Thanks for the Movie Linqueandwhyisit said:Evolution issue?
Earth Debate in Movie Script Thread:
Earth Debate in Misery's Hair Thread:
Minor Debate in a Random Mod Thread:
(for the first post)
And if it was a pseudo-earth then rabbits may have not existed in the first place. Yay! Evolved Rabbit theory is almost proven false!Roonil Wazlib said:Thanks for the Movie Linque
Anyways, I left the evolution issue for the fact that even I believe the chances are as slim as they can be, yet if you look carefully, every so rarely I've mentioned the possibility of rabbits evolving through inter-racial mating, but that would be possible only on a pseudo-earth or somewhere else totally as you say. But this again is totally against the theory that CS may be on Earth, so I agree that Mimigas are definitely a unique race if CS is our world.
lolDragonBoots said:REALITY IS A LIE!
I still maintain that CS takes place on one of the 12 Colonies from Battlestar Galactica.
Talk to the fisher guy at Mimiga Village and you'll know your theory isn't likely to be right.MetaSeraphim said:Misery turned both Sue and that-guy (can't remember his name) into Mimigas, so it is possible that the island was full of humans at one turn and Misery turned them into Mimigas.
And just because they hated humans doesn't mean they couldn't have been human once their selfs and hate all other humans because of what they become.
Your theory is supported by no fact and has a very low probablityMetaSeraphim said:She wiped their memories away and give them new ones. She is a witch after all.
Doesn't change how far-fetched it is lolMetaSeraphim said:You just named what the entire game and what people talk about the game is about.
That you're making mutch less sense than Jacob does when he says the Doctor kept the mimigas caged to rape em, coz he does have arguments to trip the debate in his favourMetaSeraphim said:And it still doesn't change the fact that almost every idea and theory is far-fetched, what is your fucking point?
I didn't diss any theory, I said it's unlikely and unsupported by fact <_<MetaSeraphim said:She might have turned humans into mimigas and wiped their memory. Is that better?
And you shouldn't diss my theory because you don't think it's true. You don't see me running around dissing your theory because I think they're wrong.