The sickeningly cheerful say hello, introduce yourself; now where's my cookie? topic.

Mar 16, 2022 at 6:42 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
Join Date: Feb 24, 2022
Posts: 0
Appreciate it. How's everyone doing today?
Mar 16, 2022 at 6:45 PM
Junior Member
"It's dangerous to go alone!"
Join Date: Nov 21, 2021
Location: the Pillars of Creation
Posts: 32
Finally got to looking at the modding subforum after months of hesitation, so I'm feeling pretty good.
Mar 16, 2022 at 6:52 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
Join Date: Feb 24, 2022
Posts: 0
What is modding, if you don't mind explaining to me?
Mar 16, 2022 at 6:58 PM
Junior Member
"It's dangerous to go alone!"
Join Date: Nov 21, 2021
Location: the Pillars of Creation
Posts: 32
It's when you modify a game's code or assets. Any version of the game that's made with these modifications are called mods.
May 4, 2022 at 6:05 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
Join Date: May 4, 2022
Posts: 0
hi all, i finally was able to get the captcha to show when making an account after trying on and off for the last 2 months, so i can finally say hello :) i am babel! i am 21 i like fighting games and loud shit

the first time i played cave story was in early 2012 when i was 11, my friend showed me cave story 3d while on a skype call. i remember thinking the game looked ugly, but i looked into it and discovered that was only the 3ds version lol. i played through it blind and got the normal ending and i adored the game a ton, it made me super into indie games and i have played them a shit ton since. cave story really shaped what i want out of a game, which is good art style, music, and fun characters. i would go on to play cave story on and off through out the years, starting it many times but only finishing it a few times, and its still stood as one of my favorite games. since discovering this forum, ive been wanting to play the game again, and have done so very recently after getting one of my best friends into the game. we are currently both at the bloodstained sanctuary and kind of racing to see who beats it first. i never got to beat it growing up, but now that im older im sure i can do it :).

i have a lot of other interests, but too many to list in one post and i dont want this to be super long. i love music, particularly emo, hip hop, and electronic music. horror is my favorite genre of media, junji ito being one of my particular favorites. im into many games but prefer games with intriguing narratives that are more about feelings rather than exposition. not sure what else to list at this point, im writing this right before i go to bed lol. im not sure how active i will be here, but i plan on checking here every now and then and looking into the modding scene more, so i hope to stick around and maybe get to know some of u ^^
May 4, 2022 at 6:47 AM
Serri Online
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jun 27, 2013
Posts: 2798
Age: 29
Welcome aboard! I hope you enjoy your stay here while it lasts!
May 4, 2022 at 11:46 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
Join Date: May 4, 2022
Posts: 0
thank you! i hope my time here is awsome and fun :p i wana do some small sprite edits and post them here to get better at pixel art
May 4, 2022 at 11:53 PM
Based Member
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Dec 31, 2011
Location: United States
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Age: 27
Welcome to the forums, 01babel. Glad you decided to end up joining these forums. Nice to see someone joining who's known about the game for a long time.

hi all, i finally was able to get the captcha to show when making an account after trying on and off for the last 2 months, so i can finally say hello :)
That's weird, sorry to hear that that was giving you some trouble.
Is this related to any of the registration problems we've seen in the past, @andwhyisit ?
May 5, 2022 at 9:09 AM
Junior Member
"Fresh from the Bakery"
Join Date: Oct 22, 2014
Location: Canada.
Posts: 15
Age: 23
Perhaps I should make a post here, seeing that I haven't made one in my 7 (absent) years on this site-
Yo, I'm Reddie, Red, or anything in-between but mostly "rde" in the nowadays. Followed the modding scene around 2014-15 then only remembered about it and rejoined this past year. I like ORGs. Made a few and started a pretty comprehensive list of what ORGs are floatin' around. Non CS-related, I'm burning hours on MapleStory on Bera if anyone else's on there, pretty deep into most modern fighting games as well, and uh, I read a lot of manga as well I would say.
Most likely I'll still be more active around the modding chats, however I'll probably be floating around here more frequently now.
Pleasure to meet y'all.
Jul 17, 2024 at 11:33 PM
Junior Member
"It's dangerous to go alone!"
Join Date: Dec 23, 2017
Posts: 32
Age: 19
It's been two years since the last message was sent…
Let's fix that~ >:3c

Hello, all!
It's been a while! UwU
Y'all might've know me as Zierin705, or Usagi-no-Mekiki, or that one guy who tried (but was ultimately too lazy) to write that godawful "Toroko lives" fanfic.

In my absence from the Cave Story fandom, I have become hyperfixated on a Cartoon Network show called "Summer Camp Island".

How's life been for all of you? :3c
Jul 25, 2024 at 8:40 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
Join Date: Jul 25, 2024
Location: your closet. Don't open it.
Posts: 0
Hi! I'm Mystery. I'm kind of on a tour of the past's history today by being here. After spending ages on Discord and Reddit, it feels good to see a forum again that is still somewhat active. And one with this much history as well, the first post here is from 2004, holy crud. I think it must be fate that I've been led here after 20 years from the first post.

I've played a little bit of Cave Story before, yet have never finished it. I aim to correct that during my tenure here, as well as engage with some of the ongoing discussions. Happy to be here!