Hehe, my voices keep telling me that... ...
...o_O bumpdate?
All right, so I've let this thread wither away, haven't I? Never fear, Xaserius the Conqueror is here!
*crickets chirp*
*ahem* So, uh... anyhow, I've finally gotten off my lazy bum and finished up a weird little .org of mine, and I figured I'd post it while I have the chance. Introducing "Dorian Grey", a weird but cool tune with a style I've never seen done as an .org. Kinda trance-ish, but oh well. I've actually started to get the hang of OrgMaker, sort of. It's no Impulse Tracker, but I'll manage somehow.
Speaking of which, inspiration struck me at a random moment and resulted in something magnificent... so far. So fine, I got stuck after the first few measures, but it's a really good start and the best I've done so far. I think I'll take a page out of Nator's book and share the current progress via mp3: "Freewind", my latest and somewhat-greatest "masterpiece". Check it out, and enjoy and stuff!
I'll post more when I think about it and actually finish them. Until then, commentses?