Feb 2, 2016 at 4:57 PM
Join Date: May 28, 2008
Location: PMMM MMO
Posts: 3713
Age: 32
So there's not way to change the string length?
There's a way. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out on your own though, IMO.
So there's not way to change the string length?
Yeah I still have a lot of keys so until I run out I'll keep that offer going.This is kinda dumb but can fanart still net us OST keys?
water tank on Tess's back
there is no handicap stall
I hope this counts, because I spent all day working on it. It's a mod for a game called Duck Game that allows you to wear the masks of the Tess characters. It's also the result of my first time ever using paint.NET, but it doesn't look like skill is required to qualify.
Does Tess collect the sharks by putting them in the water tank, then drain the tank?
Are those sharks made of chocolate or something?
there is no handicap stall
Those might just be regular fish, they aren't supposed to be sharks or anything in particular.Who the hell puts a bathroom next to a shark tank?!?
Really making me question where the uh, "waste" gets flushed down into.
I have sent you your OST key.
The tank actually holds water, surprisingly. And tess will be able to shoot water with a water gun.
It also acts as a sort of water-meter, letting you know how much water you have left before you need to refill it.
This game was amazing, Beautiful graphics and music, touching story and it had such a nostalgic and dreamy feel to it, not played a game with this sort of atmosphere for a while.
I didn't know a second one was already in development, Yay!
I very much doubt it but if you'd like maybe some music making I'd be honored to make something even if it was just a single piece.