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something i noticed

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Dec 14, 2007 at 9:16 PM
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Yep. On the spot, too =P
Dec 14, 2007 at 9:18 PM
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ZTaimat said:
The Red demon - an early red-flower experiment of the doctor - was sent to the village to attack and bring back Mimiga's. However, the doctor hadn't experimented often enough originally, and hadn't factored in the chemecal that destroys sence of reason; while he had created a powerful servent, it soon lost it's mind. Upon entering the village, this had happened; The demon lost it's sense of reason, and decided it would rather kill the mimigas.

Arthur, the lead mimiga at the time, rushed out to meet the demon after it had killed several companions. Using his sword, Arthur wounded and fended off the demon, saving the village. The Demon retreated into the caverns, making his way to the surface.

During the battle, however, Arthur had been wounded. Misery and Ballrog had soon come to the village with the doctor to get more mimigas for experiments, and eventual red-flower harvesting. Arthur came to greet the doctor... only to be smiten by a bolt of energy. Taking all they could find, (Some who were willing, feeling the doctor was all-mighty in defeating Arthur in a single attack) they left - only a few left in the village.

King, a mimiga who had helped many mimigas in hiding, lead the burial for the fallen mimigas during the red demon invasion, and had decided to lead in the burial of Arthur. He laid a key to Arthur's house upon the grave, and left - greeted by the worried face of Toroko. Toroko presented him with her brother's sword, and begged King to fight the doctor, and avenge Arthur's death...

After agreeing, there was a flash of light - a mimiga girl was found laying unconsious in a bed of flower's near the flower farm's pool...
Who was she?

Sue, ofcourse.

*takes a bow*
1. The red flower war happened before the doctor came along, in fact it was what inspired him to use the red flowers.
2. The red demon was around before the doctor opened the storeroom.
3. Sue was found in the reservoir.
Dec 14, 2007 at 11:21 PM
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At least it's a more creative, realistic explination that "King killed Arthur"
Dec 14, 2007 at 11:34 PM
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andwhyisit said:
1. The red flower war happened before the doctor came along, in fact it was what inspired him to use the red flowers.
2. The red demon was around before the doctor opened the storeroom.
3. Sue was found in the reservoir.
4. King didn't know where the key to Arthur's house was.
Dec 15, 2007 at 12:09 AM
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True Hitoare said:
4. King didn't know where the key to Arthur's house was.

Jack did.
Dec 15, 2007 at 12:46 AM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
He means that the mimigas escape from their cages when the Undead Core is beaten.

It is unknown about how the Mimigas are able to make it to the surface but it's obvious that they can since they did that in order to get to the surface during the Undead Core fight while in their frenzied state.

He clearly said that the Mimiga were frenzied, which isn't even true for those in the cages. We actually only get to see some on the balcony after they disappear from the plantation..

Also, what did Andy think the frenzied Mimiga were doing to get to the surface?
Dec 15, 2007 at 12:49 AM
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Hold a min. Since when did anything happen on the surface? o.o
Dec 15, 2007 at 2:29 AM
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andwhyisit said:
1. The red flower war happened before the doctor came along, in fact it was what inspired him to use the red flowers.
2. The red demon was around before the doctor opened the storeroom.
3. Sue was found in the reservoir.

1) K.
2) Leftover flowers from Miakid... He overused them in early experiments, and had to get more from the storeroom... Jenka realized he was much more intellegent than recent crownbearers, and didn't want any more bloodshed than a few mimiga canibalisms/Gaudi fights.
3) K, then resovior rather than flower garden - just wanted the image of sue to be more pleasing - Laying a bed of flowers is more pleasing than 'soaking wet with that wet-fur smell'. >> << (Not to mention that slipped my mind)

True Hitoare said:
4. King didn't know where the key to Arthur's house was.

Uhh... Then Toroko set it there. *facepalm* Doy.
Toroko and Arthur were siblings, so they'd each get a key to the house - One she set by his grave, the other she held onto, eventually giving to Sue to hide from King.
Dec 15, 2007 at 7:26 AM
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True Hitoare said:
4. King didn't know where the key to Arthur's house was.
5. The sword belonged to King. That's because even when it's owner changed mid-game (King to Quote), the spirit inside remained King's . Hence it was Kings from the very beginning.
Dec 15, 2007 at 8:11 AM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
5. The sword belonged to King. That's because even when it's owner changed mid-game (King to Quote), the spirit inside remained King's . Hence it was Kings from the very beginning.
I thought that the reason king's spirit was in the sword was because he died wielding it and wanted to see the battle through to the end.
Dec 15, 2007 at 8:27 AM
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Slife said:
I thought that the reason king's spirit was in the sword was because he died wielding it and wanted to see the battle through to the end.
Hmm... so everytime Quote dies after the Toroko+ fight, the blade changes form :p.

Nah, I honestly think that Arthur was a far greater hero than King. Remember that Arthur probably died wielding it.

Btw, where did the Red Demon thing crop up. I'm pretty sure ZT mentioned that somethime before as well.
Dec 15, 2007 at 11:54 AM
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Roonil Wazlib said:
Hmm... so everytime Quote dies after the Toroko+ fight, the blade changes form :p.

Nah, I honestly think that Arthur was a far greater hero than King. Remember that Arthur probably died wielding it.

Btw, where did the Red Demon thing crop up. I'm pretty sure ZT mentioned that somethime before as well.
Arthur fought against the Red Demon.
King fought against the robots in the red flower war.
Dec 15, 2007 at 6:56 PM
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andwhyisit said:
Arthur fought against the Red Demon.
King fought against the robots in the red flower war.
King fought against the robots in the red flower war... I don't think that happened, unless you know something I don't?
In fact I don't think there are many if almost any Mimiga left from the time of the War 10 years ago.

*King : So we're ... weapons?
*Sue : That's right. The Doctor wants to use the red flowers to make you attack the humans.
Jack : W -- Why does he want to do that?!
Sue : That man ... ... is like a demon.
Jack : And he's going to use those flowers on Toroko?
Sue : As far as I can tell, he's still looking for them. We can only hope he doesn't find them.
Jack : If ... If he finds those flowers, Toroko...
Sue : She would go wild ... A weapon of death...
King : I'll never allow that to happen!
It's probable that most Mimiga living today don't know about the red flower's true effects.
Yama [Farmer Mimiga] : This is our farm. We raise flowers here. My job is to watch over the farm. We Mimigas depend on those flowers for sustenance. Red flowers, though, are bad news. If you eat a red flower, they say your blood starts to boil, and soon you fall over dead! Good thing we don't have any of those growing here.

My guess is that most Mimiga adults died in the 10 years ago war, leaving many children in the hands of few. The only adult I know that lived during the war was the old Mimiga in the plantation :
Old Mimiga : It's true that robots from the surface have attacked this island in the past. And I know many of us were killed... But some among those robots understood speech. I believe they, too, had souls...
Compared to one of the young Mimiga working the plantation :
Mimiga : It's the red flowers that make us powerful warriors! We Mimigas had this ferocity in us all along. So the time we fought the robots wasn't just an old legend! Heh - heh - heh... Bloom, little flowers... Truth be told, I'm getting a bit sick of farming.

If I had to bet on it, I'd say Arthur was probably older than King. Although what's the deal with King's eye? It's possible King was just a little child back during the war, and don't forget the mysterious red flower in the basement of Arthur's home. Cloudddd Storyyyyyyyyyy

Leftover flowers from Miakid... He overused them in early experiments, and had to get more from the storeroom... Jenka realized he was much more intellegent than recent crownbearers, and didn't want any more bloodshed than a few mimiga canibalisms/Gaudi fights.
I don't think the doctor had the red flower before he got to the storehouse. I think the Red Demon is an ancient demon that's probably been around for ages. And Igor was probably already transformed between the war to the present. Although I think when someone dons the Demon Crown they can take control of the infected creatures...

Jack : Toroko's brother Arthur fought against a horrific red monster... The terrible demon of this island that feasts on Mimigas. It's not the Doctor, it's... something else. That demon has lived on this island for ages. It came here to the village, but Arthur single-handedly drove it back. His gallant figure alone shielding our village from harm... I'll never forget it, as long as I live. He may have finally been killed by the Doctor, but he was a true hero.

Who's the master? I don't think it was the Doctor, there was no mention of the Doctor in that place. Plus it was destroyed either by the Doctor's henchmen or by Kazuma's "leet" oops... The Sky Dragons probably date back to the War or maybe even before...
I'll have to look up quotes to support how the Demon Crown controls the Mimigas, if you want me to.. :p
Dec 15, 2007 at 10:48 PM
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X-Calibar said:
I'll have to look up quotes to support how the Demon Crown controls the Mimigas, if you want me to.. :p

My explanation (not directly supported by the game, you understand), is that Ballos' power isn't entirely sealed, which causes pieces of the island to become tainted*. Red flowers were at some point infused with his crazy-go-nuts magic, so that when ingested they grant some of his power and insanity to the eater. The demon crown is an artifact tied to Ballos, and as such has some degree of control over his creations.

Working from the theory that the island's default state is floating, and the reason that the core kept it from falling is that it sealed away Ballos' power** (and therefore prevented him from killing everything by smashing the island into the ground), the doctor going mad due to the red crystal and subsequently possessing the undead core may have been spurred by Ballos. Enough red flower concentrate combined with the demon crown could give Ballos significant influence over the Doctor's actions. And killing that pesky core would be a high priority.

*Which could also explain the red demon, the evil door, the presses, the infinite enemies in the last cave, and the ridiculously dangerous spikes which appear everywhere. Note that all of these things are red, and most have a red-pupiled eye.

** Since a theme in a lot of magic systems is that similiarity is required for spells, this explains why both Ballos and the Core are circular and surrounded by miniature versions of themselves. The angle you see them at is, admittedly, different
Dec 16, 2007 at 12:40 AM
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Emm... Don't forget that the Doctor was together with the Sakamotos when they first came to the island on the helicopter. :p
Dec 16, 2007 at 1:06 AM
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Slife said:
The demon crown is an artifact tied to Ballos, and as such has some degree of control over his creations.
True. Misery created it to control Ballos' power, but it backfired.

Slife said:
My explanation (not directly supported by the game, you understand), is that Ballos' power isn't entirely sealed, which causes pieces of the island to become tainted*.
And yes, Ballos' power is not fully sealed, that is true also.
Dec 16, 2007 at 8:47 AM
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X-Calibar said:
Who's the master? I don't think it was the Doctor, there was no mention of the Doctor in that place.

There is no direct mention of the Doctor, but the name "Igor" strongly hints that it is the Doctor who is his master. The Doctor would be the only person capable of controlling an enraged mimiga who would also have any interest in controlling it for anything other than wanton destruction. Igor is on guard duty. The Doctor needs the eggs for two reasons: one, to keep the sakamotos from escaping on a dragon; and two, as air support for his mimiga armies. After all, the mimigas might be fearsome ground troops, but all it takes is an F-16 or whatever with a couple 1000 lb. bombs, and your enraged mimigas are toast.
Jan 1, 2008 at 12:30 AM
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Tales of fireballs burning underwater can only interest the masses for so long...?
Jan 1, 2008 at 5:35 AM
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DoubleThink said:
Tales of fireballs burning underwater can only interest the masses for so long...?

Duh. What else is interesting than that fact in itself? o.o
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