I love this mod, it's pretty good, and I'm surprised you took the high road and just did: "Look at my moads" instead of making a joke about the massive amount of hell mods and Cave story prequels.
Here's a basic summary
Story: 8.5/10 (Not much story, but the story given was incredibly entertaining, and even though I've been a guest since January, and I just decided to get an account, I've already seen how much he's done for the community)
>Dialogue: 10/10
>Plot: 7/10 (The plot is good, but it uses the tried and true method for a fantasy game, so it can never get higher than a 7)
Action: 10/10
>Basic Enemies: 10/10 (The enemies are balanced so they can't kick your ass[from the start of the game], and you can't one hit them right away.)
>Mini bosses: 9/10 (A little too exploitable for my tastes, but otherwise fun, also the re-skins were fun)
>Boss: N/A (I never got to this part yet, I will update when I finished the game 100%)
Mapping: 9/10 (The mapping is not bad, as much as there were some frustrating parts[Dem Spikes].)
>Puzzles: N/A (Can't really judge it because there's only a few jumping puzzles, but they are HARD)
>Level Design: 10/10 (Visceral, fluid maps make up this game, each area is specifically designed to give your enemies an edge, and make you think on your feet.)
Never got to the cat room.