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The IRC problem. Maybe an official channel will help.

What do you think?

  • The multiple channels are fine, leave it how it is.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • An official channel would be nice, so everyone would be in a single moderated channel.

    Votes: 17 53.1%
  • I have an better idea... (Post it!)

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • I don't know/care.

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • 2 channels: An official channel and a less regulated channel.

    Votes: 5 15.6%

  • Total voters
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Aug 23, 2010 at 5:59 AM
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cultr1 said:
So Fire is b& forever.

It kinda bothers me when people just use b& instead of banned. Isn't it just faster to type "banned" instead of searching for the "&"?
Aug 23, 2010 at 6:26 AM
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Aug 23, 2010 at 6:29 AM
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DoubleThink said:
As per usual this whole thing is very silly. SP leaving the site is probably the worst thing that could happen at the moment because there will be no active staff left on the site who can actually access anything.
You weren't there for the massive faggotry on IRC concerning who gets to be the admin next, like it's freaking Mirai Gamer Idol. A bunch of idiots (you know who you are) were like "I SHOULD BE THE NEXT ADMIN," and the only people who deserve the responsibility are the ones who didn't jump at the chance.
DoubleThink said:
I don't have time to go into huge detail at the moment but let's just say I am going to be incredibly pissed off if I have to clean up this mess on my own.
You probably will, as I predicted. I mean, who's going to help you? SkyeWelse? Pffft.
Landonpeanut said:
It kinda bothers me when people just use b& instead of banned. Isn't it just faster to type "banned" instead of searching for the "&"?
It's whimsical, not shorthand. More of a meme than an abbreviation.

In other news, this thread has spiraled wildly off-topic. I recommend making a new thread that starts right about here.
Aug 23, 2010 at 11:36 AM
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
Edit: Also, MS knows now that I banned her, if she is a SAdmin she could access the forums anyway (doesn't matter if she's banned or not) and then she could ban me. Great job people. If she is going to take over the forums then have fun contacting SkyeWelse and wait 5 years until everything is fixed. I'm so fucking sick of this. Jeez, how stupid can someone be?

S. P. Gardebiter said:
Because weird things happened and MS is the only person who could have done that.

I wasn't doing these things to the forums, SkyeWelse didn't, Shirofan didn't, Andwhyisit didn't and all the other users with more power are inactive.

I know you banned my account because I said I could still get into the AdminCP, however the thing is even with my MetaSeraphim account banned I can still access the AdminCP. If I wanted to screw with the forums don't you think I would do it after getting banned because I would be mad? Yet I haven't?

But you want to blame me for things you have no proof about? Hell, most of the things that happened I couldn't even do from the MetaSeraphim account. And I was told to never use the other account that could have done such things, which I didn't.

Captain Fabulous said:
The users ARE the kings of the forums. It's called democracy, DEAL W/ IT.

Forums are not a democracy, don't let the fact that the staff around here is soft-handed go to your head.

DoubleThink said:

You know, I've grown tired of your arrogant and egoistic attitude towards me. You think you would do a better job than I? lol I said this before, the way I act when I am a member and the way I act when I am a staff member are two different sides to me. Yet you want to think the way I act as a member is the real me? lol

I guess the fact that 8 owners of forums trusted me enough to make me a staff member means nothing to you since you're oh so better and superior to me.
Aug 23, 2010 at 11:59 AM
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Uran said:
You know, I've grown tired of your arrogant and egoistic attitude towards me. You think you would do a better job than I? lol I said this before, the way I act when I am a member and the way I act when I am a staff member are two different sides to me. Yet you want to think the way I act as a member is the real me? lol

I guess the fact that 8 owners of forums trusted me enough to make me a staff member means nothing to you since you're oh so better and superior to me.
You were staff member for long enough and you showed only passing evidence to this effect. Your entire stay here has involved you making claims like this and never seeing them through, and sucking up to whoever you think will agree with you. You don't get to pick and choose what counts as being mature and what doesn't.

For the record, yes, I do believe I could do a better job than you, but that has nothing to do with my own desires. I don't trust you, I don't put much faith in what you say, and I don't go spamming up the forums every time I get in a bad mood. You have nobody but yourself to blame for what happened, if not for calling SP's bluff then for showing little sensitivity towards the lack of forum access everyone else but you seems to have. I'm sick of seeing accusations thrown around over the silliest little things, and the fewer people on this site who escalate everything to that level the better. If I do have something to prove it's not like anyone will listen to me anyway, so why should I bother?

Aug 23, 2010 at 3:25 PM
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Uran said:
If I wanted to screw with the forums don't you think I would do it after getting banned because I would be mad? Yet I haven't?

Because I'm sure that SkyeWelse has database backups.
Also WHAT THE FUCK seeing you here again?

Uran said:
But you want to blame me for things you have no proof about?

Hah, got you!
SkyeWelse wasn't online that day, Shirofan wasn't online that day, Andwhyisit wasn't online that day. Only you and me. The only other admins are inactive. You're the only person who could have done that and I don't trust you.
Aug 23, 2010 at 3:49 PM
graters gonna grate
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DoubleThink said:
Fire and Meta were hardly banned out of the blue.
Both of their bans were totally undeserved.

There is no proof that Meta did any of the things she is being accused of. Would you care to explain where this...
Uran said:
I know you banned my account because I said I could still get into the AdminCP, however the thing is even with my MetaSeraphim account banned I can still access the AdminCP. If I wanted to screw with the forums don't you think I would do it after getting banned because I would be mad? Yet I haven't?

But you want to blame me for things you have no proof about? Hell, most of the things that happened I couldn't even do from the MetaSeraphim account. And I was told to never use the other account that could have done such things, which I didn't.
...is wrong? Has it not occurred to you that maybe the screwey things that have happened to the forums in the past are not the result of anyone intentionally trying to mess with the forums, but are actually the result of programming errors? Ever heard of "innocent until proven guilty"?

As for Fire, go read the VM conversation between Fire and SP. Fire asked for specific examples of the "massive flaming and trolling" that SP was accusing him of, and SP gave a few. Fire then went through each one and explained why there was nothing wrong with them, and his explanations made perfect sense. The conversation ended there, so presumably SP was just like "fuck you, you're banned" instead of actually taking the time to think and see that Fire was right. SP was blinded by anger.

DoubleThink said:
As per usual this whole thing is very silly. SP leaving the site is probably the worst thing that could happen at the moment because there will be no active staff left on the site who can actually access anything. I don't have time to go into huge detail at the moment but let's just say I am going to be incredibly pissed off if I have to clean up this mess on my own.
SP already said the forums are harming his mental health and he's pissed off at basically everyone on the forums. Having an admin in that state is not good for the admin and not good for the forums. It's in everyone's best interest if he is no longer an admin. I agree with what cultr1 said that SP should consider the option of staying on the forums as a non-admin, but that's entirely up to him. The best thing to do would be to appoint another admin, if SP does indeed leave/get de-admin-ized.

Captain Fabulous said:
You weren't there for the massive faggotry on IRC concerning who gets to be the admin next, like it's freaking Mirai Gamer Idol. A bunch of idiots (you know who you are) were like "I SHOULD BE THE NEXT ADMIN," and the only people who deserve the responsibility are the ones who didn't jump at the chance.
I wasn't there either, but for the most part I would agree with you. I wouldn't object to someone being an admin solely on the grounds that they jumped at the chance, but there is a pretty strong negative correlation between someone's eagerness for power and their trustworthiness with power.
Aug 23, 2010 at 4:27 PM
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DoubleThink said:
Regarding everything else:
WoodenRat made a really excellent post.

Why thank you DT that really made me happy!

Captain Fabulous said:
P.S. The users ARE the kings of the forums. It's called democracy, DEAL W/ IT.

SP's actions have proven that miraigamer is in dictatorship.

The forums are a moving breathing organism. The admins are the head of it all (might not be the smartest head), the moderators are the bones and muscles. And we, the users, are simply fat. Yes, fat. Also if SP won't be an admin anymore then ELECT WOODENRAT AS YOUR NEXT PRESIDENT. WHERE I'VE BEEN LIVING I'VE SEEN BOTH COMMUNISM AND CAPITALISM, I KNOW HOW SHIT WORKS. ELECT ME NOW.
Aug 23, 2010 at 5:01 PM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
There is no proof that Meta did any of the things she is being accused of. Would you care to explain where this...

...is wrong? Has it not occurred to you that maybe the screwey things that have happened to the forums in the past are not the result of anyone intentionally trying to mess with the forums, but are actually the result of programming errors? Ever heard of "innocent until proven guilty"?
Firstly, see post above yours. Secondly, I didn't ban her so I can't speak for SP, but I believe she deserved to banned (at least temporarily) for other reasons such as her general behaviour and statements that she has made against other users, extending back to before you had even joined the site. Don't act like I'm being ignorant about this.

I will gladly admit that the forum magic could just be random and that I overreacted, but like it or not these random events correlate with her far more than anybody else. She's only making things harder for herself by bragging about how she can access the AdminCP but that she totally isn't misusing it. SP can't even access a lot of features at the moment (IIRC including some that he was previously able to) that would allow him to make the forums run more smoothly and fix things like postcount spasms, which means that she's apparently the only one who can even touch these things. This makes no sense in general because her previous staff position was supposed to be a grade below admin.

Wedge of Cheese said:
As for Fire, go read the VM conversation between Fire and SP. Fire asked for specific examples of the "massive flaming and trolling" that SP was accusing him of, and SP gave a few. Fire then went through each one and explained why there was nothing wrong with them, and his explanations made perfect sense. The conversation ended there, so presumably SP was just like "fuck you, you're banned" instead of actually taking the time to think and see that Fire was right. SP was blinded by anger.
Link ploz? In the meantime I'm taking this with a grain of salt. Fire's 'explanations' usually involve little more than telling somebody that they're wrong and possibly also that they're stupid. I can post some logs of my own showing the ridiculous accusations that he makes.

Wedge of Cheese said:
SP already said the forums are harming his mental health and he's pissed off at basically everyone on the forums. Having an admin in that state is not good for the admin and not good for the forums. It's in everyone's best interest if he is no longer an admin. I agree with what cultr1 said that SP should consider the option of staying on the forums as a non-admin, but that's entirely up to him. The best thing to do would be to appoint another admin, if SP does indeed leave/get de-admin-ized.
Yeah but who's around to give someone else admin access? The only one I can think of is Shirofan, and he seems to be aloof regarding forum issues in general. Unless SP can do it, but I don't know if he's able to.

On the other hand, SP could be calmed down with a bit of effort and the whole issue could be avoided altogether :/
Aug 23, 2010 at 8:57 PM
graters gonna grate
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DoubleThink said:
Firstly, see post above yours. Secondly, I didn't ban her so I can't speak for SP, but I believe she deserved to banned (at least temporarily) for other reasons such as her general behaviour and statements that she has made against other users, extending back to before you had even joined the site. Don't act like I'm being ignorant about this.

I will gladly admit that the forum magic could just be random and that I overreacted, but like it or not these random events correlate with her far more than anybody else. She's only making things harder for herself by bragging about how she can access the AdminCP but that she totally isn't misusing it. SP can't even access a lot of features at the moment (IIRC including some that he was previously able to) that would allow him to make the forums run more smoothly and fix things like postcount spasms, which means that she's apparently the only one who can even touch these things. This makes no sense in general because her previous staff position was supposed to be a grade below admin.
The fact that her staff position is supposed to be a grade below admin makes me even less apt to believe that she is responsible for the forum magic.

Now as for these "other reasons" I guess that's fair, though I still think a permanent ban was totally uncalled for. I also think it's unfair to ban someone for something done over two years ago. Of course, if she's still doing it today, then there would be good reason for a temp-ban, but I honestly don't know what you mean about "her general behavior and statements against other users". Examples, mehbeh?

DoubleThink said:
Link ploz? In the meantime I'm taking this with a grain of salt. Fire's 'explanations' usually involve little more than telling somebody that they're wrong and possibly also that they're stupid. I can post some logs of my own showing the ridiculous accusations that he makes.
Fire's comments were slightly harsh, but really nothing by the standards of these forums. I've heard worse comments than Fire's on the forums that SP didn't even blink at, so SP is clearly not administrating in an unbiased manner as he should.

DoubleThink said:
Yeah but who's around to give someone else admin access? The only one I can think of is Shirofan, and he seems to be aloof regarding forum issues in general. Unless SP can do it, but I don't know if he's able to.
I was under the impression that SP could do it, or that if he couldn't, he was going to email SkyeWelse and have him do it. But maybe I'm wrong.

And if we are going to get a new admin, we need to start thinking about who that would be, and how we're going to decide. Maybe start with a nomination thread, and after a certain amount of time has gone by, make a poll thread for voting on those that have been nominated.
Aug 23, 2010 at 9:38 PM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
I've heard worse comments than Fire's on the forums that SP didn't even blink at, so SP is clearly not administrating in an unbiased manner as he should.

I did, he asked for newer examples though.

Wedge of Cheese said:
Maybe start with a nomination thread, and after a certain amount of time has gone by, make a poll thread for voting on those that have been nominated.

Noway. I will talk to SkyeWelse on this matter.
We don't need a flaming dickhead as an admin, even if the users want a flaming dickhead as an admin.
Aug 23, 2010 at 9:41 PM
graters gonna grate
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SkyeWelse barely even knows any of the active users nowadays; he's been inactive for so long. At least have someone active like DT or andwhy decide, if you don't trust the forums as a whole to decide. And why on Earth would anyone want a flaming dickhead as an admin?
Aug 23, 2010 at 9:43 PM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
SkyeWelse barely even knows any of the active users nowadays; he's been inactive for so long. At least have someone active like DT or andwhy decide, if you don't trust the forums as a whole to decide.

I guess the team as a whole will decide. That means SkyeWelse, Andwhyisit and me. (And probably DT too)

Wedge of Cheese said:
And why on Earth would anyone want a flaming dickhead as an admin?

Don't ask me. Ask the users that permabanned fire.
Aug 24, 2010 at 8:38 AM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
Of course, if she's still doing it today, then there would be good reason for a temp-ban, but I honestly don't know what you mean about "her general behavior and statements against other users". Examples, mehbeh?
Convo 1 (I had to un-delete posts WD had deleted just to show this)
Convo 2
She also spammed up the SPOT a while back, IIRC in response to me locking a thread or something (which IIRC yourself then responded to quite a bit). She's as fair and balanced as Fox News.

Wedge of Cheese said:
All I see for most of that page is "deny deny deny SP u only mad coz u dun get it". As for the top post, his explanations consist entirely of "you're deliberately taking everything the wrong way because you're a fucking douchebag and that's just the way it is and I'm doing everybody else a favour because my way of seeing things is the only right way". He literally states like two or three times that he said things because SP explicitly deserved them - not even because he thought SP deserved them, but because he did and it was fair and nobody has any right to disagree. The only excuse that holds any weight at all is the final one. If this is what you consider a reasonable explanation then I don't know what to tell you? He was told to stop making attacking comments and he refused. Whether or not he thinks they were deserved is irrelevant.

Wedge of Cheese said:
Fire's comments were slightly harsh, but really nothing by the standards of these forums. I've heard worse comments than Fire's on the forums that SP didn't even blink at, so SP is clearly not administrating in an unbiased manner as he should.
You mean the standards that people like him have helped to propagate? rolf. Firstly SP specifically said this:
Salmon Pie said:
Other posts are older than a month or deleted.
Secondly, just because somebody says things and they aren't directly responded to doesn't mean they've been ignored. I had been taking note of the comments Fire had been making for months, and he knew he was on moderation watch from both me and SP. The way I see it each such case just provides more evidence when the time comes. He was given a chance to lighten up of his own volition, but instead he just grew steadily more hostile, to the point that he was berating users for exercising their own fucking free right to contact other users privately. He's a creep with a raging unaccountability complex, and the only reason he wasn't banned permanently in the first place was because SP got to him before I did.

And yeah if there is to be a new admin it will be decided by the site staff, and will probably end up being one of them. A new moderator (or two) may be made to fill the slot, but launching someone straight to admin is a terrible idea (I have to say, rofl at anyone who thought they seriously had a shot at this from a basic user account). That leaves me or andwhyisit. Andy has already given up admin privileges once because he "couldn't handle it" and isn't overly active anymore, and I don't particularly want it because I'm very busy at the moment and I can't police an entire forum on my own, nor do I feel like having to fluff every decision I make out with chocolate and fairly floss to make sure that everyone doesn't get upset. So again I'm restating that it's not a good idea for this to happen.
Aug 24, 2010 at 1:06 PM
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"He's a creep with a raging unaccountability complex, and the only reason he wasn't banned permanently in the first place was because SP got to him before I did."

Aww come on DT, Fire can't be that bad.
Aug 24, 2010 at 2:23 PM
graters gonna grate
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DoubleThink said:
Convo 1 (I had to un-delete posts WD had deleted just to show this)
Convo 2
I guess I'll take your word that this happens frequently, but these examples don't really seem all that bad to me.

DoubleThink said:
She also spammed up the SPOT a while back, IIRC in response to me locking a thread or something (which IIRC yourself then responded to quite a bit).
I'm sorry, but this really doesn't add ANY weight to your argument. It's the SPOT; it's supposed to be spam, by definition.

DoubleThink said:
All I see for most of that page is "deny deny deny SP u only mad coz u dun get it". As for the top post, his explanations consist entirely of "you're deliberately taking everything the wrong way because you're a fucking douchebag and that's just the way it is and I'm doing everybody else a favour because my way of seeing things is the only right way". He literally states like two or three times that he said things because SP explicitly deserved them - not even because he thought SP deserved them, but because he did and it was fair and nobody has any right to disagree. The only excuse that holds any weight at all is the final one. If this is what you consider a reasonable explanation then I don't know what to tell you? He was told to stop making attacking comments and he refused. Whether or not he thinks they were deserved is irrelevant.
I guess that's fair. I mostly saw it as Fire explaining why his comments weren't ban-worthy, rather than explaining why they were deserved by the people they were directed at (which, I admit, he did a very poor job of). I would be more convinced that Fire's ban was deserved if I had evidence that many other users (i.e. not just you and SP) were upset about his behavior.

DoubleThink said:
Secondly, just because somebody says things and they aren't directly responded to doesn't mean they've been ignored. I had been taking note of the comments Fire had been making for months, and he knew he was on moderation watch from both me and SP.
I'll admit, this does make a lot more sense. I'm still not totally convinced that you and SP are holding everyone to the same standards, though. I don't really see how Fire's situation is that different from that of someone like Jacob, who, like Fire, was quite "rough around the edges" and wasn't afraid to say things that might offend some people. Jacob wasn't permabanned (except at his own request) and people were sad when he left and happy when he came back. I don't really see how Fire is so different that SP would feel the need to permaban him.
Aug 24, 2010 at 3:13 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
P.S. The users ARE the kings of the forums. It's called democracy, DEAL W/ IT.
Not so. A forum is not a democracy. If the owner wants to ban people for the slightest offence, there's nothing you can do about it.

Wedge of Cheese said:
Jacob wasn't permabanned (except at his own request) and people were sad when he left and happy when he came back.
...uh, speak for yourself. I wasn't particularly happy when he came back...
Aug 24, 2010 at 3:26 PM
graters gonna grate
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Celtic Minstrel said:
Not so. A forum is not a democracy. If the owner wants to ban people for the slightest offence, there's nothing you can do about it.

I think what Fabulous meant was that a forum should be a democracy, not that it is one. The forums are programmed like a dictatorship, but that doesn't mean they should be run like one. Admins not honoring the wishes of the users is not good. Not only is it unethical, it is likely to kill the forums (because people will get pissed off and leave).
Aug 24, 2010 at 3:32 PM
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Fire likes manipulating people, me and Ralren were friends with him, before he came with a knife and stabbed us in our backs.
Basicly all he can do is trolling, flaming and pissing other people off. I never saw him accomplishing a nice thing for the forums.
Jake isn't really that bad though, I think he has a good heart o:

Also btw. talking about standards of these forums... That's what I'm so fucking pissed off atm. One year ago it was like: "Hello, dude what you're doing? And how are you? :)"
"Oh, hello my friend. I'm fine and I'm making a mod. :o *screenshot*"
"That looks awesome! :D"

Now it's more like: "Yo, fuckers! You douchebags suck balls."
"Oh, hello you fucker. I made the best mod ever, your mod sucks ass."
"Fuck you! You only want more and more power, you fucktard! I hate you! Everyone hates you!"

Beeing unfriendly is normal here today. That's why I'm sick of these forums.
We should make a "1/2 day ban" rule for rudeness -_-
Aug 24, 2010 at 3:51 PM
graters gonna grate
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S. P. Gardebiter said:
We should make a "1/2 day ban" rule for rudeness -_-

That's actually a decent idea...
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