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Steam Winter Sale

Dec 24, 2012 at 11:17 PM
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Ok. Thanks for the help.
Dec 25, 2012 at 2:58 AM
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Omega said:
Almost anything that isnt a strategy game. In particular retro homages and jrpg's.
Omega, you MUST check out both of the Ys games (kinda pronounced "ees", if you're wondering). There is Ys: Origin and Ys: The Oath in Felghana. Those games are some of the best JRPG action I've found on Steam. The bosses are interesting, diverse, challenging, and very fun to fight. They can be VERY challenging though, but it's that good kind of challenge that you try and try until you learn enough and get enough skill to win and then you feel immensely satisfied. Few games have such fun-to-fight bosses, and running around bashing enemies is quite satisfying as well, probably because of all those JRPG-style flashy effects and sound effects.

I'm actually liking Origin the best out of the two (almost at the end of Origin; I already beat the other one), which I didn't think I would like Origin more because it is a bit more linear than TOIF. I think the story and characters are better in Origin, so maybe that's it, and the level design is actually pretty cool in both games, considering how minimal the poly count is (they designers did as good as anyone could with that poly limit). The art style is really what makes both games such an experience. In my opinion, these Ys games have a perfect translation of retro graphics going from 2D to 3D. Both games are pretty linear, which is almost always a turn off for me personally, but these games seem to keep my interest because of the interesting designs and settings, and wanting to see and experience more is what pushes me forward. And both games are real good at making you want to grab all of the pretty item drops (ooo! sparkles!), so that keeps you going as well.

I highly recommend both games to anyone who likes RPGs and/or action games. Paying $10 for Origin is asking just a tad too much (and the $20 full price is ridiculous!), but if it ever goes below that at all, it's worth it. For The Oath in Felghana, it's worth it if you can get it for around $5. I'd never pay more than $8 for it. Actually, I paid $3.74 for it, and I haven't regretted it one bit. I paid $5 for Origin, and I'm VERY glad about that.
Dec 25, 2012 at 7:10 PM
Melon Lord
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Castle Crashers 66% off.

Thank you Santa.

So what have you guys gotten from the sale so far? I bought:
-Half-Minute Hero
-They Bleed Pixels
-Indie Game: The Movie
-Rayman Origins
-Ys Origin
-Castle Crashers (Just now)
Dec 21, 2013 at 7:55 PM
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Old Post from January 4th 2013 :
I bought:
Mr. Robot 2.49 USD
Jamestown Gunpowder DLC 1.01 USD
Ys The Oath in Felghana 3.74 USD
Ys Origin 4.99 USD
RPG Maker VX Ace 34.99 USD
Noitu Love 2 Devolution 1.99 USD
Starscape 2.49 USD
Blueberry Garden 1.24 USD
The Void (ND) 2.49 USD
A.R.E.S. 2.99 USD
A.R.E.S.: Berserker DLC 0.29 USD
Brainpipe 2.50 USD
Ether Vapor Remaster 3.99 USD
Dear Esther 2.49 USD
Portal + Portal 2 6.24 USD
Half-Life Complete 9.99 USD
Universe Sandbox 2.49 USD
They Bleed Pixels 2.49 USD
Terraria 3.39 USD
Endless Space - Emperor Special Edition 11.89 USD
Mass Effect Collection 9.99 USD
Home 1.01 USD
Retro City Rampage 7.44 USD

or 122.62 ... WHAT! I guess I got carried away...
Never ordered anything from Steam until this xmas... I've been checking all the daily and flash sales, and impulse grabbing.
I should be able to recommend stuff if they are good...

and humble bundle
-Dungeon Defenders + DLC
-Legend of Grimlock
-The Binding of Issac + DLC
-Shank 2
-Indie Game: the Movie

6.40 USD

Next up :
Maybe McPixel and Deponia... waiting to see what the next flash sale is first...

So far I've only been on RPGmaker vx ace creating stuff...


Mostly been playing with the character generator creating portraits using that for all sorts of characters... including Mimigas... as humans lol

EDIT: Btw, how's Half-Minute Hero? I almost got that, but wasn't convinced.

...And with one day left on the Steam Winter Sale, tallying it up, I've stocked up on enough games that I probably won't be buying any more till the next winter sale xD

Deponia 4.99 USD
McPixel 2.49 USD
Chantelise 2.49 USD
Fortune Summoners 4.99 USD
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition 2.49 USD
Oblivion Game of the Year Deluxe 6.24 USD
The Witcher 2 7.49 USD
Fable The Lost Chapters 2.49 USD
Deus Ex Collection 11.24 USD
The Longest Journey + Dreamfall 6.24 USD
Bioshock 4.99 USD
Titan Attacks 2.49 USD
Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack 1.99 USD
Wizorb 1.01 USD
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet 7.49 USD
Fly'N 6.69 USD
Chaos on Deponia 9.99 USD

Also humble bundle added these to their collection :
Offspring Fling!
The Basement Collection
So. It's that time again!
Another Steam Winter Sale...
(A year already?!)

So far I've only picked up Guacamelee! Gold Edition for $3.75 (-75%) through Humble Bundle Shop yesterday...

but I see :
FEZ on sale for $2.49 [for the next 23 hours] [-75%]
bit.trip runner 2 for $2.54 [until Jan 2nd or so] [-83%]
bit.trip runner 2 - good friends DLC $1.01 [-66%]
the binding of isaac $1.24 [for the next 6 hours] [-75%]
Dec 21, 2013 at 8:12 PM
Melon Lord
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Well I already got Rogue Legacy prior for...probably 75% or 50% off. Can't remember. Maybe getting Payday 2 when it gets a sale.

Anyone have any recommendations to myself and anyone else?

Also not really video games, but I did get a Wacom Bamboo Splash for $80 and a Mouse for $13. Ended up getting a $20 Gift Card. Scoooooore.
Dec 21, 2013 at 11:43 PM
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I finally got Fez since it was 75% off.

Waiting on Rogue Legacy and Spelunky to see if they will go more than 50% off by the end of the sale.

Here's one that some of you guys might want to check out:
"Valdis Story: Abyssal City"
It's 40% off right now, so I'm waiting a bit to see if it will go lower, but I'm really interested in it. It's an action platformer RPG with sword fighting and stuff. I might even opt to get this game over Rogue Legacy and Spelunky (I have limited funds).
Dec 22, 2013 at 4:45 PM
Melon Lord
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Considering it has everything I might want in a game, I'll go check out Valdis Story when it, like you said, gets lower. New deals are coming in about an hour, so we'll see.

Also at the end of the trailer is a demo, so here.

Dec 22, 2013 at 4:58 PM
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Hey, Castle Crashers and Dust: An Elysian Tale are great if your like side-scrollers.
Castle Crashers is probably one of the best co-op experiences I've had since...TF2 I guess. It features tons of weapons, light comedic writing, and satisfying-as-hell combat. It's half off, right now, so not as much off as some other, but it's still great.
Dust: An Elysian Tail (Yes, it's Tail and not Tale) is a side-scrolling action adventure, very much inspired by the Metroidvania games. It features stunning visuals, fast paced and addicting combat, and really smooth controls. I will admit that the story is pretty generic though.
Dec 22, 2013 at 5:40 PM
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Trine is 90% off, making it 99 cents. Totally worth it if you've never experienced a Trine game. And Trine 2 Complete Story is 80% off, so $3.99.

Fable: The Lost Chapters is 75% off, $2.49. Graphics are pretty dated, but it's one of my all time favorite RPGs. It just has a certain story-like feeling that no other game has been able to produce. The atmosphere the game gives is unique and very memorable. But don't even touch Fable 3, not nearly as good at all, sadly.

As far as software goes: If you want something to benchmark your PC hardware, 3DMark is on flash sale for 90% off, making it $2.49. 16 more hours left for that.
Dec 22, 2013 at 6:08 PM
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Broke down and bought Goodbye Deponia for $9.99 [-50%]...
I was really tempted to wait it out, but with 6 minutes left on the Deponia sale my finger slipped and somehow it got ordered D:

Also, BIT.TRIP Runner2 with good friends DLC... just for kicks xD

I might mention this too btw :

It's a selective bundle deal with mostly Steam games. A minimum of 1$, and 0.50 cents for each additional game after that. I bought it for Draw a Stickman : EPIC, Gateways, Q.U.B.E. and Driftmoon. (Blood of the Werewolf has awesome cover art, but I don't think it looks so great...)
14 days left on the bundle, and if it reaches 10k, there will be free extras added to it ;D

EDIT: Ohhh,
La-Mulana $1.49 [-90%] [for the next 7 hours]
Ducktales $5.99 [-60%]
Rogue Legacy $4.94 [-67%] [for the next 2 days]
Dragon Age : Origins - Ultimate $7.49 [-75%]
The Witcher $2.49 [-75%]
Dec 25, 2013 at 6:09 PM
Melon Lord
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Okay, Christmas came on time for me, cause Payday 2 is now 55% off. Daily deal. I think this is the lowest it's gonna get, so I'm probably picking it up.


Anyone else interested in it?

News Flash: Left 4 Dead 2 is Free on Steam for a limited time. Right. Now.

"To celebrate the holidays in a special way this year, Left 4 Dead 2 will be free until 10AM PST 12/26."
Dec 25, 2013 at 11:00 PM
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I have a question cause I haven't gotten into many steam deals or anything
If I put a game that's on sale into my cart or whatever and then don't buy it until after the sale is done, will I still be able to checkout the games in my cart at the discounted price?
Dec 25, 2013 at 11:16 PM
Melon Lord
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MagicDoors said:
I have a question cause I haven't gotten into many steam deals or anything
If I put a game that's on sale into my cart or whatever and then don't buy it until after the sale is done, will I still be able to checkout the games in my cart at the discounted price?

I think I tried that once on a game last year. It did not work.
Dec 26, 2013 at 12:17 AM
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Left 4 Dead 2 is free now? =o

Huh. I might actually get that for later, if I get to a computer in time...
Dec 26, 2013 at 2:51 AM
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I've been eyeing-up some:
~Rogue Legacy (Missed the Daily :( )
~Thomas Was Alone
~Scribblenauts Unlimited (maybe)
Dec 26, 2013 at 4:02 AM
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Kerbal space program

i don't think anymore should be said
Dec 26, 2013 at 6:24 PM
Melon Lord
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Killing Floor 75% off ($5)...hmmm. Suppose I might get it since it seems every single friend of mine has it.

Also good god I want Spelunky to get the Community Vote (Make it 75% off - $3.75)
Dec 26, 2013 at 9:25 PM
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JonSpider said:
Also good god I want Spelunky to get the Community Vote (Make it 75% off - $3.75)
Right there with you. *votes*