I don't think the three are closely related...[droll,demon, and the nama] I mean yeah they definitely look the same, but each one is very different... One's a tree, a demon guy and then golem/giant thing?... But who knows lol
I think textual facts are probably the most certain. Then having something exist as an image is quite certain. When you get to how things look, you have to take things carefully. Like the Doctor's size vs Prof. Booster, or Ballos vs Jenka... Is Jenka really smaller than her dogs?
Nah, she's bigger

But I guess I was wrong about how big Ballos is...
I think Balfrog is a giant frog...

My opinion. I mean Sue is a Mimiga... sorta... Maybe... if Quote would just attack Sue and Itoh like he does the bosses their transformations would go away..!!! Actually we know that might have a chance at working

Since when you beat up double transformed Sue, she turned back into normal Mimiga Sue... quote has a plan... HOLD STILL SUE!!!
EDIT: To help stay offtopic here is my contribution!
Machinegun Opera! - starring robotic tube socks...
Reminds me of Quote and Curly.
I don't have any evidence that says Balrog/Balfrog is a machine or a living thing... [maybe frankenstien style!] But, from his dialogue I'd like to believe he's been around at least since the Crown's creation [I guess I already mentioned this over and over lol]
Hmmm... the person I believe is.... Slife!
Still, Balrog could be a dog...