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Quick Modding/Hacking Answers Thread

Oct 27, 2015 at 11:13 PM
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Oct 28, 2015 at 2:57 AM
Its dark in here
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WOW, I guess I should have known because you posted the same message twice.

Sorry for going off the thread's topic, but BLink, there's newbies that come here regularly. Why do you need to pose as one to test this? Why not observe how these "elite" members treat a newer member? There's so many of them that there's no need to create an entirely new account.
someone else's experience will never be able to measure up to one's own
Oct 28, 2015 at 5:58 PM
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I finished my dutch translation of Cave Story but I can't find that line, so I can't translate it.
Can anyone help me out?
Oct 28, 2015 at 6:39 PM
In my body, in my head
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you need to change the name of the map titled "_u" or something like that
Oct 28, 2015 at 8:49 PM
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It worked,
thanks a lot!
Oct 28, 2015 at 11:52 PM
The TideWalker
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well I'm gonna preface this by saying that if you want to know how the crystal moves then the most direct approach would be to look at its code yourself, but

it's all just math and physics, really. Every object has a position, and a speed (velocity) which is the change in its position over time. You also have acceleration, which is the change in speed over time. There's also another level deeper called "jerk" which is change in acceleration over time, but we'll disregard that because it doesn't help us much in most cases.
In order to have believable motion you should manipulate acceleration to effect a change in position. Pick an acceleration speed, and each frame add it to your speed. In turn, each frame you also add your speed to your position. Simple as that. In cave story acceleration is usually represented by adding/subtracting hard-coded values to the speed directly because there isn't a variable for objects to store their acceleration. You can also simulate friction by adding an acceleration in the opposite direction to motion.

Now, for a more specific example I believe the crystal probably works on a simple "orbit point" algorithm. For this you just always accelerate towards the point in both the x and y axis, so if you're to the left of the point accelerate right, if you're above it accelerate down and vice versa. When you pass it you'll have a high speed so the change in acceleration will slow it down until it stops and starts going back the other way.

I found this in my old notes; it's basically the old code made to work in the assemble and all jumps are editable ect.

offset 458360  


L_framerect_distance = AF
U_framerect_distance = 20

sprite heigth        = 10
sprite width         = 8




MOV edx, npc.scriptstate
JE  :jump_A
JE  :jump_B
JE  :jump_C
JMP :jump_D

MOV  npc.scriptstate, 1

CMP [4BBA30],0
JE  :jump_F
MOV npc.scriptstate, 0A
JMP :jump_F

MOV edx,  npc.x
CMP edx, [4BBA30]
JGE :jump_E
ADD npc.movex,55

MOV eax,  npc.x
CMP eax, [4BBA30]
JLE :jump_F
ADD npc.movex,-55

MOV edx, npc.y
CMP edx, [4BBA28]
JGE :jump_G
ADD npc.movex,55

MOV eax, npc.y
CMP eax, [4BBA28]
JLE :jump_H
ADD npc.movex,-55

CMP npc.movex,400
JLE :jump_I
MOV npc.movex,400

CMP npc.movex,-400
JGE :jump_J
MOV npc.movex,-400

CMP npc.movey,400
JLE :jump_K
MOV npc.movey,400

CMP npc.movey,-400
JGE :jump_L
MOV npc.movey,-400

MOV eax,  npc.x
ADD eax, npc.movex
MOV npc.x,eax

MOV edx, npc.y
ADD edx, npc.movey
MOV npc.y,edx

inc npc.frametimer
CMP npc.frametimer, 3
JLE :reset_timer_done
MOV npc.frametimer, 0
inc npc.frametimer
CMP npc.framenum, 1
JLE :reset_frame_done
MOV npc.framenum, 0

CMP npc.direction, 0
JNE :jump_O
CMP npc.movex,0
JLE :jump_O
MOV npc.framenum,2

CMP npc.direction,2
JNE :render
CMP npc.movex, 0
JGE :render
MOV npc.framenum,2

mov eax, npc.framenum                  
imul al, al, sprite width
add eax L_framerect_distance 
mov npc.DisplayL,eax                    
add eax, sprite width                          
mov npc.displayR,eax  
mov eax, U_framerect_distance  
mov npc.displayU,eax           
add eax, sprite heigth                          
mov npc.displayD,eax  


the RAM at [4BBA28] and [4BBA30] prolly has something to do with the Doctor's X and Y position or at least the target area the crystal has to go to.
other then that it looks just like something I would make myself..... maybe it's the X and Y pos that are constantly being updated so that it looks like the crystal is moving about?
Oct 29, 2015 at 2:11 AM
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how add Trolly Right Graphics in code?? Already add Left Graphics
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Oct 29, 2015 at 2:32 AM
In my body, in my head
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I don't think I designed it to have different graphics for moving left or right in the first place, but you could change the frame rect based on whether the xvel is >= 0
Oct 29, 2015 at 6:13 AM
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i add more Trolly other npc 126 is make like pic

??? what problem

and Properties
Oct 31, 2015 at 4:09 PM
The TideWalker
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Oct 31, 2015 at 4:59 PM
In my body, in my head
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Npc hitboxes are square, tile hitboxes are plus shaped
Oct 31, 2015 at 7:10 PM
In my body, in my head
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It's a bad idea but it might work
Nov 4, 2015 at 2:43 PM
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Pull out the players for himself, like Barnacle To give a damage
What should I do that? Use NPC is 176 and the graphics settings are retained
(And Trolley hitbox was resolved)
Nov 5, 2015 at 3:10 PM
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Do map scripts have character limits?
Nov 5, 2015 at 3:35 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Do map scripts have character limits?
Yes. According to this thread, the limit is 17,999 characters, but I'm positive there is a way to increase the limit using ASM. If you do some searching around and manage to find the address, it should be very easy to modify.

EDIT: This is probably the way to increase the limit:
Cave story loads a tsc file by opening it, copying all the contents into a big string, adding a 0 to the end of the string and closes the file. This big string must be allocated (the program asks the operating system for a piece of memory, the os prepares it and returns a pointer to the location), and that happens at 0x421544:
push 0x5000
call _malloc
add esp, 4
mov [0x4a5ad8], eax ; pointer to tsc buffer

0x5000 is the number of bytes the program wants (in decimal, 20480), this is too small for "Mansion1.tsc" and thus the program fails when trying to copy the contents of "Mansion1.tsc" to the allocated region. You could change this to something bigger, like 0x8000 (32768).
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Nov 6, 2015 at 6:19 AM
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how can find create NPC123(Curly Boss Shoot) in NPC(Curly Boss) cord use by OllyDbg
wan i try change NPC123 shoot to shotgun shoot
Nov 6, 2015 at 1:42 PM
beep boop
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Well, they use different entities, if I'm correct. You'd need to do some more assembly to change the properties of the bullet.
Nov 6, 2015 at 2:03 PM
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how can find create NPC123(Curly Boss Shoot) in NPC(Curly Boss) cord use by OllyDbg
wan i try change NPC123 shoot to shotgun shoot
I did something like replacing what an entity shoots. Make sure that you know if her gun is the part of the Curly Boss entity or if it is separate. Find the offset for the entity, then scroll through it to find the function call that spawns a bullet entity (look through the ASM Compendium).