Nov 18, 2009 at 7:43 AM
Nightgazer13 said:^^ What's wrong with Curly's walk (aside from the speed in the intro). Seems fine to me. And what's this about CPU rape? My laptop handles it just fine for the most part.
Anyhow, long time lurker, first time poster. I love this game, and I'm glad to see you got it started again. The physics have come a long way since the first release, and are now very close to Cave Story's. I also love the custom enemies you've created (especially the spiders). Can't wait for the next release!
PS: Anyone found the secret in the robot infested town yet? I'm still looking...
Thanks, I made the spider on a whim after playing Spelunky. ^_^ The next release will be out once I've finished the Mushroom Valley and add a new weapon.
Vercci said:There's 4 frames of animation for walking. This is only using three of them. she looks like she's punching the air.
Hmmm... I'll work on this, always thought there were only three...