May 3, 2010 at 6:30 AM
Join Date: Jan 28, 2010
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Yep Safusaka, it sounds epic as-is.
Volley said:New Tune, Tense scene in the belly of the enemy camp
Dark Baseline:
Probably still to be edited, but that applies to all of my music. The tune will probably be used for your "conversation" with the final boss before you face off.
So yup, you guessed it, it's short.
For those who were wondering, I did just keep the overworld ice theme relatively the same, but i'll be cleaning it up when i get some spare time
cultr1 said:I LOVE IT!!! It doesn't sound like a cavestory song at all it really breaks the boundries of ORG maker!
One thing: It is a tiny bit too quiet, you should turn up the volume a very small amount. Man that would be a pain XD
Ok, my turn!
Possibly title music!
Precussion in beta
Instrument set in beta
Opinions please! Be brutal!
P.S. Oh yeah music composed by my buddy Ian!
GIRakaCHEEZER said:Although it is common to end a piano piece with just a still chord, I'd recommend against this for an org, especially if it's going to be a title loop. I suggest making it loop more seemlessly.
GIRakaCHEEZER said:But yeah, good so far.
GIRakaCHEEZER said:But yeah, good so far.
GIRakaCHEEZER said:But yeah, good so far.
Safusaka said:
Safusaka said:@Volley: That sounds pretty deep for an org. I like the ambient percussion stuff.
carrotlord said:Lost method sounds pretty good, and frigid frantic sounds great.
Oddly enough, it was hard to tell that the beginning of Frigid Frantic was supposed to be a critical warning. But since it flows quite nicely into the rest of the song, so I think it should be kept that way.
Wedge of Cheese said:@Volley: Do you realize that you can change the time signature of orgs in the options window? Where it says "display" the first letter represents the # of beats per measure, and the last letter is the # of clicks per beat. S is 4, R is 3, U is 6, Q is 2, and W is 8. I say this because I noticed that two of your orgs (namely the Lost Method one, and the Overworld Ice one) feel like they have 3 beats per measure, instead of 4.