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The IRC problem. Maybe an official channel will help.

What do you think?

  • The multiple channels are fine, leave it how it is.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • An official channel would be nice, so everyone would be in a single moderated channel.

    Votes: 17 53.1%
  • I have an better idea... (Post it!)

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • I don't know/care.

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • 2 channels: An official channel and a less regulated channel.

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters
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Aug 24, 2010 at 6:56 PM
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
Jake isn't really that bad though, I think he has a good heart o:
PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFHAHAHAHAHAHAOkay, you're entitled to your opinion.
S. P. Gardebiter said:
Now it's more like: "Yo, fuckers! You douchebags suck balls."
"Oh, hello you fucker. I made the best mod ever, your mod sucks ass."
"Fuck you! You only want more and more power, you fucktard! I hate you! Everyone hates you!"
Pretty sure Jacob had something to do with starting that trend. I'm not saying he's solely responsible, but come on. It's Jacob.
Wedge of Cheese said:
Not only is it unethical, it is likely to kill the forums (because people will get pissed off and leave).
Aug 25, 2010 at 8:49 AM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
I'm sorry, but this really doesn't add ANY weight to your argument. It's the SPOT; it's supposed to be spam, by definition.
I meant post content, not the fact that there was spam.

Wedge of Cheese said:
I would be more convinced that Fire's ban was deserved if I had evidence that many other users (i.e. not just you and SP) were upset about his behavior.
Okay, uh... sixtyseconds, BurnedKirby, Metruler/Malpercio, Haithm and Jake (apparently), IAmSerge, Ralren, Miles, WildDesu, Lowell and possibly Boots have all expressed dissent at some point, and that's mostly just off the top of my head.

Wedge of Cheese said:
I'll admit, this does make a lot more sense. I'm still not totally convinced that you and SP are holding everyone to the same standards, though. I don't really see how Fire's situation is that different from that of someone like Jacob, who, like Fire, was quite "rough around the edges" and wasn't afraid to say things that might offend some people. Jacob wasn't permabanned (except at his own request) and people were sad when he left and happy when he came back. I don't really see how Fire is so different that SP would feel the need to permaban him.
The thing about Jacob was/is that he never claimed he wasn't acting inappropriately and when push came to shove he showed he was capable of better. On an aesthetic level, I've also spoken to them both in private and have some understanding of why they act in such a way (which is like a really big deal for me). On a personal level I feel like I owe Jacob the benefit of the doubt but I won't get into that >_>

Wedge of Cheese said:
That's actually a decent idea...
Seconding this :o

Captain Fabulous said:
Pretty sure Jacob had something to do with starting that trend. I'm not saying he's solely responsible, but come on. It's Jacob.
It started in 2007. The roots of this reach far back beyond you current munchkins. Also nobody cares about why T-Jack left.
Aug 25, 2010 at 1:42 PM
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Bragging about it? Seriously? I love how you lead these falsified smear campaigns against me for no reason at all besides some retarded 3 year old hatred you have of me.

I wasn't bragging about it, I don't even know what the account does besides being a test admin account. Literally, the Admin account 'test'. I was told if hackers did anything to the forum again that I was to use that account and try my best to fix the damage. Since that has yet to happen I never logged into the account.

You really need to drop your hatred for me since not only is it senseless, but you hate me for all the wrong reasons. You basically crucified me when the rep system came on and then it after Shiro came in and said sometimes faulty stuff happens with the forums you didn't say so much of a sorry or say you were wrong.

But if you want feel free to continue to blame me for things I couldn't possibly do, and continue to hate me for completely senseless reasons and believe I am not fit for being a staff member just because I am not always srsbisnis.

And if Oliver doesn't ban me again you're free to ask just all what I could do under the MetaSeraphim account which is the only account I ever made changes to the forum with so I can prove I didn't do the things I was blamed for, or just keep crucifying for no good reason not only for these changes I supposedly made, but how I am a horrible bad horrible spammer who is like fox news. Whatever suits your fancy dude.

Le sigh.
Aug 25, 2010 at 4:30 PM
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*edit* fffffffFFFFFFFFFFFFF
I had a big anti-Fire post but no, no, I'm not going to do that. I"m not going to antagonize anyone.

I barely even know Fire, I just wish he'd stop with the attitude, stop hating on people he doesn't know at all and stop having that presence that sometimes keeps good posters away. I know that probably won't change anytime soon, which is why I wouldn't mind seeing him stay banned since he's the one user on this forum that I can't get along with no matter what I do and that bothers me, but I'm not going to step into this argument since I have no idea what the real story behind all this was.
Aug 25, 2010 at 9:03 PM
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
Fire likes manipulating people, me and Ralren were friends with him, before he came with a knife and stabbed us in our backs.
Basicly all he can do is trolling, flaming and pissing other people off. I never saw him accomplishing a nice thing for the forums.
Jake isn't really that bad though, I think he has a good heart o:

Also btw. talking about standards of these forums... That's what I'm so fucking pissed off atm. One year ago it was like: "Hello, dude what you're doing? And how are you? :)"
"Oh, hello my friend. I'm fine and I'm making a mod. :o *screenshot*"
"That looks awesome! :D"

Now it's more like: "Yo, fuckers! You douchebags suck balls."
"Oh, hello you fucker. I made the best mod ever, your mod sucks ass."
"Fuck you! You only want more and more power, you fucktard! I hate you! Everyone hates you!"

Beeing unfriendly is normal here today. That's why I'm sick of these forums.
We should make a "1/2 day ban" rule for rudeness -_-

SP I mentioned this in my post a week back. The forums are a community, a society. And a society can't stay the same. It's going to change the same way it changes in the real world. And most of the time you can't do much, only adapt. That or ban whomever has nothing to contribute, no product to produce, only offensive posts and trolling. However, if that was ever implemented...the forums would be pretty empty and boring.

Though the 12 hour ban for being an ass seems great.
Aug 26, 2010 at 4:04 AM
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DoubleThink said:
no clue what you're talking about. Fire, i have no problem with. Captain's the only one that's gotten anywhere near starting to make me kinda mad-ish, and even that i barely remember lol
Aug 26, 2010 at 4:13 AM
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Malpercio said:
no clue what you're talking about. Fire, i have no problem with. Captain's the only one that's gotten anywhere near starting to make me kinda mad-ish, and even that i barely remember lol

Malpercio in IRC awhile back said:
[17:11] <Metruler1990> Fire1052 is almost as bad imo. but that may just be me

fffff quoted text doesn't count as letters

I'll possibly deal with Meta's post when I can actually find time to give a shit about it
Aug 28, 2010 at 9:08 PM
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DoubleThink said:
I'll possibly deal with Meta's post when I can actually find time to give a shit about it

See, now that's another thing. In all the years you have been insulting me have I actually ever insulted you back? Have I ever treated you the way you've treated me? Have I ever led something against you saying you did something which I had no proof that you did?

And I am the biased one here? Hahahaha, oh wow.
Aug 28, 2010 at 10:27 PM
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Meta I'm pretty sure if you politely asked SP to unban you a few weeks later he'd give in.
Aug 29, 2010 at 4:39 AM
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Naru said:
See, now that's another thing. In all the years you have been insulting me have I actually ever insulted you back? Have I ever treated you the way you've treated me? Have I ever led something against you saying you did something which I had no proof that you did?
Yes, yes and yes.

Should also point out that I meant that literally in the sense that I have absolutely no time at the moment and have more important real life things to deal with. No, it wasn't the nicest way of putting it, guess I must have been in a bad mood or something gosh what a shock.
Aug 29, 2010 at 7:15 PM
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DoubleThink said:
Malpercio said:
no clue what you're talking about. Fire, i have no problem with. Captain's the only one that's gotten anywhere near starting to make me kinda mad-ish, and even that i barely remember lol

Malpercio in IRC awhile back said:
[17:11] <Metruler1990> Fire1052 is almost as bad imo. but that may just be me
of course, that's a relative statement FROM A WHILE BACK, i said almost, and again i no longer have a problem with fire if i ever did lol
Aug 31, 2010 at 5:42 PM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
I think what Fabulous meant was that a forum should be a democracy, not that it is one. The forums are programmed like a dictatorship, but that doesn't mean they should be run like one. Admins not honoring the wishes of the users is not good. Not only is it unethical, it is likely to kill the forums (because people will get pissed off and leave).
Yes and no.

The forum is owned by one person, and it's perfectly fine for that person to set whatever rules they wish. At the same time, the administrators do need to account for the opinions of the users. They shouldn't depend on the users to make decisions for them, but nor should they make decisions that alienate a majority of the users. Of course, they can do that if they want, but as you say it is likely to kill off the forums.

DoubleThink said:
Okay, uh... sixtyseconds, BurnedKirby, Metruler/Malpercio, Haithm and Jake (apparently), IAmSerge, Ralren, Miles, WildDesu, Lowell and possibly Boots have all expressed dissent at some point, and that's mostly just off the top of my head.
I'm not sure if I've expressed dissent about Fire, but I've certainly felt it at times... I can't remember if he has ever been on my ignore list, though.
Sep 1, 2010 at 6:10 AM
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His dog died recently >:(

Have some respect.
Sep 2, 2010 at 4:51 AM
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Wherever I posted, Fire would come and try to troll/flame me. LSS, I got sick of it. I tried to honor his opinions whenever possible, but the IMHO, the opinions "You're a faggot" or "Your mod sucks asscock" don't need honoring, or at the very least require an explanation. I know I haven't been the model of a forum member in the past, but having someone dedicated to persecuting you for it is the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.
Sep 2, 2010 at 6:18 AM
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anyway, fire's not that bad. they may piss us off, but imo you need at least one troll in every forum, otherwise it gets boring. i know i'd laugh at flamewars that'd get spawned every once in a while.
Sep 2, 2010 at 6:24 AM
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The conversation has long ago shifted from the original topic

I believe the thread title should be changed to reflect this.
Sep 2, 2010 at 8:16 AM
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Malpercio said:
anyway, fire's not that bad. they may piss us off, but imo you need at least one troll in every forum, otherwise it gets boring. i know i'd laugh at flamewars that'd get spawned every once in a while.
Get the fuck out

explosive said:
The conversation has long ago shifted from the original topic

I believe the thread title should be changed to reflect this.
This thread is pretty much dead now, if for some reason it keeps going a while longer I'll just split it.
Sep 2, 2010 at 1:46 PM
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Has any sort of decision been made about the admin issue? It seems like SP is staying, but doesn't want to do any administrating.
Sep 2, 2010 at 3:18 PM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
It seems like SP is staying, but doesn't want to do any administrating.

I don't go before my website is finished.
I have to do personal business.
And yes, I'm not going to do any administrating anymore. (Even if it is needed)
Sep 2, 2010 at 3:54 PM
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DoubleThink said:
Get the fuck out
first of all, I really don't give a shit if you're an admin or not, that's just not polite no matter how you look at it.
Granted, Malpercio wanted Fire back because he liked watching trolls, but this just seems backwards to me.
Even if you said it kin of as a joke, you and SP would be all over Fire if he posted something like this (which he has, and you did).
I know it's easy to raeg, but you're an admin bro, try to keep a level-ish head, that's an admins job.

S. P. Gardebiter said:
And yes, I'm not going to do any administrating anymore. (Even if it is needed)

Look, I have no issue with you stepping down from administrator, but "even if it is needed?" What are you, a fucking five-year-old? Honestly, you are/were an admin show some maturity, man.
I'm not even sure at this point if you're stepping down because you're sick of it, or you want to prove a point like some jealous middle-school girl.

What I'm saying is, I know you don't like some thing about this forum (users or otherwise), but for the love of Christ just suck it up and grow up before you try to deal with it.

What is wrong with you fellas, you're acting like children.
And I'm pretty sure you weren't chosen to be admins because you act childish all the time.
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