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Show off your org music...

Apr 1, 2015 at 7:10 PM
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Yinga said:
Why are they in compressed 7z files

Okay uhh I usualy never do this but let's see here
Main melody's a little weak
Might want to either change the instrument to something with a little more 'oomph' or expand upon the arrangment
Hi-hats are kinda loud

I'm guessing this is supposed to be a boss theme or something and if it is the song does a pretty good job of building tension and giving a frantic feel
It's a little bare right now, might want to add more
Thanks for the feedback. 1. This is a boss theme. 2. I'll try to make the melody stronger. 3. I'll try to lower the sound of the Hi-hats. 4. I'm not sure why I made this 7z, it was just the first thing the computer showed me and I chose it, but none the less since the song got through I'm satisfied.

But what do you mean by "...change the instrument to something with a little more 'oomph'...."?

Some time later: I have tried to patch the melody up and lower the sound of the Hi-hats (which I'm assuming is the percussion).
Now my final question stands, did I make it better or worse?

Apr 4, 2015 at 7:00 AM
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Tinned_Duck said:
I also made a song, I feel like I create better when I have a central theme to work around, this one followed "Old factory slowly coming back to life"
Have a listen,
Wow, I really like that. It even LOOKS like a factory.
The only real issue of any kind I can find is that you really didn't make a whole lot of use of volume in it, and I feel like it could be a lot better than it already is if you played with the volume a bit.
Still, great song, and it has a WAY more complex melody than I could ever come up with.

ColdCallerloppy said:
But what do you mean by "...change the instrument to something with a little more 'oomph'...."?
I think he meant that the instrument didn't have enough impact, and to change it to something else.
I personally think higher bass instruments have a bit more impact myself, and accenting notes helps a lot with that too.

Oh, and apparently I didn't post this anywhere (I don't even remember if I posted it to the Skype group), but I really like how this turned out.
For the record, I always appreciate constructive criticism myself, so feel free to share yours with everything I post. I'm still rather new to any form of composition, so any little bit helps.

EDIT: Oh, and while I'm posting stuff that I meant to post a while back, here's a louder, higher-pitched thing.

EDIT 2: And I was bored again today, so here's another thing.
Apr 7, 2015 at 7:21 AM
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Here's a short ORG I created in a couple of hours: Frosted flashtrap. Feedback is appreciated.

SKaR_271 said:
I said my next upload would be a cover, but then this original song just kind of happened.
The idea behind this song is a level for a mod or a standalone game. Soon after you get the air tank, you also get a set of boots that allow for free movement underwater [basically the gravity suit from super metroid] and find some underwater ruins. I tried for an atmosphere of underwater diving, with light rays coming through the wreckage. Does this sound good?

Yeah, I think it's got some really nice interweaving of fast notes with an underlying bass. And that bass drum keeps a good pace. I love how the percussion picks up at the end. It's a very atmospheric piece, though I'm not sure if it would work for (most) mods considering the drum scheme. I like how track 1 and 2 overlay from bar 4 onwards, but I feel like track 2 got drowned out for the most part (no pun intended) and muting track 2 doesn't make me feel like I lose any feel of the music overall.

Tinned_Duck said:
I liked this thing that you created, the silence between the notes in particular helps bring out the raw emotion infused into the actual melody and whatnot.
I also dared to go beyond the loop point and was greeted with mind numbing terror, but at least it was colourful mind numbing terror.

I also made a song, I feel like I create better when I have a central theme to work around, this one followed "Old factory slowly coming back to life"
Have a listen,

Tinned Duck
Pretty snazzy hook, good amount of buzz. I do not like how the panning jumps to the extremes in tracks 7 and 8 at bar 39. Maybe it's just my first few listens, but it feels out of place I guess you could say. I do enjoy the randomness of track 2 just before it loops.

hate9 said:
EDIT 2: And I was bored again today, so here's another thing.
It has the feel of a very slow timer...I am liking the percussion and the longer held notes, which help to build the piece up just when it starts feeling too repetitive. The ORG would probably sound a lot better when used in a mod/game because it generally keeps a uniform, repetitive pace throughout. The looping also seems pretty seamless, which is nice.
Apr 8, 2015 at 2:11 AM
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Random-storykeeper said:
Here's a short ORG I created in a couple of hours: Frosted flashtrap. Feedback is appreciated.
Here are some ideas to add a little variation:

There are a lot of melodic patterns going on. You can change the pan of entire tracks to help separate the melodies a little. For example,
Tracks 1 and 4: Pan 3 steps left.
Tracks 2 and 5: Pan 3 steps right.
Tracks 3 and 6: Keep center.

Most of the notes have no volume shape. A slight volume shape can make notes a little less plain-sounding. For example, I used the Notes Volume menu "Decay very slow" command on Tracks 1 & 4 and 2 & 5.

Thank you for sharing your ORG composition. I enjoyed it.
Apr 8, 2015 at 8:37 AM
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Bavi_H said:
Here are some ideas to add a little variation:

There are a lot of melodic patterns going on. You can change the pan of entire tracks to help separate the melodies a little. For example,
Tracks 1 and 4: Pan 3 steps left.
Tracks 2 and 5: Pan 3 steps right.
Tracks 3 and 6: Keep center.

Most of the notes have no volume shape. A slight volume shape can make notes a little less plain-sounding. For example, I used the Notes Volume menu "Decay very slow" command on Tracks 1 & 4 and 2 & 5.

Thank you for sharing your ORG composition. I enjoyed it.
Thanks a lot! :D Separating the panning as you suggested really made a difference in bringing those tracks out. I've always had issues here and there with tracks getting drowned out, so I would try to resolve it by lessening the volume of the other tracks. I haven't truly messed around with panning a lot, since I sometimes have issues with it being interpreted as a volume spike when trying to record an ORG for an audio file.

I also tried the Decay option from the latest version of ORG Maker (I primarily use 2.05 unless I want to mess with the new drums). For me, I feel like the results work better in the last eight bars of the piece, whereas the previous bars made the notes sound too detached. I'll probably just use that option for those last bars alone. Nonetheless, it got me to give some of the newer features in the latest ORG Maker a try, so thanks again!
Apr 8, 2015 at 5:20 PM
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Well, i made an unfinished thing.
It largely sounds like Chrono Trigger's World Revolution than anything else...
You can call it a sloppy remix of it im making as a final boss theme for my mod.
The End (WIP)
Let's see if i can get World Revolution here, too...
Apr 22, 2015 at 4:45 AM
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Apr 22, 2015 at 8:07 AM
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Jpzarde said:
Here's an Egg Corridor Wii-Ware remix translated into ORG format
Wii-Ware version of Egg Corridor is my favorite!
I'm not really familiar with the remixes but the balancing sounds a bit off in some areas. I just had a quick listen to the Wiiware version and I can see where those jarring notes come from, so I guess it's understandable why that would show up in ORG.

Xemous said:
This is the first ORG thing I ever made. It's just a short tune to get myself somewhat familiar with the tool.
I like how it turned out, and i'm open to criticism, constructive or not.https://www.dropbox.com/s/xz6tzeppy0l1hi3/Idklol.org?dl=0
Really short, but the cluster of notes achieves a nice effect. More of a transition loop than something I'd listen to on repeat. Any reason you chose to skip out on track 6? Just curious.

The Most Amazing and Idiot Song

Some backtrack I made a little over a week ago.
Apr 22, 2015 at 7:56 PM
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So, I tried working on some ORGs... both of them are essentially attempts at remaking two ORGs my ex-boyfriend made in 2012 (the year he first joined these forums). Whether or not the attempts were unsuccessful, who knows?

The Power of Heart is essentially my favorite one of those.
Rage of Ancients is... probably a bit loud. Or repetitive-sounding. Or both...
Apr 22, 2015 at 10:05 PM
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Random-storykeeper said:
Any reason you chose to skip out on track 6? Just curious.
I really just picked tracks at random. Is there a difference between them, like a different sound or something like that?
Apr 24, 2015 at 5:39 PM
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Apr 25, 2015 at 1:30 AM
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Apr 25, 2015 at 2:41 AM
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Apr 25, 2015 at 5:11 AM
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Hmm, decided to post a few ORGs I've made in the past for critique. They are all pretty short and undeveloped unfortunately... I made "Failure maybe" less than a week ago, "Gnos yadhtrib SRK!" in early February, and "Song of the cold" around Christmas time. Kinda dissatisfied with them but I guess that's why I'm asking for tips, haha.

Anyways, here they are: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qddm0sv6ed55qmx/AACX4x-FCLtFhq5QYS98lsYEa?dl=0

(It's late and I would spend the time finding out how to hyperlink under different text but I don't feel like it atm... :p)
Apr 25, 2015 at 10:49 AM
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I don't know if it's just the version of ORG I'm listening to it in, but the balance seems a bit off for me. Too much emphasis on the buzzy continuum. It seems like a good instrument choice though; gives the piece a bit more of an urgent feeling. And the way you arrange those melody notes is unreal. Man I wish I was better at using wait times that are less than 60. But yeah, I think toning down tracks 3 and 4 would make listening to the loop more bearable. Also, I ought to listen to more Pheonix Wright music, thanks for reminding me. <3

Hmm, decided to post a few ORGs I've made in the past for critique. They are all pretty short and undeveloped unfortunately... I made "Failure maybe" less than a week ago, "Gnos yadhtrib SRK!" in early February, and "Song of the cold" around Christmas time. Kinda dissatisfied with them but I guess that's why I'm asking for tips, haha.

Anyways, here they are: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qddm0sv6ed55qmx/AACX4x-FCLtFhq5QYS98lsYEa?dl=0

(It's late and I would spend the time finding out how to hyperlink under different text but I don't feel like it atm... :p)
Huh, I had no idea that ORG was called "Song of the Cold". I'd suggest experimenting more with different wait times rather than the default 128. I guess my favourite of the three here is "Failure maybe" just because of the way track 5 gets introduced. I'd even add a held bass note a few bars before track 5 gets introduced. That way, you can remove the bass suddenly at bar 15 and reintroduce it in bar 16 for more "oomph". I dunno; I messed around with this for a few minutes and tailored something to my preferences.
Apr 29, 2015 at 3:24 AM
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My first org and it's a remix. gg.

Apr 29, 2015 at 9:43 PM
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Apr 30, 2015 at 12:06 AM
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Shade of a Wave said:
This is pretty good. I would work on getting tracks 1-3 to stand out more by picking some stronger instruments and adjusting the volume balance. Track 5 should still be distinct from the others, but it shouldn't overpower them either. I would also make some notes staccato and make longer notes fade in or fade out to add some more personality to it. This would especially be helpful in giving some more energy to track 5.

I made an edit experimenting with things to improve it, so might as well post it. I wouldn't directly copy from it though but just use the concepts in it to improve your existing one because it will help you gain more experience (feel free to ignore my advice too though, haha).


Overall this is great for a first piece, keep at it! =D