[23:28] <+VoidMage_Lowell> I can also make you all speak Spanish
[23:29] <+VoidMage_Lowell> Or Yoruba
[23:29] <@Noxid> 2I weet nie hoe om Afrikaans te praat
[23:29] <+VoidMage_Lowell> Oh no I broke it
[23:29] <+Lace> me gusta afrikaans , pero no hable muchas lenguages
[23:29] <+Lace> *hablo
[23:30] <+VoidMage_Lowell> Heh
[23:30] <+Lace> fe me la bouche!
[23:30] <+Lace> eso fue francais
[23:30] <@Noxid> ferme?
[23:30] <+Jack_Xanth> The fuck
[23:30] <+VoidMage_Lowell> I broke them
[23:30] <+Lace> ayudame!
[23:31] <+Jack_Xanth>
http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/145ce0250e.png Does this look better?
[23:31] <+Lace> tambien,
[23:32] <+VoidMage_Lowell> *Shrugs*
[23:32] <@Noxid> It looks like more effort was put into it
[23:32] <+sexplosive> yeah that's great jacob
[23:32] <+Lace> me encanta cuando en toy story 3 buzz lightyear hable "abierto!". Fue chevere
[23:32] <+sexplosive> <>
[23:33] <+VoidMage_Lowell> Most likely the in-joke
[23:33] <+Lace> hablando en espanol es bueno para mi
[23:33] <+Lace> aunque sin tildes
[23:33] <+Lace> jacob es mi hermano!
[23:33] <+Lace> <>
[23:34] <+Jack_Xanth> I abandoned the in-joke
[23:34] <+VoidMage_Lowell> D'aw
[23:34] <+Jack_Xanth> The in-joke can be seen in the previous valentine
[23:34] <+Lace> no otros puede hablar espanol?
[23:34] <+VoidMage_Lowell> Then I need a better spot check
[23:34] <@Noxid> I can't speak a lick of spanish
[23:34] <+VoidMage_Lowell> I can't speak it very well, but I can read it
[23:35] <+Lace> noxid comprende yo muy bueno para una persona quien no hablar espanol
[23:35] <+Lace> creo eso fue mal
[23:35] <+Lace> este?
[23:35] <+VoidMage_Lowell> Heh
[23:36] <+Malpercio> i'm in spanish II this yeat
[23:36] <+Malpercio> year*
[23:37] <+Lace> la escuela de lace es muy estranjo
[23:37] <+Lace> en comparison de otras escuelas
[23:37] <@Noxid> What's so strange
[23:37] <+Lace> no tenemos "Espanol II"
[23:37] <+VoidMage_Lowell> My school has up to Spanish V
[23:38] <+VoidMage_Lowell> Which is funny considering four years is average
[23:38] <+Malpercio> we have a Spanish III
[23:38] <@GIR> i've randomly decided to make a song with violins
[23:38] <+Malpercio> but i won't get to take it
[23:38] <+Lace> no se como hablar en espanol los estranjos de mi escuela
[23:38] <@GIR> what shall i call it?
[23:38] <+Lace> la venganza
[23:38] <+Malpercio> random song #1
[23:38] <+VoidMage_Lowell> ASIRMWV
[23:38] <@Noxid> They offer an online course on micmac in my school
[23:38] <+Lace> chevere!
[23:39] <+VoidMage_Lowell> Heheh
[23:39] <+VoidMage_Lowell> I clicked on that..
[23:39] <+Lace> en que?
[23:39] <+VoidMage_Lowell> I went to channel 1
[23:39] <+Lace> y...?
[23:40]<+VoidMage_Lowell> That was it
[23:40] <+VoidMage_Lowell> I've never really used these IRCs, so I didn't know what would happen
[23:40] <@Noxid> In mibbit, anything starting with a # becomes a link to the corresponding channel
[23:40] <+Lace> historia fresca, hermano
[23:40] <+Lace>
[23:41] <@Noxid> lol
[23:41] <+Jack_Xanth> ##
[23:41] <+VoidMage_Lowell> Divide by ZERO
[23:41] <+Jack_Xanth>
[23:41] <+VoidMage_Lowell> There was a DB in there
[23:41] <+Lace> no se si este fue corectamente
[23:41] <+Jack_Xanth> Yes
[23:42] <+Lace> caca
[23:42] <+Lace> debo mis debes
[23:42] <+sexplosive> <3 <> =3 =8>
[23:42] <+sexplosive> er
[23:42] <@Noxid> c3<
[23:42] <+sexplosive> =E>
[23:43] <+Wilddesu> its almost done
[23:43] <+Lace> adios, guapos!
[23:43] <+Wilddesu> oh fuck thye are doing shit
[23:43] <+sexplosive> what's almost done
[23:43] <@Noxid> Bye?
[23:43] <+Wilddesu> fuck there are mexicans in here
[23:43] <+VoidMage_Lowell> Bai
[23:43] <+sexplosive> adios, senior
[23:43] <+Wilddesu> my awesome relly gud crayon pic of cav stroy
[23:43] ->> *** Error: Closing Link: (Quit: me encanta tuuuuuuuu!)