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something i noticed

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Jan 4, 2008 at 10:56 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:
Here's some hare-brained thing I read:

Apparently somebody or some people are trying to create Mimigas through the power of genetic mutation. I literally screeched when I heard this.
If in 10 years there are Mimigas running around the streets of major cities, I swear I'm going to go slightly insane.
Anyway, I just wanted to share this. Comments welcome. In my opinion, the best outcome of this is that they succeed. Also, the worst outcome of that: floating island, robots, and frenzied Mimigas being unleashed upon the earth.
Unless they GE the Red Flowers too, I doubt we'd have to worry about the frenzied ones.

Edit: We have robots. Like DragonBoots.
Jan 4, 2008 at 11:07 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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andwhyisit said:
You notice that in the technology department since all of the non-missile-based weapons are energy-based weapons and that quote actually exists.
What about Lvl. 3 Nemesis?

Unless ducks are made of energy.

And I'm fairly sure the Machine Gun Lvl. 1 & 3 (Why no love for 2?) and Polar Star Lvl. 1 fire some kind of projectile type thing.

However, I will confess that in my mod the MG has been renamed Chainlaser~
Jan 4, 2008 at 11:16 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:
You should edit the Chaco's lipstick sprite and make it required to attain 7 different colors of lipstick.
I might just do this now...
Save a lot of headaches on Yearning route.
I'll replace all the useless items with a lipstick sprite.
And maybe turn the Iron Bond into one.

Oh, and I got Quote fixed with a removable hat.
Jan 4, 2008 at 11:21 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:
the CHAINLASER?????????????
Anyway, I'm pretty sure the red flowers would be pretty easy to GE because we already have drugs with the same effects, IE steroids and hallucinogens. GE with flowers, cross-breed with a red plant, done. At least, that's my standpoint from a n00b to genetics.
Chainlaser - a rapide fire directed energy weapon currently under development. It is hoped to replace the AK as the standard service weapon.

Seems to fit my storyline better, after all, there's Nate the laser engineer, who has an sword colection...
Depending which route, he gives you the Power Pack (Turbocharge) or the Shuriken (Blade + Sprite Mod)

And, if story serves my memory, isn't it the substance that crushes the very faculties of reason the source of the flowers red colour?
Jan 5, 2008 at 12:02 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:
When is this mod of yours going to be done? How far are you? Can I get a link to download it?
If you really want to play a two-room pre-alpha, then I'll upload it to my uber-secret personal website...
(Okay, it's not mine, but I helped make it.)
Do Not Click This Link

I have two one room (Start point) ready to go, and I'm gunna migrate my door transitions to the Head before I update the one I've got...
Which is regular CS with an alt intro.

[Link will follow... Eventually...]

As for how far I am...
Jan 5, 2008 at 1:23 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:
OH GOD 0.0

the way you were talking, i thought you would be at least 20% done
Well, it'll grow exponentially.
The story is 100% done, just needs to be implemented.
After all, I am only two people and one body.

As for the Chaco/Quote thing, I think in the last leg of Yearning I'll have Curly get jealous of Chaco, and a cat (well bunnydog-robot) fight will ensue.
Just a cut scene.
I think I'll have them hate eachother openly, then maybe if you were only on Yearning, there'll be an ambigous cutscene implying... Something.
Jan 5, 2008 at 1:39 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:
Implying that (since Chaco is a slut, slept with Quote, and Quote didn't bother to say anything) Curly [edit] with Quote and they [edit] [edit]? Or that they [edit] and [edit] [edit] with [edit]? Because that implication would make sense.
Of course I prefer to think that Quote [edit] with Curly [edit] and [edit] and [edit]. How Balrog never walked in on them, though, would be a mystery.

Try to work around the edits
That just destroyed all hope for a use of the Chaco.
You just killed it.
*Scrubs header script with Turpentine*
Jan 5, 2008 at 1:59 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:
It was a joke. There was nothing there originally. I had the edits in the original post. Though the last one did have something originally but I erased it.*

Btw, if you take someones mod and add stuff, will you get in trouble? like if you do that and have it somewhere to download? not that I would, but...

But seriously, that Chaco idea was pretty good, I mean, it's completely up to you, it's your mod, but... if it were me, I'd keep it. But that's just me.

*just kidding
I'm gunna keep the storyline in place where it's Chaco's ancestor, Laté.
And you do [Edit] with her, and get one of several shades of lipstick.
By this account, Chaco is under 10 years old! OMFG ERRORZORZ!
Jan 5, 2008 at 2:15 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:

I'd tell you to go [edit] yourself, but it's your mod, so that would make me look like an [edit]ing fool. Oh well. I'd still keep the Curly jealous, cat fight, cutscene thing, it would make great fun :o
Yeah, that cutscene is pivitol.
How else would I use a Mimiga to break down a wall to give access to a secret stash of missile upgrades and a passage to the last battle?
I really should use spoiler tags.
There, that's better. I'm such a fokking scruub sometimes.
Jan 5, 2008 at 3:14 AM
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JacobX891 said:
By the by, we've killed 100 or so catgirls so far in this thread.

Wait. Where do catgirls live?
Because I would like one.
Would make my life that much more interesting.

Any and all remaining Catgirls in existence were brutally slaughtered by me, making them extinct. Too bad for you.
Jan 5, 2008 at 3:15 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:
Anyhow, enough about Chaco, any more and we could pretty much start a new thread.
Wtf is up with Jack? He is the lamest number-two ever! And he's pretty much not even there for like 2/3 of the entire game! And then he suddenly reappears in the plantation, then he's gone again! Maybe the doctor killed him to make an example for all the other Mimigas. Or maybe the Igor-clone on the balcony is Jack.

And Igor. what happens to him after you go into the room with Sue? Maybe Sue took him with her? Oh, that would be creepy.

And Quote. He basically goes around saying nothing at all. I mean, wtf?

But the last thing about Chaco:

If I ever make a mod and include Chaco, I'm going to have a secret where you can press down by the side of her house and go behind her house and there's a window and you look into it and it says there's no one inside and gives an option to go inside and there's a bed and if you go to sleep in it there's a cutscene involving people already being in the bed.
And if you don't sleep in it, it says that while glancing under the bed you find a video tape. Then later in the mod there would be a strange machine, and if you have the video tape, quote puts it in and it plays a video of stuff. Maybe an episode of the Brady Bunch?
Re: Chaco
Fortified roffle waffles and spam.

Jack is going to be a major player in this.
Or, his sprite...
Think I'll mod it to have shades~

And Igor will make a cameo, but not in a boss fight~
Jan 5, 2008 at 3:16 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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And what the 255 is a Catgirl?
Jan 5, 2008 at 4:41 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:
Well what the catgirl do you mean by what the 255?
It's a hex joke.
255 = FF in hex...
Flying f***...?

And I don't like catgirls...
My cousin cosplays one, and came onto me one time while she drunk.

As for roffle waffles, they are a tasty breakfast snack comprising one part humour and one part rhyme.

Like saying ROFL, but more so...
See also: Roflcopter.
Jan 5, 2008 at 5:43 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:
Meh, me neither much
but i have a foxgirl as my firefox icon.
I don't have the Windows logo on my start button.
It's Quote!
And it says "Eject", not "Start".
Jan 5, 2008 at 5:59 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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JacobX891 said:
Meh, me neither much
but i have a foxgirl as my firefox icon.
I don't have the Windows logo on my start button.
It's Quote!
And it says "Eject", not "Start".
Jan 5, 2008 at 6:04 AM
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DragonBoots said:

And I don't like catgirls...

their alright aslong as their is only cat ears and tail anything else is just wrong and going to far.

Jan 5, 2008 at 6:24 AM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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xristosx said:
their alright aslong as their is only cat ears and tail anything else is just wrong and going to far.

I get a huge spam-buildup in my brain and it starts to seep out in every message I type.

~~~Above is ignorable~~~

I did some research into Explosives (Grasstown - relates~)
Turns out that Charcoal + Gum Base = Fizzle.
You need an oxidizer, or a more substancial energy-content fuel.

So my idea that JJ = Explosive might be right.

And fire can burn underwater...
As long as there is an electric currnet flowing...

Maybe the fireball has trailing wires behind each shot that arc or something...
I dunno.
They banned me on physics forum because I talked about Cave Story too much.

(*Begs not to be banned for talking about science too much*)
Jan 5, 2008 at 11:17 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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DragonBoots said:
Maybe the fireball has trailing wires behind each shot that arc or something...
I dunno.
They banned me on physics forum because I talked about Cave Story too much.

(*Begs not to be banned for talking about science too much*)

you serious??? lol, im not sure its just a game its not really supposed to follow real physics, and dont apply real physics to a imaginary thing or a cat girl will die :D
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