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Potatoes make you violent?

Sep 20, 2012 at 8:51 PM
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"Researchers at Leicester University have discovered startling proof of what could be a dramatic new key factor that nearly all murderers share.
The study, for which over 2,500 imprisoned killers have been interviewed, has the potential to revolutionize the science of criminology, as well as possibly dramatically reduce the murder rate worldwide.
Previously, it had been widely understood that social factors play a large part in shaping a killer, with influences such as violent movies, physical or sexual abuse, and the trauma of witnessing war during childhood cited. This new study went a step further, and sought to identify something that all killers had in common.
And, according to lead researcher Doctor Dick Trafford, it has succeeded. Every single killer surveyed shared a single, common factor. Each one had eaten potatoes, or potato based products, at some point in their lives before they committed murder.
“You don’t get a 100% common factor by accident” an excited Dr Trafford told reporters, “If all killers share this single trait, it is more than just coincidence……And, over such a large base of research, this is categoric proof that the potato is an overwhelming factor in murder cases”.
Victims rights groups have been fast to call for all potato products to require that a purchaser is over 18, and for it to be made a criminal offence to supply a potato to a minor. Some groups have gone further, arguing for an outright ban, saying that it is the only way to reduce violent crime in our society."

Reference: http://untruelies.co...r-for-killers/
You need to be 18+ to visit the site, some medical and other stuff are ugly
Sep 20, 2012 at 9:42 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Dinny is going to murder us all.

..And the Irish.
Sep 20, 2012 at 9:50 PM
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Just hilarious, trickybilly.
Sep 20, 2012 at 10:03 PM
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Fuck I knew that I shouldn't have given my dog potatoes. He's been so hell-bent on killing me recently.

But in the end all of this makes sense! First they conduct electricity. Then they could be fired out of guns. Now they want to rule the world by driving people to insanity and kill off the global population! We must destroy all of the potatoes before they gain even more power! No potato shall survive!
Sep 20, 2012 at 10:54 PM
A Reluctant Balrog's Waifu
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Get out.

Nothing will make me stop eating potatoes! I would probably continue to eat them even if someone told me they were carcinogenic or something. So, this site is like The Onion of pop science sites?
Sep 20, 2012 at 11:15 PM
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My plan to kill everyone involves releasing air into the atmosphere. Then the whole world will breathe it into their lungs and die. Air has a mortality rate equal to that of potatoes, but will spread much faster and can't be converted into liquor by the Russians.
Sep 21, 2012 at 4:48 AM
Little Bitch in Sheep Clothing
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Environmental Scientists have agreed that potatoes will replace rice in the near future where the world is radically changed from global warming.

...Now this is worrying.
Sep 21, 2012 at 7:19 AM
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Reminds me

There once was a toy called "Mr. Potato Head"
The kids would laugh and point at it
Take it apart, put it on wrong
ha ha ha


Mr Potato Head WaNtS to PlAy WiTh YoU tOo

You take me apart? I take you apart!

Just saying

the lesson here is... it's not the potato that's bad, it's what we put into it and do with it D:
The Farm Director Won't Eat: Nonorganic Potatoes
Jeffrey Moyer is the chair of the National Organic Standards Board.

The problem: Root vegetables absorb herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides that wind up in soil. In the case of potatoes--the nation's most popular vegetable--they're treated with fungicides during the growing season, then sprayed with herbicides to kill off the fibrous vines before harvesting. After they're dug up, the potatoes are treated yet again to prevent them from sprouting. "Try this experiment: Buy a conventional potato in a store, and try to get it to sprout. It won't," says Moyer, who is also farm director of the Rodale Institute (also owned by Rodale Inc., the publisher of Prevention). "I've talked with potato growers who say point-blank they would never eat the potatoes they sell. They have separate plots where they grow potatoes for themselves without all the chemicals."

The solution: Buy organic potatoes. Washing isn't good enough if you're trying to remove chemicals that have been absorbed into the flesh.

Budget tip: Organic potatoes are only slightly more expensive than conventional spuds.
Sep 21, 2012 at 7:07 PM
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Oh, come ON, This is all a bunch of hogwash. I've eaten potatoes since I was but a wee lad and I don't feel like jabbing a stabbing implement into someones head. Man, the things they come up with these days.
Sep 21, 2012 at 7:20 PM
daughter of chivalry
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Oh, come ON, This is all a bunch of hogwash. I've eaten potatoes since I was but a wee lad and I don't feel like jabbing a stabbing implement into someones head. Man, the things they come up with these days.
The article was a joke. As 43501 said, this is like The Onion or Christwire of pop science sites

Also I find it reeeaaalllly funny that there's an ad for Alien Arena on this site. Are you hiding something, Trickybilly? :o
Sep 21, 2012 at 7:27 PM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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O M G this is so like totally shocking, i am going to tell my mum i don't leik potatoes anymore. desu~
Sep 21, 2012 at 8:20 PM
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Also I find it reeeaaalllly funny that there's an ad for Alien Arena on this site. Are you hiding something, Trickybilly? :0
I would also like to point out that the author's name is Billy too :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0 :0
Sep 21, 2012 at 9:07 PM
daughter of chivalry
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You can't explain that
Sep 21, 2012 at 9:38 PM
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Contrary to popular belief, the potato is not an Irish invention. Rather, they first came up with the idea in South America.

No, really.

If it weren't for European colonialism, we wouldn't be enjoying all the potatoey goodness that we know and love today.
Sep 21, 2012 at 9:44 PM
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Potatoes make you violet?
Sep 21, 2012 at 10:15 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Sep 22, 2012 at 12:37 PM
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Also I find it reeeaaalllly funny that there's an ad for Alien Arena on this site. Are you hiding something, Trickybilly? :o

Billy Sick and me are not the same person. He was once an Alien Arena admin, who is now busy with real life and publishing a book. I met him @ AA community.
Sep 25, 2012 at 6:44 PM
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But they're delicious!
Sep 25, 2012 at 11:30 PM
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Contrary to popular belief, the potato is not an Irish invention. Rather, they first came up with the idea in South America.

One does not simply invent the potato! What, you think somebody just suddenly came up with the idea of the potato, and there it was? No!

Before a thing can be invented, the proper conditions must be developed first! First society had to carefully design dirt, and then began the work on plants. After countless decades of toil, THEN the potato was finally created. It wasn't just a single innovation that you can attribute to one idea, or even one whole culture!
Sep 26, 2012 at 12:04 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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One does not simply invent the potato! What, you think somebody just suddenly came up with the idea of the potato, and there it was? No!

Before a thing can be invented, the proper conditions must be developed first! First society had to carefully design dirt, and then began the work on plants. After countless decades of toil, THEN the potato was finally created. It wasn't just a single innovation that you can attribute to one idea, or even one whole culture!

Right you are, good sir. Of course I abridged the whole process. But nevertheless, the culmination of countless rhizomes of painstaking thought and activity finally bore fruit in the birth of the humble spud somewhere around the rolling hills of the Andes and all of the llamas prancing thereon. Supposedly, they were getting tired of eating hands, hence the need to develop tubers.