Post yer orgs!

Aug 8, 2007 at 4:34 PM
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Woo, thanks you two! Hehe... Good to see you're interested in them, really. I don't mind at all if you use them, just remember that I'll be doing the same as well, so they might soon appear unoriginal with so much use. No problem with me though, really. :rolleyes:

I'll give Teatime a listen in a sec. ;P
Aug 8, 2007 at 5:07 PM
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Well, thanks, I'll credit you enough :rolleyes:
Aug 25, 2007 at 5:30 AM
Guy with Sword
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Nice. Is that the whole song?
Aug 25, 2007 at 8:39 AM
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Xaser said:
So, after Garde's not-so-little .org package release, I somehow felt compelled to show off a few of my own. But why stop at just me? I'll leave this thread free for people to share, discuss, and do whatever regarding their own org releases. So what are you waiting for? Get a move on, soldier!

My org package -Release 2- is out now. Have fun widdit. :D

Hmm... discussion, I guess? :p

Those were really nice orgs you made.
Blaze and Spire were my favourites.
Can I ask you to make few remixes of Cave Story tracks?
If you'll make them from these tracks:
Last Battle
Labyrinth Fight
Running Hell
Charge (has only 12 seconds lenght, but if you could make a longer of it?)
From those, would you, pleease?:D
Aug 25, 2007 at 10:47 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Nice, but why are you always use that shitty mp3? :x @Nator

Well, well I would love a Opression remix :D
Aug 25, 2007 at 11:02 PM
Guy with Sword
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I've got an org. It's not my song though, but I converted it into an org myself, and added a few changes. It's attached.


Aug 27, 2007 at 4:23 AM
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Woo, good to see this thread again! Yeah, I'm a bit behind on my .org making, but in all fairness, mapping calls, and it's hard to release a demo without maps. ;P

@Shark: Thanks a boatload for the complements and stuff, ehehe! Your ideas are very neat but as a rule, I never officially take on requests since I'm a bit of an unreliable bum. Still, I'll keep these in mind though. A few in particular sound interesting... I'd *love* to hear a battle theme based on "Zombie" and perhaps a dark and menacing "Running Hell", so I might have to get on that soon enough. Thanks for the ideas, hehe!

@Atravir: That's actually a very nice org! It's slightly rough around the edges, but with your permission, I just might take a quick look at it and tinker around with it a bit. A little polishing and it'll be a gem. :D

I've also done a slightly-modded version of Azarashi's music, in case anyone's interested in me throwing that into the next release. Might make a neat town theme for my mod actually, strange as that sounds.

EDIT: @Atravir, out of random curiosity and nothing more, if you don't mind me asking, around what part of "the middle of Texas" do you hail from? We just might be in closer proximity than one may expect. :D
Aug 27, 2007 at 4:41 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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Xaser said:
EDIT: @Atravir, out of random curiosity and nothing more, if you don't mind me asking, around what part of "the middle of Texas" do you hail from? We just might be in closer proximity than one may expect. :D

soz to mention this but "hail from" sounds like something about hitler :D
soz sp :D
Aug 27, 2007 at 4:51 AM
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XristosX: What is that "-bendigo" thing?
Aug 27, 2007 at 4:57 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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andwhyisit said:
XristosX: What is that "-bendigo" thing?
you would like to know that wouldnt you.. look up in the freakin map book or something

ill tell you anyway, location australia and ill take away the other so you wont know :D
Aug 27, 2007 at 11:03 AM
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xristosx said:

I'll kick your ass if you call me nazi! *searches for some communistic russian men to flood the board*

Xaser said:
I've also done a slightly-modded version of Azarashi's music, in case anyone's interested in me throwing that into the next release. Might make a neat town theme for my mod actually, strange as that sounds.

Would love to hear that :D
Aug 27, 2007 at 11:14 AM
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xristosx said:
you would like to know that wouldnt you.. look up in the freakin map book or something

ill tell you anyway, location australia and ill take away the other so you wont know  :D
I'll even it out a bit, I live somewhere north of brisbane.

You can keep your "-bendigo" thing now.
No HS k.
Aug 28, 2007 at 1:32 AM
Guy with Sword
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Xaser said:
@Atravir: That's actually a very nice org! It's slightly rough around the edges, but with your permission, I just might take a quick look at it and tinker around with it a bit. A little polishing and it'll be a gem. :D

EDIT: @Atravir, out of random curiosity and nothing more, if you don't mind me asking, around what part of "the middle of Texas" do you hail from? We just might be in closer proximity than one may expect. :D

Sure, go ahead. Just post it when you're done, so I can know how to polish it myself next time. :D

East Texas. Sorry, but I don't give out my city. 'cuz then the men in white coats will find me, and take me back, and tell me the voices aren't really there!
I like the voices. They're nice to me. :D
Aug 28, 2007 at 1:48 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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andwhyisit said:
I'll even it out a bit, I live somewhere north of brisbane.

You can keep your "-bendigo" thing now.
No HS k.
lol ur able to use a map

yeah im over there  :D

damn cold over here atm
Aug 28, 2007 at 1:55 AM
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Atravir said:
I like the voices. They're nice to me. :D
My voices are annoying most of the time, your voices seem better than mine. :D
Oct 21, 2007 at 5:22 AM
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Hehe, my voices keep telling me that... ...

...o_O bumpdate?

All right, so I've let this thread wither away, haven't I? Never fear, Xaserius the Conqueror is here!

*crickets chirp*

*ahem* So, uh... anyhow, I've finally gotten off my lazy bum and finished up a weird little .org of mine, and I figured I'd post it while I have the chance. Introducing "Dorian Grey", a weird but cool tune with a style I've never seen done as an .org. Kinda trance-ish, but oh well. I've actually started to get the hang of OrgMaker, sort of. It's no Impulse Tracker, but I'll manage somehow. :D

Speaking of which, inspiration struck me at a random moment and resulted in something magnificent... so far. So fine, I got stuck after the first few measures, but it's a really good start and the best I've done so far. I think I'll take a page out of Nator's book and share the current progress via mp3: "Freewind", my latest and somewhat-greatest "masterpiece". Check it out, and enjoy and stuff!

I'll post more when I think about it and actually finish them. Until then, commentses? :D
Oct 21, 2007 at 1:15 PM
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I like the Dorian Grey one >.> You're right, it is different, but also very nice to listen to. Trance-ish is good. I like trance-ish. Yes.

The new .org seems to be coming along nicely too. Reminds me of a NES-ish type 'city' theme. On of those futuristic but super-freaky type cities. Maybe you'll get what I mean if you've played Lyle in Cube Sector <.<

Also I don't think I mentioned this before but I really liked that Living Waterway remix in the last update ('Plumber Syndrome'?). It rawks, seriously, probably my favourite of yours so far.


Goddamnit I'm so jealous of you now for actually knowing what you're doing :(
Oct 21, 2007 at 1:23 PM
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Ehhh... Nothing related to whatever you guys are talking about but what is an org? Sorry I'm new to this kinda stuffs. :(