The great pirate debate of 2011

Sep 16, 2011 at 11:17 PM
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Captain Fabulous said:
And just so you know, it's coming out for PC as well, just a little later.

How long til there's a torrent up?
Sep 16, 2011 at 11:22 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

You'll probably have to wait for the game to come out...

Impoverished gypsy
Sep 17, 2011 at 1:20 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

Captain Fabulous said:
You'll probably have to wait for the game to come out...

Impoverished gypsy

Why pay when you have the ability of not paying? omg theyr indi devleoperers u ned to suport dem, well fuck you you gullible hypothetical asshole that I used as an example and put in italics. First of all a penny saved is a penny earned. Second of all - guess what, you are supporting them just by playing their game. By playing it, you make it more popular and maybe later you can actually BUY that developer's later creations if you're a lawful-good character in real life. So there, everyone wins. Also twenty bucks doesn't equal the same money here as it does in the richest country in the world.
Sep 17, 2011 at 1:34 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

Why can't we all be friends, have sleepovers, and trade socks?
Sep 17, 2011 at 2:56 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

WoodenRat said:
Why pay when you have the ability of not paying? omg theyr indi devleoperers u ned to suport dem, well fuck you you gullible hypothetical asshole that I used as an example and put in italics. First of all a penny saved is a penny earned. Second of all - guess what, you are supporting them just by playing their game. By playing it, you make it more popular and maybe later you can actually BUY that developer's later creations if you're a lawful-good character in real life. So there, everyone wins. Also twenty bucks doesn't equal the same money here as it does in the richest country in the world.
Uuummmmmmmm what?


If you really think you can make piracy sound legitimate, you're dead wrong.
Sep 17, 2011 at 3:07 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

WoodenRat said:
Second of all - guess what, you are supporting them just by playing their game. By playing it, you make it more popular and maybe later you can actually BUY that developer's later creations if you're a lawful-good character in real life.
So to buy a stereo you would steal one from a store, use it, and then MAYBE pay the store for it if YOU feel like it?

Pirates have been brandishing this excuse for years just to feel good about themselves. It doesn't work in real life. The number of people who would buy a game they've already played are quite low and the number of games they would do this with are lower again. Plus if everyone adopted this philosophy then all the popularity in the world wouldn't do a damn thing.

If you want game devs to make good games for you then try paying for your games and actually supporting the industry that you are benefitting from.
Sep 17, 2011 at 4:12 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

What Andwhy said.
I don't really follow how playing a game that you torrented without purchasing supports developers...
Sure, I excuse pirating an older, popular game that came out years ago, if it is done occasionally (you try finding Deus Ex PC discs for sale), but a brand new indie game who will generate little revenue on Mac as it is due to the unpopularity of the App Store? Not purchasing that would be lame for everybody.
Also, I give zero shits about how poor your country is. Save up pennies you find on the goddamned ground until you have enough for all I care, just stop infringing on their right to charge you to perpetuate their company.
I may have been disappointed with CS Wii, that doesn't mean I think Nicalis is incapable of releasing great content, and it certainly doesn't mean I support causing them to sink due to copyright infringement. I'm already loving CS+, and I have high hopes for the 3DS version.
Sep 17, 2011 at 6:21 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

What I meant to say is that by pirating games you aren't harming anyone. If you actually HACK games and code keygens, then you are kind of a douche.

Sure, it's illegal, firstly by law, secondly by your morality. Doesn't matter how you put.. Whether you're torrenting a high-budget game or Terraria.

Though it's much less harmful than in real life. Because you're not stealing a TV set, you're creating a copy of it magically by pressing CTRL+C or [DOWNLOAD TORRENT].
Sep 17, 2011 at 6:24 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

By pirating games, woody, you ARE harming someone.
You're taking away money they would otherwise get, and are thus harming both their livelyhood and the possibility of them making games in the future.

How do you not see that. :|
Sep 17, 2011 at 6:53 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

Nicalis is losing the money you would have paid them if you didn't pirate the game. If you want something, you pay for it. That's just how the world works. The only excuse for piracy is if you want something that's not available, like Deus Ex, except that's on Steam so I'm not really sure why you would pirate that, Cultr.
WoodenRat said:
First of all a penny saved is a penny earned.
WoodenRat: dispelling Lithuanian stereotypes one penny at a time. Pixel worked on this game, you know, so if you don't think Nicalis deserves your money, maybe Pixel does.

We already have one Pirate Member, maybe you guys can start a crew.
Sep 17, 2011 at 8:04 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

Captain Fabulous said:
If you want something, you pay for it.

That's not how the world works. It's how it SHOULD work, but it doesn't. Newsflash: People tend to steal things, or take them by power. Just look at history. But if you're talking about actual objects, like apples, then yeah you're right (though even apples get stolen, as blasphemous as that might sound).

Also if there is no way, no way at all, that I'd pay the amount of money a game asks which means that the only choices are to: 1. Not play the game at all. or 2. Download it. I should just completely forget about the game?
Sep 17, 2011 at 8:06 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

This is why we can't have nice things.
Sep 17, 2011 at 9:24 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

I don't understand his logic at all. Yeah playing a game will support the developers, but its hard to make games when you don't have any money for them! They need that money whether you believe it or not, so pirating games and then telling other people "DIS IS GOOD GAME" doesn't cut it.
Sep 17, 2011 at 9:49 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

I think he needs to join the pirate crew.
Sep 17, 2011 at 10:09 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

WoodenRat said:
That's not how the world works. It's how it SHOULD work, but it doesn't. Newsflash: People tend to steal things, or take them by power. Just look at history. But if you're talking about actual objects, like apples, then yeah you're right (though even apples get stolen, as blasphemous as that might sound).

Also if there is no way, no way at all, that I'd pay the amount of money a game asks which means that the only choices are to: 1. Not play the game at all. or 2. Download it. I should just completely forget about the game?

I used to think like that long time ago, but don't you think that if you like something you should show the people that created it that you liked? By pirating you don't do a damn thing for them just: "oh, it's nice but you guys don't deserve a **** for it". I really loved Cave Story and was kind of sad that it was free and I didn't have a way to show pixel that I really loved the game (since I don't have a Wii or a DSi or a 3DS), now with Cave Story+ I finally got the chance and even if I was to get a free copy with the beta I would probably buy it on steam again to show my support. But that is just me... If you want the games you love going to limbo it's your problem, just like if you think stealing is cool too. :sue:
Sep 17, 2011 at 11:13 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

This is why I'm hoping for a total collapse of society.
Sep 17, 2011 at 11:33 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

Madotsuki said:
This is why I'm hoping for a total collapse of society.

Well I guess it's too bad you aren't ten years older and Lithuanian because you could have experienced that.
Sep 17, 2011 at 11:41 PM
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Re: Cave Story+

I guess he's just trying to say how you can have infinite copies of data, but for physical goods there are limited resources. But it's still bad. Kinda. Usually the money that goes into things like houses are for paying the people who work to design and make it and for the resources to build it. When making something non-physical, you still put resources, work, and money into it, but it's impossible to consume it all.
unless someone breaks reality ... Anyways. DON'T PIRATE. :sue:
let's not stray from the topic here people.
Sep 18, 2011 at 1:57 AM
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Re: Cave Story+

Hey WoodenRat, welcome to the pirate crew.
Sep 18, 2011 at 4:14 AM
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Re: Cave Story+

There sure are a lot of people in this thread that need to get their panties out of a bunch.