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The random ideas topic of doom

Aug 2, 2007 at 4:21 PM
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No one is ever going to make a (decent) first/third person shooter version of CS anyway, so what does it matter?

Also, there are many FPSs with plots, Half-Life 2 being one of the most notable examples. However, like most other games their plots aren't exactly what you would call absorbing.
Aug 3, 2007 at 12:48 AM
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It would need to be absorbing since it is cave story.
Aug 3, 2007 at 1:35 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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how about starwars knights of the old republic style?

Also there are good fps's that maintain a npc talking thing and a good shooter experience
have you played deus ex??

that game if the best game ever
it has many ways to beat the current level
eg you could picklock a door, blow it up, or hack into a console near to get in

you should try it and see what i mean unless you have played it
i think its style would be good for cavestory
Aug 3, 2007 at 3:32 AM
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Quote has become unstuck in time.
Aug 3, 2007 at 5:13 AM
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I take it none of you have played Strife, then? Now THERE's an engaging FPS... original storyline, memorable characters, and bloody hilarious dialogue... in an FPS to boot! Too bad the Doom engine was already considered archaic when it was released so it never got the attention it so rightfully deserved. 'Tis a tragedy, truly. :(

Oh, and System Shock 2 and Deus Ex, to disprove the "FPS = nO PlOT" myth, too. 'Course I've been a bit of an FPS nut for years. Go figure. :p

Eh, if I was still active in Doom modding (OMG STONEAGE) I might actually be inspired to make a Doukutsu-themed weapon mod or something of that nature. Nowadays I'd probably be more interested to make a Doom-themed hack for Cave Story. Ah well, times are a'changin. ;P

Now that I think of it... that's not an entirely *horrible* idea. Like Corridor on crack... no plot, no slow dialogue, 100% action. Hehe. :p
Aug 3, 2007 at 5:34 AM
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Xaser said:
Now that I think of it... that's not an entirely *horrible* idea. Like Corridor on crack... no plot, no slow dialogue, 100% action. Hehe. :p

If it had no story then the game would be called "Cave". :p
Aug 3, 2007 at 5:48 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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andwhyisit said:
If it had no story then the game would be called "Cave". :p

that was a bad pun lol

and if it wasnt in a cave it would just be a story :( :D
lol NO! lol

My random idea that itoh should be the key to saving the island and he also can (transform) in a spur :p

transformers more than meets the mimiga
Aug 4, 2007 at 11:20 PM
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xristosx said:
that was a bad pun lol

and if it wasnt in a cave it would just be a story :p :(
lol NO! lol

My random idea that itoh should be the key to saving the island and he also can (transform) in a spur :p

transformers more than meets the mimiga

No it would be either Sky Story, Cloud Story, Forest Story,
Land Story, Robot Story, etc. or in the case of this
doom mod No Story.
Aug 5, 2007 at 1:00 PM
Starbound sucked sadly
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andwhyisit said:
No it would be either Sky Story, Cloud Story, Forest Story,
Land Story, Robot Story, etc. or in the case of this
doom mod No Story.

lol doom not having a story :p

What about amnesia story
since he wakes up in a daze not knowing where he is

or even better

beer story, he wakes up hammered not remembering what happened :D
Aug 5, 2007 at 7:55 PM
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Xaser said:
Oh, and System Shock 2 and Deus Ex, to disprove the "FPS = nO PlOT" myth, too. 'Course I've been a bit of an FPS nut for years. Go figure. :p

And soon, Bioshock. *Drools*.

Gold Cray said:
Quote has become unstuck in time.

Aug 7, 2007 at 12:17 AM
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Xaser said:
Eh, if I was still active in Doom modding (OMG STONEAGE) I might actually be inspired to make a Doukutsu-themed weapon mod or something of that nature. Nowadays I'd probably be more interested to make a Doom-themed hack for Cave Story. Ah well, times are a'changin. ;P

0ld Sk00l rulez.
Oh well, use Duke Nukem 3D :D

xristosx said:
My random idea that itoh should be the key to saving the island and he also can (transform) in a spur :D

LOL Magicially transformed into a Spur by Misery.
What's about the fireball? Maybe it was Santa's girlfriend before :eek:
Oct 20, 2007 at 4:20 AM
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I'd like a weapon called Dark Void. It's looks like a Spur, but black. You hold the button down and crosshairs appear and move farther the longer you hold it down. The crosshairs determine where the enemies get sucked to.

Level 1: Draws enemies in from a short distance for a short amount of time, doesnt work on bosses
Level 2: Draws enemies in from a medium distance for a decent amount of time, does slight damage, doesnt work on bosses
Level 3: Draws enemies in from far away for a minute, does decent damage, doesnt work on bosses

While they're sucked into that spot you can switch weapons and pound the hell out of them with any weapon.
Oct 20, 2007 at 10:24 AM
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Level 1 said:
Draws enemies in from a short distance for a short amount of time, doesnt work on bosses
Level 2 said:
Draws enemies in from a medium distance for a decent amount of time, does slight damage, doesnt work on bosses
This is alright.
Level 3 said:
Draws enemies in from far away for a minute, does decent damage, doesnt work on bosses
Please? A minute? By then you would be able to pummel the enemy into oblivion. Lets say level 1 sucks 'em far away for 3 seconds, level 2 5 seconds and level 3 8 seconds. But you are forgetting something, if its like the Spur, then you forget the MAX. =P Which lets say, works on bosses? And does decent damage and also sucks em away for 8 seconds.
Oct 25, 2007 at 4:09 AM
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jcys810 said:
This is alright.

Please? A minute? By then you would be able to pummel the enemy into oblivion. Lets say level 1 sucks 'em far away for 3 seconds, level 2 5 seconds and level 3 8 seconds. But you are forgetting something, if its like the Spur, then you forget the MAX. =P Which lets say, works on bosses? And does decent damage and also sucks em away for 8 seconds.

OMG A MINUTE! I could finish a whole section of a game before the monster gets back to remembering that they have a Quote to chase. :D

And it better not work on bosses because that would be really unfair and really easyto trash them. You can just keep sucking them in and attacking them and suck them back in again to attack again and repeat till hes trashed lol.
Oct 29, 2007 at 3:48 AM
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Moar weapon ideas...

Enigma Gun

Level 1: Random shot between Polar Star, Fireball, and maxed Nemesis
Level 2: Random shot between Machine Gun, Snake, Missile Launcher
Level 3: Random shot between Super Missile Launcher, fully charged Spur, level 2 Blade, and maxed Blade


Level 1: Throws a pebble for -1 damage
Level 2: Throws a stone for -3 damage
Level 3: Throws a shower of larger stones for -5 damage per stone


Level 1: Blows enemies away a slight amount, does not work on bosses
Level 2: Blows enemies away a decent amount, does not work on bosses
Level 3: Blows enemies far away, does not work on bosses
Oct 29, 2007 at 12:23 PM
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Enigma gun seems overpowered

The Rock one was done in Runelancer's hack, if I recall; If you've never played it, PM me and I'll see if I can find/upload it.

Gust seems interesting; A weapon dealing no damage, yet useful... It might be hard to make without glitches, however.
Oct 31, 2007 at 12:02 AM
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ZTaimat said:
Enigma gun seems overpowered
But it would look awesome since it will most likely do a different weapon's shot per enigma gun shot so you will have the equivalent of multiple weapons being used at once except at a lesser rate of fire per gun. :D
Oct 31, 2007 at 1:31 AM
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There need to be a weapon that shoots in more than one direction.

How about a weapon that shoots enemies?
Oct 31, 2007 at 3:14 AM
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Hehe, all this talk about weapons, yet nobody to code them. Ah, well, there's some neat suggestions (<3 Gust, at least), and I figure I'd add my own.

All right, so the whole "shotgun" concept is overused, yet there's no such gun in CS so I figure I'll take a bit of a spin on the idea:

(Rift Shard ) - Fires shards of crystal that spread vertically. Initially has 50-shot ammo limit, with frequent crystal items that replenish ammo. Crystals fired do 1 damage apiece and each shot requires only one unit of ammo (regardless of # crystals fired)

Level 1: Fires a loosely-packed burst of 5 crystals at low power. Shatters on walls.
Level 2: Fires a very wide-but-short-range burst of 10 crystals that bounce once.
Level 3: Fires a long, wide spread of 15 crystals, bounces multiple times.

Balancing would be necessary to ensue proper damage (perhaps make the lower levels bouncier and less damaging with lvl3 powerful and direct?), assuming this ever gets made. :D
Oct 31, 2007 at 9:26 PM
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I'd desire a gun thing that hits you for 1 damage to give you the temporary invincibility you get when you get hurt.