Jun 24, 2006 at 2:55 PM
I'd like to second this. There's a similar bit, slightly before it where it's very easy to get stuck. I tried loads of times, and ended up just putting turbo on and holding jump, edging forward a tiny bit at a time, and it was still a very hard jump to make.Chaddykins said:In the flooded area..one of the last jumps to the village is quite annoying to make...it took me several tries to get it right x_x
Aside from that, it's looking really, really good! I'm looking forward to the final version. Do you have any idea how long it will take? And if you don't mind me asking, how long, compared to the original, are you planning to make the game?
P.S. I think the way the boss music just goes quieter, coupled with the way the boss vanishes so abruptly, works very well at adding a sense of mystery to it all.

Edit: P.P.S. In the room with a fire, one of the NPCs is running about, and whenever he passes the fire, he seems to walk behind it. I don't know if it's a fixable problem, but it looks a bit odd, so you might want to change the boundaries of where he walks or something. Also, the first time I played, the woman in the Grotto just told me to leave her alone after the boss fight, but the second time she told me she'd met Naomi and all about Grant. I'm not sure what I did differently.