Nov 28, 2007 at 9:33 AM
Join Date: Jan 7, 2007
Posts: 2587
Age: 35
jcys810 said:Learn to spell the word grammar before trying to help others with their grammar.
At least S.P. does speak in a way its readable, yours though... No offense, but I find you unreadable sometimes. ._.
Seriously, if you are going to throw every mod that doesn't even provide a screenshot in here, a mod might not even be able to be made at all. You should make a topic for scrapped mods, and those mods which are stopped, you merge them into that topic. Unless the creator is only on holiday, of course.
:S when its necessary i can use proper grammer, i just forget some comma's and so on...
yeah thats what i said except i wrote less

lets just leave it at that, people can post their idea's if they want, i dont want a massive fight thats gonna end up in one of us leaving because everyones against someone -_-We just leave it how it is.