Nov 1, 2007 at 4:42 AM
Join Date: Oct 6, 2007
Location: I dunnos
Posts: 1584
Xaser said:(Rift Shard ) - Fires shards of crystal that spread vertically. Initially has 50-shot ammo limit, with frequent crystal items that replenish ammo. Crystals fired do 1 damage apiece and each shot requires only one unit of ammo (regardless of # crystals fired)
Level 1: Fires a loosely-packed burst of 5 crystals at low power. Shatters on walls.
Level 2: Fires a very wide-but-short-range burst of 10 crystals that bounce once.
Level 3: Fires a long, wide spread of 15 crystals, bounces multiple times.
Balancing would be necessary to ensue proper damage (perhaps make the lower levels bouncier and less damaging with lvl3 powerful and direct?), assuming this ever gets made.![]()
Well... Maybe you could edit the code for bubbler to use this. It does spread and shoot randomly. Just that they float about randomly too in their bubbles when they first get out of the gun. Maybe you could make it such that the bubbles pop immediately when you first shoot them out.