Pxtone always plays from the beginning unless you put a loop point where you want it, which I don't really care for. If it just played from where you were by default I would like it more.
Actually if you click on the top of a bar you can just set a "start" point. Maybe this is what you're referring to by loop point, but I never found this much of an issue myself.
One thing I like about pxtone is how you can actually bend note pitches/do note slides, which is basically impossible in orgmaker (I've tried various things to "fake" it in orgmaker, but it never sounds good).
Oh and one of my favorite things about pxtone is how you can copy selected properties of a track to another track, instead of just the entire track. For example, if you laid out all your panning work in one track and wanted to use the same panning in another one, in orgmaker you either have to copy over the whole track (which would delete any notes there), or just do it by hand. But in pxtone, you can choose to copy over only the panning, which saves a lot of time.
Also in pxtone, when you set the volume of a note/track to 0 it's actually silent, whereas orgmaker's 0 value is still audible, which makes it difficult to properly fade out notes.
And of course the delay (echo) filters in pxtone are a god send. It's a lot faster than making it manually, and more importantly, you don't have to use another channel to make it (and wav channels in orgmaker are limited, what with only having 8).
Being able to set the tempo of a song in the standard BPM is also nicer than using orgmaker's made-up wait/beat values.
OrgMaker has those same problems too.
Actually you can "draw" volume envelopes/curves in orgmaker, if you hold the mouse button and drag it along the points you want it to hit. It's kind of rudimentary, but easier than doing it click-by-click.