 x 80?
Mar 19, 2012 at 1:10 PM
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Afaik the maximum Avatar length is 100x100 but I'm not sure if this is the correct topic for that question :)
Mar 19, 2012 at 4:44 PM
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Afaik the maximum Avatar length is 100x100 but I'm not sure if this is the correct topic for that question :)
You have to be here for a long time to get the 100x100 limit (like 10 days? whatever the old wait for getting an avatar was).

Now new users get the ability to have an avatar right when they join, but only 80x80. These new rules are a bit odd, but they're not that important.
Mar 28, 2012 at 4:35 PM
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Ello there.

Now gimme my cookie.

(or better yet, a slice of pizza)
Mar 28, 2012 at 7:23 PM
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You have to at least try
Apr 15, 2012 at 6:00 PM
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Hello everyone, I'm Poke2mon3. I am the Project leader of my Metroid fangame, and have been into cavestory for a while. i own the DsiWare version of the game, and have recently gotten into checking out hacks.
Apr 15, 2012 at 6:38 PM
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Welcome to the forums :3

Just don't suck and we'll be cool.
Aug 5, 2012 at 2:40 PM
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Good God there hasn't been a post in this thread for a long time. Has it really been that long since you guys got new members, or are people just not really hot on intro threads?

Anyway. I'm 43501, or Dinny if you'd prefer not to view me as a string of numbers. I'm 20, female and Australian. I go to law school and it consumes half my life.

As for me, I've stalked the crap out of these forums for the past ... week or so. I already know who all of you are and what you're like. Sup.
Aug 5, 2012 at 3:16 PM
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Oh my god seeing that string of random numbers makes me want to cry, I'll never remember that
I know it seems hypocritical but I sort of have an obsession with knowing who people are, and random numbers that I'll never remember just makes it worse

So uhh
Welcome to the forums, Dinny!