Quickie Guide to the Mods Section (update 7/04/14)

Apr 14, 2009 at 8:38 AM
Bonds that separate us
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Aug 20, 2006
Posts: 2851
Age: 33
Quickie Guide to the Mods Section (update 13/08/11)

Welcome to DT's Awesome Mod Guide!!!!!

Due to space issues, only the more substantial mods will be mentioned in full; shorter mods will get a briefer mention at the end. This doesn't mean that they're worse, merely that they either aren't very long or contain no great changes. I may or may not actually get around to doing this http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/frown2.gif

Stop making guide entries for me, I'll put them up myself. At the moment I just want help making sure the guide is accurate. And seriously, there is no reason to post difficulties with the guide anywhere outside this thread, so stop doing that too. I'm not going to go out of my way to search for stuff if it's just randomly all over the place.

Here is the outline template:

Name: Duh {Mod length goes here.}
Creator(s): Whodunit
Type: e.g. timed/untimed challenge, original story, CS continuation/partial edit
Status: Whether it's still active or not
Features: Anything not in CS original/other important stuff
Blurb: Quickie explanation!
Link: Like this, as well as a link to the mod itself if it's not on the first page.

Length will be classed in 5 levels: Shortish (min length to qualify, about 20 or 30 mins), Medium (30 to an hour), Long (over an hour), Extra Long (over 2 hours), and Challenge (varies). Note that first play-throughs will most likely be longer, and mods with lots of text may be scaled back a bit.
Important things will be bolded so you don't miss them. Or at least so you have no excuse to miss them.
Mods will be done in alphabetical order for simplicity of locating, ignoring "The" in any title. Use Ctrl+F for extra-fast finding. Each mod is in its own quote tags (thx to MS for the idea) for super-streamlined viewing pleasure.
Note: Some links are dead at the moment. After I'm done updating I'll upload some myself, but I don't have them all.

Name: A Lost Land {Extra Long}
Creator(s): carrotlord
Type: CS sequel, made mostly from scratch
Status: Finished
Features: Item trading!
Blurb: carrotlord's first attempt at a mod, which started out as practice but grew into something more. Turns out the Doctor didn't really die, and a full assault must be mounted to end things once and for all and for all.
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=3508
Name: Boss Rush {Challenge}
Creator(s): SeriousFace
Type: Timed challenge, partial CS edit... boss rush?
Status: Finished
Features: None really
Blurb: It's a boss rush, that's basically it. Between each boss there are options to get items/health upgrades that would normally be available at that stage. Speed is of the essence in this fast-paced challenge!
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=468
Name: Cave Story ~ The Lost Mage and Pirate {Medium}
Creator(s): VoidMage_Lowell
Type: Pseudo-CS spoof, made mostly from scratch
Status: On hold?
Features: Some new graphics, LOTS of dialogue
Blurb: Through the power of magical science and scientific magic, Lowell and Khan are dragged into the CS world! They must try to re-open the vortex so that they can get home, in-between encounters with strange persons, familiar henchman, ornery technology and many more unexpected thingies. Fun for the whole family!
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=2779
Name: Cave Story ~ Path of Ruin {Shortish}
Creator(s): Ralren
Type: CS prequel, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned "up the ass"
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music and SFX, weapon edits
Blurb: Some robots are actually killer robots, and they're not exactly friendly. This mod follows the tale of TR-492, one such robot with a sharp CPU, manufactured to assist with the unforgiving war that ravaged the island during the last search for the Demon Crown.
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=4089
Name: Cave Story ~ Redesign {Long?}
Creator(s): Dubby
Type: Partial CS edit/retelling, made from scratch
Status: In progress
Features: Some new graphics, buttons and switches, and endless hidden doodads
Blurb: Just another CS edit? Not quite. The original world has been hugely expanded, taking CS's Metroidvania influences and blowing them up five times while pushing the game engine to its limits.
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=4379
Name: Cave Story ~ Tale of the Broxxus {Medium}
Creator(s): Ralren
Type: CS sequel, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics, some new music and SFX, some weapon edits
Blurb: This mod went through a couple of different builds before being abandoned. Both take place on the Broxxus, the floating island's floating island, and draw inspiration from the Cave Story Beta screenshots. In the wake of the Doctor's defeat, a lost Mimiga is aided by an unknown radio contact, as a darker plot starts to unfold...
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=4089
Name: Cave Story Modded {Shortish}
Creator(s): jeffreymaher9@hotmail.com
Type: CS sequel?, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: None really
Blurb: No beating about the bush here - Balrog and Curly are trapped, and it's up to Quote must save them, defying death, doom and yawning chasms in the process!
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=311 Mod is here.
Warning: Kinda buggy, you'll probably need to do some script editing to get to the end.
Name: Cave Story Owl Version, aka Unnamed Bad Ending Sequel {Medium}
Creator(s): Uncy Dave
Type: CS sequel (bad end), made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics
Blurb: Cave Story's unused owl sprite escapes from prison, only to discover that countless horrors have befallen the island since Quote gave up and flew off. Aforementioned owl can also shoot fireballs.
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=2439 Kinda buggy.
Name: Caveoholic!'s Recent Addiction, aka The Origin of Evil {Medium}
Creator(s): caveoholic!
Type: Partial CS edit, hell edit
Status: Finished
Features: Canada!
Blurb: Another old forum mod that edits part of the original CS, starting from the Egg Corridor?. Fear not, I believe a save point is provided. Seizure warning for those who make it to Hell!
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=354 Kinda buggy.
Name: Corridor {Challenge}
Creator(s): Softmints
Type: Timed challenge, made from scratch
Status: Finished?
Features: Really difficult gameplay...
Blurb: Quite possibly still the premiere CS difficulty challenge, Corridor consists of 17... corridors, each requiring super-fast thinking and reflexes. One hit, and it's all over... A level-selection mode is also included, courtesy of Xaser.
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=662
Name: The Crowned Witch, aka Cave Story 3 {Long}
Creator(s): ShInInG PhAnToM, aka S. P. Gardebiter
Type: CS sequel (well, sequel to a CS sequel that hasn't been made yet), made from scratch
Status: Abandoned http://www.cavestory.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/koron.gif
Features: Some new graphics, some new music, some hacks?
Blurb: Far in the future, a lone Mimiga soldier is woken up inside a crumbling fortress, under siege from enemies that appear from seemingly nowhere. Misery is still around, and she's determined to prevent him from finding her, sending him away to different places, and even times...
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=401
Name: Curly Brace's Story {Long}
Creator(s): Kaeso
Type: CS prequel, made mostly from scratch
Status: Abandoned?
Features: Replayable chapters! And some slight SFX edits. I think that's all.
Blurb: Curly Brace has a story to tell too, and this is one interpretation of it. It begins with her waking up in the Sand Zone, and continues over a number of years, leading up to the events of Cave Story as the world grows and changes.
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=1436
Name: The Dark Platform ~ After The Fact {Long}
Creator(s): DragonBoots
Type: CS sequel, made from scratch
Status: On hold?
Features: Lotsa new graphics, some NPC editing, multiple weapon/item options and some hidden stuff
Blurb: A shady guy with shades escapes from a damaged orbital facility, gaining the help of a decidedly familiar friend along the way. It may be damaged, but that doesn't mean it's not still heavily guarded, and yet there seems to be nowhere to go except forward...
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=1043
Name: Enemy Rush {Challenge}
Creator(s): Lyger
Type: Timed challenge, made from scratch
Status: Finished?
Features: None really?
Blurb: A fun and quirky challenge created by Lyger, featuring the lesser foes of the CS multiverse. They come in no short supply, however, so keep at the ready... and enjoy the opening tutorial.
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=1088 Direct link to mod.
Name: Essence of Chaos 1 - Shattered Destiny {Shortish}
Creator(s): jcys810
Mod: Original story (still has Mimigas), made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics
Blurb: A young Mimiga escapes from a firestorm, leaving his friend behind. With the help of some other escapees, he attempts to find an alternate way out of the cave he's now trapped in... with about 5 different people all trying to kill him for one reason or another.
Link: http://cavestory.org...hread.php?t=875
Name: Eternal Chaos (version 2.0) {Extra Long}
Creator(s): ZarroTsu
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics (much courtesy of Zeshiro), multiple difficulty levels, hidden stuff
Blurb: ZT has once again been unwilling dragged into a diabolical plot, wherein he must backtrack regularly in the hopes of finding and saving his gf. Or so he thinks... can he stop the evil Moaning Panda once and for all?
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=867 Mod is here.
Name: The Eternal Chaos {Medium}
Creator(s): ZarroTsu/ZTaimat as he was known
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics (some borrowed some from Original Sin)
Blurb: The first mod featuring ZT as himself, wherein he sets off on an airship to a completely unrelated floating island and must discover what it is that is calling him there.
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=562 Mod is here.
Name: Eternal Nightmare aka ZT's Mod {Medium}
Creator(s): ZarroTsu/ZTaimat as he was known
Type: Partial CS edit/retelling?, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: None really
Blurb: An unnamed Mimiga (use your imagination) must traverse some oddly similar locales in order to decipher an oddly similar plot... except that King has a daughter now.
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=515 Mod is here.
Name: The Future {Medium}
Creator(s): Metalogz
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned?
Features: Lotsa new graphics, some enemy/weapon edits, cloning!
Blurb: A young woman finds herself forced away from her perfect home in the sky, leaving her trapped in the cold, mechanical underworld below. She can only attempt to make her way through this unforgiving landscape, past many cruel enemies and many, many pits, in search of the reason for this terrible happening...
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=2876
Name: Grasp of Hell {Shortish}
Creator(s): jcys810
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics
Blurb: A man is forced to re-live the shadows of his past thanks to a shadow, in order to prepare himself for what he must now do. It all starts in a small village...
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=1237 Mod is here.
Name: (SeriousFace's) Hard Mode {Long?}
Creator(s): SeriousFace
Type: Untimed challenge, partial CS edit
Status: Abandoned (but lots of content)
Features: Challenging design and puzzles, and a save-anywhere feature
Blurb: An enhanced version of CS, created by SeriousFace, with a number of interesting features. One of the oldest mods on the forum, so it provides a challenge and nostalgia all in one bundle!
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=210
Name: Jenka's Nightmare {Extra Long}
Creator(s): Shmitz
Type: CS sequel, made from scratch
Status: Never Die ;-;
Features: Some new graphics, non-linear paths, hidden items and puzzles
Blurb: Probably the most popular and well-known CS mod. Quote is sent back to the island, but peace does not yet reign freely. The entire place has fallen into a constant state of change, due to the conflicting forces that are now at work...
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=274
Name: Jenka's Nightmare Revived {Extra Long}
Creator(s): LunarSoul
Type: CS sequel, made from scratch
Status: Finished
Features: Same as above?
Blurb: After many years, some endgame content was finally offered up for Jenka's Nightmare - just note that it may not necessarily line up with the original creators' vision.
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=4257
Name: Julian's King {Medium}
Creator(s): Softmints
Type: CS sequel, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics, hidden items and puzzles
Blurb: A robotic soldier named Julian has been sent to remove the threat posed by the island once and for all. It won't be as easy as it sounds, since the mod also includes Softmints' traditionally challenging level design and monster placement. Best of luck!
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=326
Name: Kaeso's Mod {Medium?}
Creator(s): Kaeso
Type: CS prequel, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics
Blurb: This mod focuses on the journey of yet another robotic soldier named Solidus, an assassin sent to the island to terminate a number of familiar faces, as well as a healthy heaping of cockroaches in the meantime.
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=1367 Kinda buggy? Mod is here.
Name: King ~ Strife and Sacrifice {Medium}
Creator(s): Noxid
Type: CS prequel, made from scratch
Status: In progress
Features: Lotsa new graphics, 2x resolution!!!, some new music, weapon/enemy edits
Blurb: Another envisioning of the war-ish events leading up to CS, this time as viewed from King's perspective. What cruel sights could he have seen, to leave him the embittered, anger-prone leader he is in the future? Destruction perhaps, or murder, maybe even density readouts...
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=3123
Name: Legacy Story {Shortish}
Creator(s): Nator
Type: CS prequel, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics
Blurb: 15 years preceding the events of Cave Story, a squad of robot soldiers are on their way to the island, when their airship is destroyed by a fire. A girl named Kate finds seemingly the only survivor, and sets out to find someone who can help repair him...
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=647
Name: Magic~ {Long}
Creator(s): Metalogz
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics, some weapon edits, multiple worlds to access... kinda
Blurb: A young fellow finds himself thrown into a totally new world, where he must try to prevent the forces of slightly evil from overtaking all that exists. The only way to achieve this is - with a bit of help here and there - by harnessing the unknown powers he finds there... you could even say they might be... magic~!
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=1024
Name: The Mimiga Army {Extra Long}
Creator(s): sixtyseconds
Type: CS sequel (bad end), made from scratch
Status: Finished
Features: Some new graphics, some puzzles, gambling
Blurb: Abert is a highly-ranked soldier in the Mimiga Army, the Doctor's non-berserked Mimiga force, but that doesn't mean he's going along with the Doctor's agenda. He gets sent on a ground mission to report on the current state of the world below, and quickly sets out to investigate some of the strange things that have occurred there in order to buy himself some time...
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=3651
Name: Original Sin {Long}
Creator(s): RuneLancer
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics, new sounds effects, new weapons, new enemies...
Blurb: A pair of government agents are sent to a strange and unrelated floating island, where they find a village of outcasts, damned by an extremist cult to live in poverty. As they attempt to find out more about the cult, the plot steadily becomes more and more sinister... oh, and there's a gun that shoots floaty balls.
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=331 Mod is here.
Name: Schism {Medium}
Creator(s): Xaser
Type: Original story, made mostly from scratch
Status: Abandoned?
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music, possibly some other edits
Blurb: Xaser is a somewhat confusing fellow to start with, and now his life's been flipped turned upside down by a massive upheaval in the space-time continuum. He soon encounters some mysterious new allies with some idea of what's really going on, along with any number of different plots to take advantage of the newly unstable conditions...
Link: http://www.cavestory...hread.php?t=884
Name: The Show {Long}
Creator(s): Ollie
Type: Original story?, made from scratch
Status: In progress
Features: Some new music and SFX, some new graphics, :J
Blurb: Welcome to the show, we're all set to go! A shadowy little chap is thrust into a platformish adventure, with a friendly narrator telling his story as it moves along. Is a true quest, or merely a spectacle? Time has yet to tell!
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=4149
Name: Tower Story {Medium}
Creator(s): King_Rasta
Type: Pseudo-CS prequel?, made from scratch
Status: In progress?
Features: Lotsa new graphics
Blurb: This mod features a newly-created robot, designed for a diplomatic mission as a part of the mysterious Damien Army. He has to reach the top of the tower first though, and several inconvenient mishaps will ensure that it's no easy journey. Can you handle the climb, M-A-G-G-O-T?
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=3459
Name: Towers {Long}
Creator(s): HyMyNameIsMatt
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: In progress
Features: Lotsa new graphics, music and weapon hacks
Blurb: Two days after communications from the four great towers cease, a man is sent in to investigate. Expecting minor technical difficulties, he instead finds them almost totally abandoned, barring a handful of armed hostiles who know a lot of things that he doesn't. And there's something strange in the water supply...
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=4390
Name: The Untold Story {Long}
Creator(s): Uncy Dave
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: In progress?
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music, weapon edits, owl hoots!
Blurb: Pirate's a pretty dull-living guy, but he's still willing to fight against the tyranny of parking inspectors! Egged on by the influences of Foxi and Bobby Sprinkles, he'll either get his Segway back or uncover a diabolical plot in the process...
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=3084
Name: The Witching Hour {Long}
Creator(s): carrotlord
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: In progress
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music, enemy hacks and puzzles
Blurb: What start out as some harmless preparations for the Autumn Festival soon turn ugly, as a young girl called Luka finds herself thrust into events beyond her control, and the forces of magic begin to grow increasingly unstable...
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=3736
Name: "Working on a" Mod (unnamed) {Medium}
Creator(s): Zephryl
Type: CS prequel/partial CS edit, made mostly from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: None really
Blurb: A soldier is separated from his team and must find out where he is, encountering some familiar locations along the way.
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=2654
Name: The Wrath of Revorshkenahl {Extra Long}
Creator(s): Wedge of Cheese
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Finished
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music, some puzzles, maybe some other edits
Blurb: It's hard to be the ambiguously-gendered Chosen One when nobody heard what your quest is supposed to be! There's no choice left but to visit the Gods of the world for guidance... but can they really be trusted, especially with such hard-to-pronounce names?
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=1419
Name: WTF Story {Extra Long}
Creator(s): GIRakaCHEEZER
Type: CS Sequel, made from scratch
Status: In progress
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music, many NPC edits and puzzles
Blurb: A familiar-looking fellow with shades finds himself trapped in an entirely strange world, and must battle through many challenging yet oddly contrived levels in order to unravel his memories, or more importantly, save his own hide. As of the latest update, an easy mode has been included, for those who value their time and finger joints.
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=1478
Name: The Zealous Caves {Shortish}
Creator(s): Pozeal
Type: Partial CS edit/retelling
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics, and a few little edits
Blurb: A somewhat familiar character awakes in a somewhat similar situation... but some things aren't quite the way they're meant to be! Also notable for being the first mod to have a main character that doesn't bounce when walking.
Link: http://www.cavestory...read.php?t=1018 Mod is here.

Specs are pretty straight forward, but for something to qualify as "Advanced" ASM modification we are looking for stuff like multiple TSC and NPC edits and/or function re/building.

All the old mods before this update won't have the specs added.

Important things will be bolded so you don't miss them. Or at least so you have no excuse to miss them.
Mods will be done in alphabetical order for simplicity of locating, ignoring "The" and "Cave Story" (unless absolutely necessary) in any title. Use Ctrl+F for extra-fast finding. Each mod is in its own quote tags (thx to MS for the idea) and alphabetically spoilered (thanks to coffee) for super-streamlined viewing pleasure.

And with that, have fun browsing!

Name: A Lost Land {Extra Long}
Creator(s): carrotlord

Type: CS sequel, made mostly from scratch
Status: Finished
Features: Item trading!
Blurb: carrotlord's first attempt at a mod, which started out as practice but grew into something more. Turns out the Doctor didn't really die, and a full assault must be mounted to end things once and for all and for all.
Link: A Lost Land

Name: Boss Rush {Challenge}
Creator(s): SeriousFace
Type: Timed challenge, partial CS edit... boss rush?
Status: Finished
Features: None really
Blurb: It's a boss rush, that's basically it. Between each boss there are options to get items/health upgrades that would normally be available at that stage. Speed is of the essence in this fast-paced challenge!
Link: Boss Rush

Name: Cavern Tale {Medium}Creator(s): Enlightened One
Type: CS EditStatus: Half-Finished/On Hiatus
Features: Humorous cutscenes, an Indirect/Ironic reimagining of Cave Story character's and plot line, and shock-value difficulty.Blurb: You play as a lowly janitor, caught in-between a violent crisis of several characters including: The Chef, a culinary artist with questionable methods, Sue Notasakamoto, a cut throat overlord thirsting for world domination, and Balrog, the fanciest gentleman alive.
Link: http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/4776/Specs:
Level redesign: YesArt Edits: Yes
Basic ASM modifications: YesAdvanced ASM modifications: No
New music: Includes Beta music and slight editsSW mod: No
Name: Corridor {Challenge}
Creator(s): Softmints
Type: Timed challenge, made from scratch
Status: Finished?
Features: Really difficult gameplay...
Blurb: Quite possibly still the premiere CS difficulty challenge, Corridor consists of 17... corridors, each requiring super-fast thinking and reflexes. One hit, and it's all over... A level-selection mode is also included, courtesy of Xaser.
Link: Corridor
Name: The Crowned Witch, aka Cave Story 3 {Long}
Creator(s): ShInInG PhAnToM, aka S. P. Gardebiter
Type: CS sequel (well, sequel to a CS sequel that hasn't been made yet), made from scratch
Status: Abandoned :koron:
Features: Some new graphics, some new music, some hacks?
Blurb: Far in the future, a lone Mimiga soldier is woken up inside a crumbling fortress, under siege from enemies that appear from seemingly nowhere. Misery is still around, and she's determined to prevent him from finding her, sending him away to different places, and even times...
Link: Cave Story 3 ~ The Crowned Witch
Name: Curly Patch {patch}
Creator(s): Efreim, Jay City
Type: Vanilla Edit
Status: Complete
Features: not much really.
Blurb: Play as Curly in Cave Story, features text and art edits to make the game flow smoothly, also works with CS+
Link: Unofficial PLAY AS CURLY PATCH
Name: Curly's Adventure
Cerator(s): Hate9
Type Build off?
Status Abandoned
Features: Curly on her own Quest
blurb: A mod where you play as Curly.
Link: Curly's Adventure

Name: The Dark Platform ~ After The Fact {Long}Creator(s): DragonBoots
Type: CS sequel, made from scratch
Status: On hold?
Features: Lotsa new graphics, some NPC editing, multiple weapon/item options and some hidden stuff
Blurb: A shady guy with shades escapes from a damaged orbital facility, gaining the help of a decidedly familiar friend along the way. It may be damaged, but that doesn't mean it's not still heavily guarded, and yet there seems to be nowhere to go except forward...
Link: The Dark Platform - After The Fact

Name: Enemy Rush {Challenge}
Creator(s): Lyger
Type: Timed challenge, made from scratch
Status: Finished?
Features: None really?
Blurb: A fun and quirky challenge created by Lyger, featuring the lesser foes of the CS multiverse. They come in no short supply, however, so keep at the ready... and enjoy the opening tutorial.
Link: Enemy Rush Direct download link
Name: The Endless Sanctuary Customizer {Short}
Creator(s): Enlightened One
Type: Vanilla Edit/Proof of Concept
Status: Finished
Features: Tons of customizable options, fast and easy menus, and a silly ending.
Blurb: At first glance, it appears as an average hell mod, but this one has the most options available, and the most convenient way to access them: Teleporter Menus. From a no-booster run, to having a puppy instead of Curly, the customization available is endless.
Link: http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/4966/
Level redesign: Yes
Art Edits: No
Basic ASM modifications: Yes
Advanced ASM modifications: No
New music: No
SW mod: No
Name: Essence of Chaos 1 - Shattered Destiny {Shortish}
Creator(s): jcys810
Mod: Original story (still has Mimigas), made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics
Blurb: A young Mimiga escapes from a firestorm, leaving his friend behind. With the help of some other escapees, he attempts to find an alternate way out of the cave he's now trapped in... with about 5 different people all trying to kill him for one reason or another.
Link: Essence of Chaos 1 - Shattered Destiny
Name: Eternal Chaos (version 2.0) {Extra Long}Creator(s): ZarroTsu
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics (much courtesy of Zeshiro), multiple difficulty levels, hidden stuff
Blurb: ZT has once again been unwilling dragged into a diabolical plot, wherein he must backtrack regularly in the hopes of finding and saving his gf. Or so he thinks... can he stop the evil Moaning Panda once and for all?
Link: Eternal Chaos - Chapter 5 Download Link
Name: The Eternal Chaos {Medium}
Creator(s): ZarroTsu/ZTaimat as he was known
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics (some borrowed some from Original Sin)
Blurb: The first mod featuring ZT as himself, wherein he sets off on an airship to a completely unrelated floating island and must discover what it is that is calling him there.
Link: The Eternal Chaos Download Link
Name: Eternal Nightmare aka ZT's Mod {Medium}
Creator(s): ZarroTsu/ZTaimat as he was known
Type: Partial CS edit/retelling?, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: None really
Blurb: An unnamed Mimiga (use your imagination) must traverse some oddly similar locales in order to decipher an oddly similar plot... except that King has a daughter now.
Link: Eternal Nightmare aka ZT's Mod Download Link

Name: Cave Story with a Fourth Ending {Long}
Creator(s): HaydenStudios
Type: CS edit
Status: Finished
Features: An extra path with new cutscenes, new dialogue, altered credit illustrations, and altered epilogue sequences
Blurb: King and Toroko's deaths are a terrible tragedy that can never be prevented. Or can it? Take the secret hidden path of the 4th ending, and you'll be able to save King and Toroko, see the Colons safe and sound, and have your cake and eat it too by going home with the Sakamotos along with Curly Brace.
Link: http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/3832/
Level redesign: no
Art Edits: yes
Basic ASM modifications: no
Advanced ASM modifications: no
New music: no
SW mod: no
Name: The Future {Medium}
Creator(s): Metalogz
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned?
Features: Lotsa new graphics, some enemy/weapon edits, cloning!
Blurb: A young woman finds herself forced away from her perfect home in the sky, leaving her trapped in the cold, mechanical underworld below. She can only attempt to make her way through this unforgiving landscape, past many cruel enemies and many, many pits, in search of the reason for this terrible happening...
Link: -=The Future=-

Name: Grasp of Hell {Shortish}Creator(s): jcys810
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics
Blurb: A man is forced to re-live the shadows of his past thanks to a shadow, in order to prepare himself for what he must now do. It all starts in a small village...
Link: Grasp of Hell Download Link

Name: Hack9 Story
Creator(s): CarrotLord
Features: unknown
Blurb: Hack9 Story is a short minimod based off the game Hack9. You play as Snort, an amateur hacker girl who needs to inspect some terminals and perhaps do some cracking, hence the name Hack9.
Link: Hack9 Story
Name: (SeriousFace's) Hard Mode {Long?}
Creator(s): SeriousFace
Type: Untimed challenge, partial CS edit
Status: Abandoned (but lots of content)
Features: Challenging design and puzzles, and a save-anywhere feature
Blurb: An enhanced version of CS, created by SeriousFace, with a number of interesting features. One of the oldest mods on the forum, so it provides a challenge and nostalgia all in one bundle!
Link: Hard Mode


Name: Jenka's Nightmare {Extra Long}
Creator(s): Shmitz
Type: CS sequel, made from scratch
Status: Never Die ;-;
Features: Some new graphics, non-linear paths, hidden items and puzzles
Blurb: Probably the most popular and well-known CS mod. Quote is sent back to the island, but peace does not yet reign freely. The entire place has fallen into a constant state of change, due to the conflicting forces that are now at work...
Link: Jenka's Nightmare
Name: Jenka's Nightmare Revived {Extra Long}
Creator(s): LunarSoul
Type: CS sequel, made from scratch
Status: Finished
Features: Same as above?
Blurb: After many years, some endgame content was finally offered up for Jenka's Nightmare - just note that it may not necessarily line up with the original creators' vision.
Link: Jenka's Nightmare Revived
Name: Julian's King {Medium}Creator(s): Softmints
Type: CS sequel, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics, hidden items and puzzles
Blurb: A robotic soldier named Julian has been sent to remove the threat posed by the island once and for all. It won't be as easy as it sounds, since the mod also includes Softmints' traditionally challenging level design and monster placement. Best of luck!
Link: Julian's King

Name: Kaeso's Mod {Medium?}
Creator(s): Kaeso
Type: CS prequel, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics
Blurb: This mod focuses on the journey of yet another robotic soldier named Solidus, an assassin sent to the island to terminate a number of familiar faces, as well as a healthy heaping of cockroaches in the meantime.
Link: Kaeso's Mod Download Link Kind of buggy?
Name: King ~ Strife and Sacrifice {Medium}Creator(s): Noxid
Type: CS prequel, made from scratch
Status: In progress???
Features: Lotsa new graphics, 2x resolution!!!, some new music, weapon/enemy edits
Blurb: Another envisioning of the war-ish events leading up to CS, this time as viewed from King's perspective. What cruel sights could he have seen, to leave him the embittered, anger-prone leader he is in the future? Destruction perhaps, or murder, maybe even density readouts...
Link: King: Strife and Sacrifice (AKA King's Story)

Name: The Lost Mage and Pirate {Medium}
Creator(s): VoidMage_Lowell
Type: Pseudo-CS spoof, made mostly from scratch
Status: On hold?
Features: Some new graphics, LOTS of dialogue
Blurb: Through the power of magical science and scientific magic, Lowell and Khan are dragged into the CS world! They must try to re-open the vortex so that they can get home, in-between encounters with strange persons, familiar henchman, ornery technology and many more unexpected thingies. Fun for the whole family!
Link: The Lost Mage and Pirate
Name: Legacy Story {Shortish}
Creator(s): Nator
Type: CS prequel, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics
Blurb: 15 years preceding the events of Cave Story, a squad of robot soldiers are on their way to the island, when their airship is destroyed by a fire. A girl named Kate finds seemingly the only survivor, and sets out to find someone who can help repair him...
Link: Legacy Story

Name: Cave Story Modded {Shortish}
Creator(s): jeffreymaher9@hotmail.com
Type: CS sequel?, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: None really
Blurb: No beating about the bush here - Balrog and Curly are trapped, and it's up to Quote must save them, defying death, doom and yawning chasms in the process!
Link: CaveStory Modded Download here
Warning: Kinda buggy, you'll probably need to do some script editing to get to the end.
Name: Magic~ {Long}Creator(s): Metalogz
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics, some weapon edits, multiple worlds to access... kinda
Blurb: A young fellow finds himself thrown into a totally new world, where he must try to prevent the forces of slightly evil from overtaking all that exists. The only way to achieve this is - with a bit of help here and there - by harnessing the unknown powers he finds there... you could even say they might be... magic~!
Link: Magic~
Name: The Mimiga Army {Extra Long}
Creator(s): sixtyseconds
Type: CS sequel (bad end), made from scratch
Status: Finished
Features: Some new graphics, some puzzles, gambling
Blurb: Abert is a highly-ranked soldier in the Mimiga Army, the Doctor's non-berserked Mimiga force, but that doesn't mean he's going along with the Doctor's agenda. He gets sent on a ground mission to report on the current state of the world below, and quickly sets out to investigate some of the strange things that have occurred there in order to buy himself some time...
Link: The Mimiga Army
Name: MS71 StoryCreator(s): metalsonic71
Type: CS edit
Status: Finished
Features: Some new graphics, some shortcuts, and some spikes
Blurb: ?!? Link: ms71 Story

Name: No Story Just Cave {Short}Creator(s): PolarStarGamesType: Challenge
Status: Finished
Features: Completely new levels, secrets and a script-based boss battle in a short, linear, but fun series of areas and challenges that make use of the tiles from the CaveStory Beta.
Blurb: Made to see how quickly I could actually make a mod, done in 5 days.
Link: http://www.cavestory.org/forums/posts/180154
Level redesign: yes
Art Edits: yes
Basic ASM modifications: no
Advanced ASM modifications: no
New music: no
SW mod: no

Name: Cave Story Owl Version, aka Unnamed Bad Ending Sequel {Medium}
Creator(s): Uncy Dave
Type: CS sequel (bad end), made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics
Blurb: Cave Story's unused owl sprite escapes from prison, only to discover that countless horrors have befallen the island since Quote gave up and flew off. Aforementioned owl can also shoot fireballs.
Link: Cave story(Bad Ending Sequel) Kinda buggy
Name: Caveoholic!'s Recent Addiction, aka The Origin of Evil {Medium}
Creator(s): caveoholic!
Type: Partial CS edit, hell edit
Status: Finished
Features: Canada!
Blurb: Another old forum mod that edits part of the original CS, starting from the Egg Corridor?. Fear not, I believe a save point is provided. Seizure warning for those who make it to Hell!
Link: Caveoholic!'s recent addiction/The Origin of Evil (Final Version) Kinda buggy
Name: Original Sin {Long}
Creator(s): RuneLancer
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics, new sounds effects, new weapons, new enemies...
Blurb: A pair of government agents are sent to a strange and unrelated floating island, where they find a village of outcasts, damned by an extremist cult to live in poverty. As they attempt to find out more about the cult, the plot steadily becomes more and more sinister... oh, and there's a gun that shoots floaty balls.
Link Original Sin Download Link

Name: Cave Story ~ Path of Ruin {Shortish}
Creator(s): Ralren
Type: CS prequel, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned "up the ass"
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music and SFX, weapon edits
Blurb: Some robots are actually killer robots, and they're not exactly friendly. This mod follows the tale of TR-492, one such robot with a sharp CPU, manufactured to assist with the unforgiving war that ravaged the island during the last search for the Demon Crown.
Link Ralren's Mod Collection!


Name: Cave Story ~ Redesign {Long?}
Creator(s): Dubby
Type: Partial CS edit/retelling, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics, buttons and switches, and endless hidden doodads
Blurb: Just another CS edit? Not quite. The original world has been hugely expanded, taking CS's Metroidvania influences and blowing them up five times while pushing the game engine to its limits.
Link: Cave Story - Redesign
Name: Cave Story ~ Rising Earth
Creator(s): Turbocharge
Type: CS Sequel
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics, some new levels, and a new story.
Blurb: Two years have passed since Ballos' defeat. The war for the crown has ended, and the world is at peace. Quote, Curly, and Balrog have been living a quiet life on a mountainside cliff on the Surface. But things are never as they seem..
Link: Cave Story: Rising Earth v0.1.3

Name: Schism {Medium}
Creator(s): Xaser
Type: Original story, made mostly from scratch
Status: Abandoned?
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music, possibly some other edits
Blurb: Xaser is a somewhat confusing fellow to start with, and now his life's been flipped turned upside down by a massive upheaval in the space-time continuum. He soon encounters some mysterious new allies with some idea of what's really going on, along with any number of different plots to take advantage of the newly unstable conditions...
Name: The Show {Long}
Creator(s): Ollie
Type: Original story?, made from scratch
Status: In progress
Features: Some new music and SFX, some new graphics, :J
Blurb: Welcome to the show, we're all set to go! A shadowy little chap is thrust into a platformish adventure, with a friendly narrator telling his story as it moves along. Is a true quest, or merely a spectacle? Time has yet to tell!
Link: The Show
Name: Stress Relief
Creator(s): Wedge of Cheese
Type: Challenge
Features: a room full of foes!
Blurb: You ever have those days when nothing's going well for you and all you wanna do is blow up monsters and shit (mostly the former)? This mod is great for when you feel that way!
Link: Stress Relief
Level redesign: yes
Art Edits: yes (1 on the title)
Basic ASM modifications: no
Advanced ASM modifications: no
New music: yes (remastered Egg corridor)
SW mod: no
Name: Suu No Monogatari aka Sue's Story {Medium}
Creator(s): Bombchu Link
Type: Build off
Status: in Progress
Features: Some ASM edits and lot's of text.
Blurb: Play through the events of Cave Story as Sue! Features completely new cut-scenes and areas not seen in the original game.
Link: Sue's Story ~ Suu No Monogatari
Level redesign: Yes
Art Edits: Yes
Basic ASM modifications: Yes
Advanced ASM modifications: Not yet
New music: Yes
SW mod: No

Name: Tale of the Broxxus {Medium}
Creator(s): Ralren
Type: CS sequel, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics, some new music and SFX, some weapon edits
Blurb: This mod went through a couple of different builds before being abandoned. Both take place on the Broxxus, the floating island's floating island, and draw inspiration from the Cave Story Beta screenshots. In the wake of the Doctor's defeat, a lost Mimiga is aided by an unknown radio contact, as a darker plot starts to unfold...
Link: Ralren's Mod Collection!
Name: Tower Story {Medium}
Creator(s): King_Rasta
Type: Pseudo-CS prequel?, made from scratch
Status: In progress?
Features: Lotsa new graphics
Blurb: This mod features a newly-created robot, designed for a diplomatic mission as a part of the mysterious Damien Army. He has to reach the top of the tower first though, and several inconvenient mishaps will ensure that it's no easy journey. Can you handle the climb, M-A-G-G-O-T?
Link: Tower Story
Name: Towers {Long}
Creator(s): HyMyNameIsMatt
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: In progress
Features: Lotsa new graphics, music and weapon hacks
Blurb: Two days after communications from the four great towers cease, a man is sent in to investigate. Expecting minor technical difficulties, he instead finds them almost totally abandoned, barring a handful of armed hostiles who know a lot of things that he doesn't. And there's something strange in the water supply...
Link: Towers
Name: Thanksgiving Story {Short}
Creator(s): Sword Legion, Bombchu Link
Type: Build off
Status: Finished
Features: New graphics and basic music edits.
Blurb: A Seasonal Mod to celebrate the season, join Santa as he tries to please Chaco by bringing her a Turkey for Thanksgiving dinner!
Link: Thanksgiving Story
Level redesign: yes
Art Edits: yes
Basic ASM modifications: yes? (new weapon)
Advanced ASM modifications: no
New music: edited originals
SW mod: no

Name: The Untold Story {Long}
Creator(s): Uncy Dave
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: In progress?
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music, weapon edits, owl hoots!
Blurb: Pirate's a pretty dull-living guy, but he's still willing to fight against the tyranny of parking inspectors! Egged on by the influences of Foxi and Bobby Sprinkles, he'll either get his Segway back or uncover a diabolical plot in the process...
Link: The Untold Story [no download link?]


Name: The Witching Hour {Long}
Creator(s): carrotlord
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music, enemy hacks and puzzles
Blurb: What start out as some harmless preparations for the Autumn Festival soon turn ugly, as a young girl called Luka finds herself thrust into events beyond her control, and the forces of magic begin to grow increasingly unstable...
Link: The Witching Hour
Name: "Working on a" Mod (unnamed) {Medium}
Creator(s): Zephryl
Type: CS prequel/partial CS edit, made mostly from scratch
Status: Abandoned
Features: None really
Blurb: A soldier is separated from his team and must find out where he is, encountering some familiar locations along the way.
Link: Working on a Mod
Name: The Wrath of Revorshkenahl {Extra Long}
Creator(s): Wedge of Cheese
Type: Original story, made from scratch
Status: Finished
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music, some puzzles, maybe some other edits
Blurb: It's hard to be the ambiguously-gendered Chosen One when nobody heard what your quest is supposed to be! There's no choice left but to visit the Gods of the world for guidance... but can they really be trusted, especially with such hard-to-pronounce names?
Link: The Wrath of Revorshkenahl
Name: WTF Story {Extra Long}
Creator(s): GIRakaCHEEZER
Type: CS Sequel, made from scratch
Status: "indefinitely on hold"
Features: Lotsa new graphics, lotsa new music, many NPC edits and puzzles
Blurb: A familiar-looking fellow with shades finds himself trapped in an entirely strange world, and must battle through many challenging yet oddly contrived levels in order to unravel his memories, or more importantly, save his own hide. As of the latest update, an easy mode has been included, for those who value their time and finger joints.
Link: WTF story demo



Name: The Zealous Caves {Shortish}
Creator(s): Pozeal
Type: Partial CS edit/retelling
Status: Abandoned
Features: Some new graphics, and a few little edits
Blurb: A somewhat familiar character awakes in a somewhat similar situation... but some things aren't quite the way they're meant to be! Also notable for being the first mod to have a main character that doesn't bounce when walking.
Link:The Zealous Caves Download Link
Apr 14, 2009 at 10:43 AM
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I can't be bothered to get the links for mine, so if you want to, have fun.

Name: Essence of Chaos 1 - Shattered Destiny
Creator(s): jcys810 (with a small dosage of Metalogz)
Type of Mod: Original story (Still has mimigas)
Current Length: Half an hour at most?
Current Status: DEAD. Resurrection is unlikely. HIGHLY unlikely.
Features: Custom sprites and shitty storyline.
Brief Synopsis: You have amnesia. How original.
Link: Can't be arsed to get sowwy.

Name: Grasp of Hell
Creator(s): jcys810 (with a small dosage of Metalogz)
Type of Mod: Original story
Current Length: Half an hour at most?
Current Status: Hiatus. Most likely won't be picking it up in a long time.
Features: Custom sprites.
Brief Synopsis: You are a man who has become a Silver Knight (some class). You now relieve your past as some mysterious voice guides you along to prepare you for the final battle.
Link: Can't be arsed to get sowwy.

If you need this post for this stuff I'll gladly give it up.
Apr 14, 2009 at 11:12 AM
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jcys810 said:
I can't be bothered to get the links for mine, so if you want to, have fun.

Essence of Chaos 1 - Shattered Destiny link- http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/599/

Grasp of Hell link- http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/840/

Also, my not so appreciated mod (With good reason, I suppose), along with a somewhat biased summary... Feel free to revise it as you see fit.

Name- Big Switcharoo, The
Creator(s)- Bad Beholder
Type of Mod- Parody of the original Cave Story? Mostly dialogue edits
Current Length- Slightly longer than the original CS, if you count the extra phrases' reading time.
Current Status- Completed, aside from a few minor issues
Features- A different lead character, some funnies thrown in, as well
Brief Synopsis- Taking the role of Bad Beholder's persona, it's the usual run through Cave Story, along with a few jokes in between.
Link- http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/709/
Apr 14, 2009 at 11:08 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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DoubleThink said:
Name: The Dark Platform ~ After The Fact
Creator(s): Dragonboots
Type of Mod: CS sequel (I think...?), made from scratch
Current Length: About 3 large maps and a few smaller ones, so it's getting pretty reasonable
Current Status: In progress... constantly >_>
Features: Lotsa new graphics, some NPC editing, multiple weapon/item options and some hidden stuff
Brief Synopsis: You play as... someone, trying to escape from... somewhere, and/or find out where they are. It's kinda ambiguous, but it has Curly in it.
Link: http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/721/ Latest version on page 27.

Sorry for the constant progress, DT. ;P
And the story will reveal itself in due time.
I'm not sure if it's a sequel or a parallel time frame, but I do know there are 4128 possible combinations of Items, Weapons and Health and IGR upgrades
Apr 15, 2009 at 2:33 AM
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jcys810 said:
If you need this post for this stuff I'll gladly give it up.
I can't edit ur posts D:

JacobX891 said:
Worth a mention. Not on the first or second post, but worth a mention nonetheless.
I'll stick it in once there's a released versiOH LOOK AT THAT!

Thanks to everyone who is helping so far.
ALSO: A sticky would be nice plz ._.
Apr 15, 2009 at 3:59 AM
"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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I was thinking of making similar thread of yours DoubleThink. You did a good start. I was also thinking of repackaging the mods with one single file plus a comment about each mod.
Apr 15, 2009 at 4:53 AM
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"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
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Name: Hard Mode
Creator(s): SeriousFace
Type of Mod: Difficult mode of the same CS
Current Length: Very long, should keep you occupied for a few hours, even if you cheat
Current Status: Inactive
Features: Awesome puzzles, nasty jumps, and hard as hell. Actually, harder.
Brief Synopsis: This greatly increases the difficulty of the original game, expanding the levels and changing the weapons. The story is identical, but the amazing gameplay is reason you play it.
Link: Thread

This mod doesn't get enough love. For non-edited graphics its definitely my favorite, and it stacks up very well against some of the better ones with graphics/sound edits. The level design is pure genius.
Apr 15, 2009 at 12:26 PM
graters gonna grate
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Sticky it nao!
Apr 15, 2009 at 2:07 PM
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DoubleThink said:
Name: Eternal Chaos (version 2.0)...
...Link: http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/593/ Don't know where a copy of the mod is.
The most up-to-date download can be found here- http://www.sendspace.com/file/2xan0c
The post where I found the link- http://www.cavestory.org/forums/posts/44560/

Also, here's an incomplete entry for YAHTM (If anyone'd like to fill in the Features & Brief Synopsis, my YouTube video covers the entire mod in about 4 minutes. Forgive me for being lazy like this.)

Name: YAHTM (Yet Another Hard Type Mod)
Creator(s): turska
Type of Mod: Challenge mod
Current Length: Only 3 screens, but still might take a few hours or so to complete
Current Status: Inactive
Features: <Needs filled in>
Brief Synopsis: <Needs filled in>
Link: http://www.cavestory.org/forums/threads/600/

Again, feel free to revise any details.
Last edited by a moderator:
Apr 15, 2009 at 7:11 PM
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Just a thought here, but in linking them to the original topic, doesn't it possibly mean that n00bs (Who've lately been highly erratic without anyone stopping them) can easily necropost and bump a 3 year-old topic back to front page?

Also, add a direct download link under the topic link. The necroposting would happen because they can't find the download link, despite it (Duuuuuh?) being dead for 3 years. (Of course this won't mean anything to them, they'll post anyway uncaring of timestamps, usually.)
Apr 15, 2009 at 7:13 PM
The Town Bicycle *cough*
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is this your job on the forums: complaining about everything because it exists?
Apr 15, 2009 at 8:32 PM
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whyme said:
is this your job on the forums: complaining about everything because it exists?

It seems it is, considering the condition it's in as of late. But who are you to criticize me? Does retaliation not beget more retaliation?
Apr 15, 2009 at 8:38 PM
Cold Agony of Resolute Vacuum
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ZarroTsu said:
Does retaliation not beget more retaliation?

Only in the hands of a fool.

EDIT: I move. That this be stickied. (Like in Halo.)
Apr 15, 2009 at 11:04 PM
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"Ha! Ha! Ha! Mega Man is no match for my Mimiga Man!"
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ZarroTsu said:
Also, add a direct download link under the topic link. The necroposting would happen because they can't find the download link, despite it (Duuuuuh?) being dead for 3 years. (Of course this won't mean anything to them, they'll post anyway uncaring of timestamps, usually.)

I kinda like to know how many views my topic has, its a quick and easy way of getting a general idea of how many people have played it. Plus there could be important info in the first post about known bugs or what stuff there is to find, that kind of thing.
Apr 16, 2009 at 12:12 AM
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but if it's three years dead, the creator probably doesn't care about it anymore.



I move. That this is to be pinned to the wall of our forums with a ten inch railroad spike. (Like in Halo)
Apr 16, 2009 at 3:13 AM
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Bad Beholder said:
The most up-to-date download can be found here- http://www.sendspace.com/file/2xan0c
The post where I found the link- http://www.cavestory.org/forums/posts/44560/
It says that the file is no longer available on my end, otherwise I would have put it up :/

ZarroTsu said:
Just a thought here, but in linking them to the original topic, doesn't it possibly mean that n00bs (Who've lately been highly erratic without anyone stopping them) can easily necropost and bump a 3 year-old topic back to front page?

Also, add a direct download link under the topic link. The necroposting would happen because they can't find the download link, despite it (Duuuuuh?) being dead for 3 years. (Of course this won't mean anything to them, they'll post anyway uncaring of timestamps, usually.)
Well this thread was kinda made to STOP necroposting by explaining the deal with each mod so that people don't have to ask about it continuously. At least now if they bump an ages-old thread they don't really have any excuse. I intend to update the first post with more specific information once most of the mods are in :)
If the download link isn't on the first page of the thread then I'll either tell what page it's on or provide a link to elsewhere. It's not my job to deal with other people's potential stupidity and if you didn't notice I'm already starting to run out of space D: I might need to re-design before long, or else I'll have to get tricky with some linking...
Apr 16, 2009 at 3:59 AM
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dooey100 said:
Name: Hard Mode
Creator(s): SeriousFace
Type of Mod: Difficult mode of the same CS
Current Length: Very long, should keep you occupied for a few hours, even if you cheat
Current Status: Inactive
Features: Awesome puzzles, nasty jumps, and hard as hell. Actually, harder.
Brief Synopsis: This greatly increases the difficulty of the original game, expanding the levels and changing the weapons. The story is identical, but the amazing gameplay is reason you play it.
Link: Thread

This mod doesn't get enough love. For non-edited graphics its definitely my favorite, and it stacks up very well against some of the better ones with graphics/sound edits. The level design is pure genius.
Aw thx buddy. That makes me feel all warm and shiny. Tho its not just inactive, its dead. I have no desire to ever work on this again.
Apr 19, 2009 at 5:29 AM
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DoubleThink said:
It says that the file is no longer available on my end, otherwise I would have put it up :/
Oh, it was working about a week or so ago when I checked it... My bad about that inaccurate info...

The former Eternal Chaos & Eternal Nightmare, however, can be downloaded from Garde's site where the TSC & other Notepad FAQ's can be found (It's called ZT's mod on the filename, so it could've been considered as any of the mods he made).

Eternal Nightmare- http://spgardebiter.sp.funpic.de/CaveStory/Mods/ZT's%20Mod.zip

Eternal Chaos v1.0- http://spgardebiter.sp.funpic.de/CaveStory/Mods/Eternal%20Chaos-Demo1.zip

There's a catch, though... You might need to copy the files into duplicate Doukutsu folders, otherwise they'll be missing some important image files. Other than that, they have the mods inside them.

*Planning to add more to this post*