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Show off your org music...

Apr 14, 2010 at 2:06 AM
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Pretty good job nameisnotname, not bad. Since it's been floating around for so long now, I decided I might try and have my own go at this song (plus I love this song, and I think I'll actually have a use for it in my mod).

Ice cap zone Act 2.org

It was made with all the standard cavestory instruments (the percussion that cavestory uses/accepts) and can be played in orgmaker v134 btw.
Apr 14, 2010 at 4:54 AM
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I like it, especially the base. *shakes GIR* Tell me the wave number!!!!!
Anyway, the only problem I had was the main melody, it was off in some places, otherwise, brilliant!
Apr 14, 2010 at 4:56 AM
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Nameisnotname said:
I like it, especially the base. *shakes GIR* Tell me the wave number!!!!!
Anyway, the only problem I had was the main melody, it was off in some places, otherwise, brilliant!

Where was it messed up? Like measure number and note number, since it is an org.

And you can look up the wav number yourself since it's an org and all that jazz is viewable.

[EDIT]: Do you mean the background part that goes "C4 G4 C5 G4-C4 G4 C5 G4-C4 G#4 C5 G#4-C4 G#4 C5 G#4" where I made it go to "D4 A#4 F4 A#4" every time even though every second time it goes to ""D4 A#4 D5 A#4"? Yeah I think I missed that. Let me reupload it.

[EDIT2]: Fixed link is in last post, and in this post:
Ice cap zone Act 2.org
Apr 14, 2010 at 6:08 AM
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Where was it messed up? Like measure number and note number, since it is an org.

And you can look up the wav number yourself since it's an org and all that jazz is viewable.

[EDIT]: Do you mean the background part that goes "C4 G4 C5 G4-C4 G4 C5 G4-C4 G#4 C5 G#4-C4 G#4 C5 G#4" where I made it go to "D4 A#4 F4 A#4" every time even though every second time it goes to ""D4 A#4 D5 A#4"? Yeah I think I missed that. Let me reupload it.

[EDIT2]: Fixed link is in last post, and in this post:
Ice cap zone Act 2.org

Sounds awesome to me, it's catchy. It flows well with the rest of the game's music, definitely a GIR piece
Apr 14, 2010 at 6:10 AM
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Volley said:
Sounds awesome to me, it's catchy. It flows well with the rest of the game's music, definitely a GIR piece

Ummm thanks, but you should know that most (almost ALL) of the music in WTF story isn't original, infact most of them are just covers of music from different games. (edit: the credits to the original music can be found in the credits.txt that comes with wtf story).

This org is no exception. Here's the song it was based off of:

I mostly pride myself in how well I recreate the pieces, with the limitations that orgmaker sets of course.
Apr 14, 2010 at 6:25 AM
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Ummm thanks, but you should know that most (almost ALL) of the music in WTF story isn't original, infact most of them are just covers of music from different games. (edit: the credits to the original music can be found in the credits.txt that comes with wtf story).

This org is no exception. Here's the song it was based off of:

I mostly pride myself in how well I recreate the pieces, with the limitations that orgmaker sets of course.

... And you know what, that just dawned on me...

I remember getting to the high-security area boss (where curly sics the security on you) being the Miracle Matter music, and sure enough, went in the orgview later and there it was, Miracle Matter
Nevertheless, It's a good rendition, I do have to say, the instrumentation is very difficult to work with. I'm actually working on my own org music that mocks an orchestral piece, and it's coming along, but it's got a long ways to go.
Apr 14, 2010 at 7:13 AM
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Don't mind me, just catching up of 3 months' worth of orgs...
Apr 14, 2010 at 4:39 PM
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My First .org ever!

http://www.mediafire.com/file/mlgd20zmz2t/Song WIP Draft 3.org

No real inspiration for this one, I just started out with the Track 4 Loop
(Starts at Measure 20 and goes for four bars) and just kinda branched out into 5 and 6 after i got comfortable with the instruments.
Added in a baseline (Track 2 and 3), then added some flourishes with Track 0. 0 by itself was a little bland, so I mixed it up with Track 1.

I plan on making a CS Mod when I actually get the time on my hands, but it will definitely be a while before I have that sort of time.

I don't mind people poking through it to see how I did anything, please feel free (Though most of it is all probably common knowledge by now)
Apr 14, 2010 at 5:57 PM
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Oh damn, I have a lot of catching up to do in this thread...

@avesthefox, nameisnotname, and thestopsign: Unfortunately, your songs are not org 1.34 compatible, so I haven't listened to them. I still may at some point, though.

@Volley: Wow, that's actually quite good for a first org! You make much more effective use of the volume envelope than I did when I first started making orgs. I look forward to hearing more from you!

@Gir: Great job as usual! I agree with Volley that it sounds very WTF Story-esque :). And btw:

Gir said:
[EDIT]: Do you mean the background part that goes "C4 G4 C5 G4-C4 G4 C5 G4-C4 G#4 C5 G#4-C4 G#4 C5 G#4" where I made it go to "D4 A#4 F4 A#4" every time even though every second time it goes to ""D4 A#4 D5 A#4"? Yeah I think I missed that. Let me reupload it.

Really trivial point, but out of curiosity, why do you call it G#? Wouldn't it make much more sense to call it Ab?

edit: same thing with the A#. Why not Bb?
Apr 14, 2010 at 6:16 PM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
@Volley: Wow, that's actually quite good for a first org! You make much more effective use of the volume envelope than I did when I first started making orgs. I look forward to hearing more from you!

Thanks! Though looking at some of the threads about the org maker, I realized I may have used instruments that probably wont work, so i'll either wind up remaking the song, or trying a different one with more stable instruments.
Apr 14, 2010 at 8:38 PM
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Ah, yes, you used the Bass03 percussion sound, meaning that the percussion will sound wrong if you put this song into a CS mod.

Though you shouldn't need to totally redo the song. Just combine tracks 8 and 11 (both Bass01) into track 8, move track 10 (Snare01) into Track 9, and redo the other percussion (Tom01 is probably the valid percussion sound that is most similar to Bass03).
Apr 15, 2010 at 1:54 AM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
Really trivial point, but out of curiosity, why do you call it G#? Wouldn't it make much more sense to call it Ab?

edit: same thing with the A#. Why not Bb?

They really are the same notes, right? I suppose in a music class/music theory class one is preferred over the other, or used in different situations, but in the digital age when people are moving from piano to piano rolls, less of a distinction will be made.

Yeah, some of the drums are incompatible with cavestory for the 2.05 version of Orgmaker. If you're not planning to put the ORGs in a mod anytime soon, it doesn't really matter if you use the new drums.
Apr 15, 2010 at 2:02 AM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
Ah, yes, you used the Bass03 percussion sound, meaning that the percussion will sound wrong if you put this song into a CS mod.

Though you shouldn't need to totally redo the song. Just combine tracks 8 and 11 (both Bass01) into track 8, move track 10 (Snare01) into Track 9, and redo the other percussion (Tom01 is probably the valid percussion sound that is most similar to Bass03).

Alright, I'll try that out, but I'm just not very fond of the introduction, that part, i probably will definitely redo. It sounds too much like a stereotypical techno intro XD
Apr 15, 2010 at 3:28 AM
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carrotlord said:
They really are the same notes, right? I suppose in a music class/music theory class one is preferred over the other, or used in different situations, but in the digital age when people are moving from piano to piano rolls, less of a distinction will be made.

That's why he said he was nitpicking. Plus I should've really used Ab and Bb instead of the #'s, since obviously the piece is in the key of C minor :D

But even though I should, often I won't just for the sake of being lazy.

@Volley: Pretty good for your first org/composition. Although it sounds very empty-ish, which isn't bad, but it could use some more supporting parts I guess.
Apr 15, 2010 at 4:12 AM
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@Volley: Pretty good for your first org/composition. Although it sounds very empty-ish, which isn't bad, but it could use some more supporting parts I guess.

Thanks! Yeah, I tried to make it so it wasn't so busy, but the beginning needs some major revising.
Apr 15, 2010 at 10:40 AM
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Apr 15, 2010 at 12:57 PM
graters gonna grate
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@Gir: Lol, I just didn't know if you were just being lazy or if there actually was some weird reason for it.

@Volley: downloading now...
Apr 16, 2010 at 12:01 AM
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Finally got somewhere with one of the songs xD though im worried it might be taking a bit of a different direction. I'd like ta know what ya all think of it so far :eek:

New-Eh~ V.2

xD peace xD

p.s the last two bars is going to change.