~After The End~
It’s been a minute since I did these, huh? I still have plans for [not a] MOD (or at least what it essentially turned into, which is a playable fanfic set 20 seconds after Cave Story and ending a day later), but this isn’t a great backdrop for those plans. A more skilled and passionate Polaris who hopefully finishes this tiny one-off game is what that bigger project will need...and luckily, the Official Cave Story Tribute Site Forums Discord Group Summer Modding Contest (or OCSTSFDGSMC for short) at least got the passions flowing a little.

Perhaps the new environment of college will help keep them circulating~
No Staycation for the Timid is an adventure designed to be short, about a small blond kid who’s dragged to the beach without any preparation, and decides to hunt around the unique environment for stuff to make the day more enjoyable. It’s meant to be sort of Metroid-ish, if the upgrades were all either in your head or laughably mundane: a nice person who teaches you to climb vines, someone's sandals that you can borrow, swimming goggles, and enough counseling to not only hold your breath longer, but have the courage to get into the water at all. I’m still torn on whether the progression would be one final item or mini-quests for several, but I think it’d pace the day nicely to find more than one thing to amuse yourself with.
All that said, this has a better shot than [not a] MOD of becoming finished reality due to some actual planning in the form of a few sketches I’ve had done of the environment! One of the few interesting mechanics will be that there aren’t any doors and only one or two cave entrances - at certain points you’ll be indicated that you can move into the background or foreground, moving through the environment from a new perspective (so, for example, a branching path on a cliff over the beach will have two exits: one into the mountain and one into the screen, the latter on a path that leads to a nice view of the sun. Going into the mountain will start you on the left side of the screen heading right, going into the screen will start you on the right heading left, kind of like Super Paper Mario if it was always 2D). I rather like my cliff/mountain over the ocean, and all of the little nooks it allows for, so I took advantage of the picture I had in my head.
I still ran into some lengthy issues, though, as someone with my levels of rust will.
- First was that I wasted a long time just thinking of the mod's name (wasting time perfecting aesthetics before any substance is done is a terrible habit of mine!), in addition to trying to figure out how to make a completely wiped Cave Story to mod cleanly on (I’m still not sure how BL's “new” option is supposed to work, this turned out to not matter, and I went back to editing from Start Point as I once did).[/*]
- Then there was Riley (as I call the intentionally ambiguous blond kid, a vibrant rehash of an old project's protagonist), whose myChar was lots of fun to make but took forever, and the endless tinkering with physics I did to make a human character play more, well, human. [/*]
- And finally there was even more aesthetic work: my title (which is intentionally pure garbage right now, and even that took more time than I would have liked u.u), the pointless flourishes of the textbox and the hard lesson that is tilesets and tiletypes. The latter, and the realization that a lot of the little effects I want to do with the environment will need to be custom, is why I gave up the ghost on getting this finished for the contest.[/*]
- ...oh! Right! Also tiling takes a long time, moreso when your environment is a little on the huge side and you’re just learning. I didn’t do much tiling for [not a] MOD and this is about as good of a crash course as I’ll get, since I have stuff on paper this time![/*]
So with so much written, here’s why I wanted to write this: ★a magical moment involving water★. As noted earlier, I’ve been messing with the protagonist's physics for a long while now using the helpful submission to Noxid's Hackinator. A light, young human moves quickly but with a shorter jump and heavier fall, because I still headcanon that scout robots like Quote were explicitly made for jumping but still weighed down enough to focus on long-term movement more than sprints.
What really vexed me was the water - I hate the idea of a human just sinking to the bottom and walking/jumping down there. Setting gravity to a negative value fixes that by causing the protagonist to bob up and down in the water (affected by the heavier gravity I set in air), simulating a swim up for breath and then a dive back down, but this created the issue of not letting you go any lower (necessary to enter a watery cave below the first beach). Holding the jump button would let you hang in the water without floating up, so I did more experimenting and finally found it a few hours ago!
Rising gravity seems to affect how quickly you lose upwards momentum when holding the jump button. By setting it to a much higher value than what I initially had, I found that it allowed you to make little dips down into the water so long as jump is held! It works so much better than I initially dreamed I could manage without ASM, I don’t even care that it causes Riley to spasm when you try to keep diving onto the floor.
Alright, I’m finally mostly done. One last thing before I go:
★Short term goals★
- Figure out the exact sequence of upgrades, where in the cliffs and beach you get them, and draw out the remaining alternate views/side areas. This is not easy, but it’s very important to have a vision.
- Somehow manage to whip up appropriately dark ocean water. The main issue is water slope tiles, because background water tiles don’t come in those flavors and thus colored-in water will be drawn over you for those.
- Make extra myChars for the visual upgrades. Swimming really has no animation, so maybe the flippers can be implied, if they’re included at all.
Finish tiling the first view.