Notable Moments in IRC

Sep 20, 2011 at 6:38 PM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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What are you >implying about originality?
Sep 22, 2011 at 4:01 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Today, Captain Fabulous watched a British person "classturbate" for 10:38.
Sep 22, 2011 at 4:21 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
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I will describe the scene as non-graphically as I can:
There was this guy.
He was wearing a 3-piece suit with a bowtie. He was sitting on a piano bench, facing away from the piano. On top of the piano was his bowler hat.
As he is reading the newspaper, he declares in a British accent, "There are some really hot guys coming to this party later. I can't concentrate... I might just..."
He then sticks his hand down his pants and plays with himself while saying more British things.
It goes on for 11 minutes and 38 seconds, but unfortunately it's all downhill from there.
Sep 22, 2011 at 4:43 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jan 4, 2008
Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
Posts: 3052
Apparently he also splodges on his stockings.
Sep 27, 2011 at 7:09 PM
"What're YOU lookin' at?"
Join Date: Jul 10, 2009
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Some idleing can make one laugh :p

[19:59] <trickybilly> hmm I cannot set a topic...logisch
[19:59] <trickybilly> wasn't a very clever one so no loss
[19:59] <trickybilly> "this is a topic, it is my topic, i lurve my topic, there are many other topics but this topic is mine"
Oct 1, 2011 at 7:15 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
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[23:09] <+CptFabulous> Getting a tattoo on your penis would be difficult
[23:09] <@Noxid> people do that
[23:09] <@GIR> people do get tattoos there fab
[23:09] <+CptFabulous> It would get all stretched out of shape.
[23:09] <+CptFabulous> Not to mention it would be wrinkled the rest of the tie.
[23:09] <+CptFabulous> ...time
[23:09] <@Noxid> Well nobody said it was a good idea
[23:09] <@Noxid> just that people do it
[23:10] <iCATchan> when its erect, its a manly man, when its not its an oldman
[23:10] <+CptFabulous> Getting a boner would be like watching Benjamin Button
[23:11] <@GIR> it takes you 2 hours to get it up?
Oct 5, 2011 at 4:21 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jan 4, 2008
Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
Posts: 3052
[23:20] <GIR> cunt nugget reminds me of
[23:20] <GIR> jolly ranchers

There was actually a lot of quality conversation.
Too lazy to format it all tho.
Oct 5, 2011 at 4:38 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Apr 19, 2009
Posts: 3785
Age: 18
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Lace said:
[23:20] <GIR> cunt nugget reminds me of
[23:20] <GIR> jolly ranchers

Oh god, it's bad enough that GIR said it, but you had to remind everyone who wasn't on IRC of the horrors... the horrors of jolly ranchers.
I don't want to hear the conversation you guys had.
Oct 5, 2011 at 4:42 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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I was the only one who caught on. Lace didn't know what it meant, and I don't think DT gave a crap.
Oct 5, 2011 at 5:10 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: Jan 4, 2008
Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
Posts: 3052
Captain Fabulous said:
I don't want to hear the conversation you guys had.
By popular request, a night on the ircs (including after fab joined :[):
22:48 Lace yakkers, how are you going to get to my house
22:49 Yakkers Yup
22:49 Lace ?
22:49 Yakkers Well, I don't have a car or anything
22:49 Yakkers so I don't know
22:49 Lace your options are:
22:49 Lace make me drive you
22:50 Lace have one of your friends drive you to a closer location, then make me drive you
22:50 Lace run
22:50 Lace walk
22:50 Lace bike
22:50 Lace swim?
22:50 captainrescueueueue fly
22:50 Lace fly
22:50 Jackalope I'm not much fun right now, so good night
22:50 Lace defiantly that one
22:50 Jackalope Hi yakky, hbye yakky
22:50 captainrescueueueue Seeya =/
22:51 Yakkers Bye jackie
22:51 Lace bye!
22:51 Yakkers It's been so long, I need to come on here more often
22:51 Jackalope Yep
22:51 Lace actually, that could be a pretty fun bike ride
22:51 Lace only about 2 hours
22:51 captainrescueueueue theres so much dang ash on my desk
22:51 Yakkers Okay so how far away is nomnomnom
22:51 Lace ?
22:51 Yakkers Or nomnomnom if that's closer
22:52 Yakkers from you I mean, because that's where I am
22:52 Lace about half an hour drive
22:52 *** Jackalope quit (Quit: Farewell cruel soda machine)
22:53 Lace tually more like 45 mins
22:53 Lace it's 30 miles from my house to your college
22:54 Lace you smell funny
22:54 captainrescueueueue D:
22:54 captainrescueueueue that's why im using the incense
22:55 Lace I was talking to my pe- yakkers
22:55 captainrescueueueue o_O
22:55 captainrescueueueue yakkers is a funny name for your penis
22:55 Lace yakkers is not parsing this information at all
22:55 Lace aren't you yakkers?
22:56 Lace also, PENIS!?
22:56 Lace what's WRONG with you, woman!
22:56 captainrescueueueue sure wish i had one
22:56 Lace yakkers is the name for my perching rhinosaur
22:56 Lace and why
22:57 *** GIR[A] is now known as GIR
22:57 GIR is no longer away : Gone for 26 minutes 51 seconds
22:57 GIR yakkers is a name for a penis that talks too much
22:57 Lace desu hit him with a shovel
22:57 captainrescueueueue hits yakkers with a shovel
22:57 GIR D:
22:57 Lace I meant gir
22:57 GIR poor lace
22:58 GIR that must've hurt man
22:58 Lace NOT MY PENIS
22:58 GIR he's your pe- yakkers
22:58 captainrescueueueue I sure as hell wish I had one. Then i would rule the world
22:58 GIR no you wouldn't
22:58 Lace he's my pe(rching rhinosaur) yakkers
22:59 GIR you wouldn't know what to do
22:59 GIR if you had one
22:59 captainrescueueueue I would jack off
22:59 captainrescueueueue And pee on people
22:59 Lace a perching rhinosaur?
22:59 Lace wat
22:59 GIR see? look at those disgusting things she would do with her rhino
22:59 GIR who jacks off a rhino gawd
22:59 captainrescueueueue beastforums
22:59 GIR and technically you can pee on people without a rhino desu
22:59 GIR but the rhino is good for intimidation
23:00 GIR "fuck you i own a rhino"
23:00 captainrescueueueue yakkers is probably busy
23:00 Lace ew my milk is half frozen
23:00 GIR lace quit touching yourself
23:00 GIR desu needs to speak to yakkers
23:00 Lace it's not like I'm covering his mouth or anything
23:01 GIR you're choking him
23:01 GIR how can he talk if he can't breathe
23:01 Lace he can breathe just fine, thankyouverymuch
23:02 GIR well he can't talk while your choking him
23:02 GIR also how does he type from down there
23:02 Lace second keyboard
23:02 GIR he must be tall to reach all those keys
23:02 GIR unless you got him a special keyboard
23:02 Lace you bet he is :3
23:03 Lace tall
23:03 Lace man, this conversation would be awkward if there was no context!
23:04 GIR this conversation is awkward
23:04 GIR contextual or not
23:04 Lace I'll contextualize your penis if you want
23:04 Lace you've been doing it to mine
23:04 GIR D:
23:04 GIR lace wants to do things
23:04 Lace ^_^
23:04 GIR to my penis
23:05 captainrescueueueue So we are getting the floors redone. Some mexicans came today to tear up the carpet
23:05 Lace including chopping it off :0
23:05 GIR so did the people who were going to redo the floors come by?
23:05 captainrescueueueue so now the floors of the hallway and the living room and stairs are all bare wood and so now everyones footsteps are noisy as fuck
23:05 captainrescueueueue haha >_> (i think)
23:06 Lace whose fuck?
23:06 GIR it would be funny if they just came to take the carpet away
23:06 Lace because some people are ve-ery stealthy
23:06 GIR but they can't have stealthy sex anymore
23:06 GIR cuz of those damn floors
23:06 captainrescueueueue Since I'm so timid and I don't do well with strangers...I just stayed in my room as always. But I reaaaallly needed to pee. The bathroom is across my room..but they were tearing up the carpet in the hallway. So i was all DDDD:
23:06 DoubleThink They changed the carpet here when we moved
23:06 Lace a travesty
23:06 DoubleThink Wait until they start stapling
23:06 Lace did you pee into a condom?
23:07 captainrescueueueue they wouldnt want our carpet >_> especially with all the times the damn dog has shat on it
23:07 GIR i thought girls had trouble peeing into things lace
23:07 captainrescueueueue I can't tell if you are implying I'm sexually active or had a penis
23:07 Lace well I bet desu is very accurate
23:07 GIR had a penis, but then yakkers ran away
23:07 captainrescueueueue It's really hard to pee in things..unless it's wide. like a cup or something
23:07 captainrescueueueue FOR BEING ADORABLE
23:08 Lace PLEASE HELP
23:08 Lace LOTS OF CASH
23:08 GIR eww she thinks it's adorable
23:08 Lace FREE FUCK
23:08 captainrescueueueue heeyyyyy thats not nice D:
23:08 GIR free as fuck*
23:08 GIR free ass fuck**
23:08 Lace IF YOU WANT IT
23:08 DoubleThink FORCED HUMOUR
23:09 GIR so did you pee then or what
23:09 GIR did you find a cup o:
23:10 Lace or something wide to pee into?
23:10 Lace or something
23:10 Lace double-wide?
23:10 Lace ^_^
23:11 captainrescueueueue you really wanna know?
23:11 Lace gir does
23:11 captainrescueueueue I tried a water bottle but..yeah it's hard to..yeah. thankfully i was over the trashcan too D:
23:12 Lace *faecpalm*
23:12 DoubleThink A prisoner in her own house
23:12 captainrescueueueue eventually i manned up and went to the bathroom cuz i didnt hear them in the hallway, but one was at the end and sorta looked at me, so i was all DDDDD: -hide-
23:12 DoubleThink How krool
23:12 captainrescueueueue Man let me tell you this one story about how i peed
23:13 Lace why
23:13 Lace perv
23:13 captainrescueueueue It was last year and i was sick, but i was going to laser tag with my friends. We had to drive to Fall River..not sure you know how far that is but it's semi-far I guess
23:13 captainrescueueueue Cause its funny
23:14 captainrescueueueue So since i was sick i had to pee like all the time. so at one point i was all oh god i needa pee. and my friend was getting us lost
23:14 captainrescueueueue so thankfully they went to taco bell prior and my friend had an empty cup..and i was alone in the backseat
23:14 captainrescueueueue So then..I DID IT
23:14 captainrescueueueue Then we dumped it out the window (we were on the highway) and it glistened in the light. Then the car behind us put on their windshield wipers.
23:14 Lace ._.
23:15 Lace They were probably traumatized for life
23:15 Lace ALSO
23:15 captainrescueueueue No they laughed their asses off
23:15 Lace the most efficient thingy for yakkers
23:15 Lace is if you pick him up on your way
23:16 Lace because that adds 40 mins to your life
23:16 captainrescueueueue wow my sister is being a total cuntnugget to my cat
23:16 Lace *30
23:16 Lace as opposed to 1:30 to mine
23:16 Lace also, cunt nugget?
23:16 Lace I hope that doesn't really exist
23:16 captainrescueueueue but now he's safe with me
23:16 Lace it sounds disgusting
23:16 captainrescueueueue Use your imagination.
23:16 Lace I'd rather not!
23:16 captainrescueueueue Well I would love to discuss this but..the man isn't responding D:
23:17 Lace I'm sure he's chill with being picked up by whoever
23:17 captainrescueueueue Yeah probably
23:17 Lace it's really whether you/your mom care about half an hour more
23:17 DoubleThink You all scared him off
23:18 captainrescueueueue This may be hard...since yeah she comes home at 5. and its getting darker earlier now and fuck i worry about my mom too much
23:18 Lace ?
23:19 Lace I'm not super-opposed to driving an hour and a bit more
23:19 captainrescueueueue Oh ok
23:19 Lace but it'd be easiest if you guys could
23:19 captainrescueueueue I really don't know right now yet
23:20 GIR cunt nugget reminds me of
23:20 GIR jolly ranchers
23:20 Yakkers So yeah
23:20 captainrescueueueue OH GOD
23:20 captainrescueueueue don't even gir
23:20 GIR it just does o:
23:20 GIR you can't tell me that the word cunt nugget doesn't remind you of that
23:21 GIR also desu i don't see how it makes you say oh god since you'd have to be imagining yourself giving head to a lady
23:21 captainrescueueueue I'll admit i did think of it
23:21 captainrescueueueue can't give girl's head
23:21 captainrescueueueue that's only a male term
23:21 captainrescueueueue pretty sure
23:22 Lace a very small head!
23:22 captainrescueueueue damn lace you sure are sexual lately
23:22 *** aquamarin joined #curlybrace
23:22 Lace you bring out the worst in me
23:22 Lace and also only today really
23:22 *** aquamarin quit (Client Quit)
23:23 Lace unless you can find previous instances of such bouts?
23:23 GIR but yeah desu i'm sure you can give a girl head
23:23 GIR to eat out would be more gender specific tho
23:23 GIR i don't think you can blow a girl though
23:23 DoubleThink Okay who the FUCK
23:23 Lace you could blow their nose!
23:23 DoubleThink Is Neko 100
23:23 GIR you could
23:23 GIR and idk
23:24 DoubleThink And why is he dissing my music
23:24 Lace he's a newb
23:24 captainrescueueueue but wouldnt they have to since they are the ones who are physically blowing?
23:24 GIR he's a newb
23:24 Lace no like I can blow on your nose
23:24 captainrescueueueue Ohhhh
23:24 captainrescueueueue i see
23:24 Lace it would be strang, but possible
23:24 GIR eww lace
23:24 GIR that's called a facial
23:24 Lace also eyeballs
23:24 captainrescueueueue It's like an eskimo blowjob
23:24 captainrescueueueue ..uhh wait..
23:24 GIR blow on their nose
23:25 captainrescueueueue yeah
23:25 Lace hell, I can blow a lot of parts of the lady
23:25 Lace although they'd probably hit me
23:25 captainrescueueueue would the eskimo form of making out be hardcore rubbing their noses, so much that the tips of their noses get inside each other's nostrils?
23:25 GIR if you're in to touhou you probably want to blow an armpit
23:25 captainrescueueueue delicious loli armpits
23:25 GIR and um yes?
23:26 GIR maybe they would just go straight to sex
23:26 GIR oh lace
23:26 Lace but would they just go to straight sex?
23:27 Lace yes madam
23:27 GIR you don't know why cunt nugget reminds me of jolly ranchers
23:27 GIR do you
23:27 Lace no
23:27 Lace I hope it stays that way
23:27 GIR well desu does
23:27 GIR hence her "OH GOD"
23:28 Lace yes?
23:28 Lace I guess it's too late to turn around now
23:28 GIR yes she was saying "OH GOD YES DONT REMIND ME"
23:29 GIR but yeah desu i find it odd that your shyness would drive you to pee in a cup
23:30 captainrescueueueue I overreacted, really. The story didn't disturb me that much. Takes a lot for me to be disturbed
23:30 captainrescueueueue You would be surprised at how shy I am
23:30 captainrescueueueue and it was a water bottle. wish it were a cup
23:31 DoubleThink At least she leaves the house sometimes
23:31 captainrescueueueue *sometimes
23:31 GIR at least she leaves
23:31 GIR sometimes
23:31 GIR if i never left the house DT
23:31 Lace Sorry!
23:31 GIR wtf story would probably be finished
23:32 captainrescueueueue I hear geese
23:32 captainrescueueueue HONK HONK
23:32 captainrescueueueue WE ARE GEESE
23:35 Lace that's a very accurate impression!
23:37 GIR i CAN use the portal gun to skip almost all of the comm towers
23:37 captainrescueueueue <O----\-- its a goose
23:38 *** CptFabulous joined #curlybrace
23:39 CptFabulous Captain #2!
23:39 *** CptFabulous is now known as Guest6894
23:39 Guest6894 fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
23:39 Guest6894 Too slow on the draw
23:40 captainrescueueueue Oh hi mark
23:40 *** Guest6894 is now known as CptFabulous
23:40 +++ ChanServ has given voice to CptFabulous
23:40 CptFabulous I'm at work again
23:41 captainrescueueueue Any hot babes at the library?
23:41 CptFabulous Yeah
23:41 CptFabulous But, you know, by Canadian standards.
23:42 captainrescueueueue i can imagine canadians are less shallow
23:42 captainrescueueueue than damn americans
23:43 CptFabulous Nope
23:43 captainrescueueueue oh
23:43 CptFabulous We just better educated than Southerners.
23:43 GIR is she reading o: ?
23:43 Lace yeah don't be delusional desu
23:43 GIR the hottie
23:43 CptFabulous We just.
23:43 CptFabulous "The hottie?"
23:43 GIR the hot babe
23:43 GIR at your library
23:43 CptFabulous There's like 60 people in here and I didn't pick a favourite.
23:43 Lace people in other countries are just as uncivilized and shallow as us
23:44 GIR well is there an attractive lady there
23:44 GIR reading something smart
23:44 CptFabulous Yes.
23:44 GIR o:
23:44 GIR so hawt
23:45 captainrescueueueue In countries in which food is more scarce, heavier women are considered ideal
23:45 GIR since you can eat them
23:45 CptFabulous More filling
23:45 GIR in canada a heavier woman might be ideal
23:45 GIR for warmth
23:45 CptFabulous That's true
23:45 captainrescueueueue Because it is a symbol of wealth ._.
23:45 CptFabulous Oh
23:45 Lace yes
23:46 CptFabulous Well that's funny, because bitches with iPads don't turn me on
23:46 Lace desu us correct
23:46 GIR fuck it's cold
23:46 GIR let me go home and put on my wife
23:46 captainrescueueueue teeeheeee
23:46 captainrescueueueue you guys make me laugh
23:46 Lace internet screeching to a haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalt
23:46 CptFabulous The way you said that, it sounds like "My Wife" is an album.
23:46 CptFabulous foreveralone.jpg
23:47 GIR hey man
23:47 GIR it's a huge album
23:47 GIR it'll keep me warm with its phat beats
23:47 captainrescueueueue lol phat
23:47 CptFabulous Too bad your penis can't fit through the hole in the CD
23:47 CptFabulous Well mine can't, I can't speak for everyone here.
23:48 GIR fab quit hogging the conversation you fatty
23:48 CptFabulous No
23:49 CptFabulous I'm on a shitty computer for a limited time and I want to use up my conversation as fast as possible.
23:49 DoubleThink My internet is being a poop
23:49 Lace you'd need a really small penis for it to fit through a cd hole
23:49 DoubleThink one second
23:49 GIR you'd need a *thin penis
23:49 CptFabulous Yup
23:49 Lace yeah
23:49 GIR your penis could be long still
23:50 Lace I was talking "small" as referring to volume
23:50 Lace assuming all penises were roughly proportional
23:50 GIR well it could have the same volume as a normal penis
23:50 CptFabulous What is this about chemically castrating pedophiles
23:50 CptFabulous All the countries are doing it now
23:50 GIR but be like 4-5 times longer
23:50 Lace that's why i said "assuming similar proportions"
23:50 GIR they're just removing the weapons
23:50 CptFabulous I get the reasoning behind it
23:51 Lace putting 'em in a safe
23:51 captainrescueueueue <O(___)<
23:51 GIR neuter your pedos!
23:51 CptFabulous And I'm not even expressing my opinion on it
23:51 CptFabulous But...
23:51 GIR before they mate!
23:51 CptFabulous Why not other sex offenders?
23:51 GIR people just have a thing against those who want to fuck a 4 year old i guess
23:51 CptFabulous Is having a child touch your penis REALLY the most depraved crime out there?
23:52 GIR well isn't there the death penalty for other crimes
23:52 Lace not in mass
23:52 CptFabulous I don't know what the death penalty is like in Russia and South Korea
23:53 Lace also I think dying would be less soul-shearingly awful then having your penis disappear
23:53 CptFabulous But why don't they chemically castrate rapists?
23:53 Lace they should do that too!
23:53 *** DoubleThink quit (Ping timeout: 202 seconds)
23:53 Lace and chemically castrate murderers
23:53 captainrescueueueue Koara's appendicsuitsu is aboutu tree meeta rongu
23:53 Lace or anyone with a prison sentence of > 15 years
23:53 Lace and tax evaders!
23:54 Lace that would teach people!
23:54 CptFabulous Hey, that would be a good way to get around the death penalty
23:54 CptFabulous Instead of killing people, just... corrode their dick off?
23:54 CptFabulous Is that how it works?
23:54 Lace slowly
23:54 Lace yeah it would be an effective deterrent
23:54 CptFabulous And how do they do this for women?
23:54 *** DoubleThink joined #curlybrace
23:54 Lace masking tape
23:55 CptFabulous I'm assuming they won't convict a female pedophile for a long time in Korea or Russia.
23:55 GIR there's a procedure
23:55 CptFabulous But they might in Murica
23:55 GIR for removing a woman's organs for reproduction
23:55 GIR they almost had to do it to my sister
23:55 CptFabulous Is she a pedophile?
23:55 captainrescueueueue D: why
23:56 CptFabulous Hot
23:56 GIR (she wouldn't stop bleeding down there during her delivery)
23:56 GIR so if it kept on bleeding they would've just removed the whole setup down there
23:56 CptFabulous That is really terrible
23:57 Lace she had deliverence?
23:57 CptFabulous And I feel bad for her
23:57 CptFabulous But...
23:57 Lace from god?
23:57 CptFabulous FALCON PUUUUNCH
23:57 Lace also there's gotta be an easier method
23:57 Lace also you're an uncle?
23:57 Lace I'm terrified
23:57 CptFabulous Falcon punch: best method for removing sexual organs.
23:57 GIR of course i'm an uncle
23:57 GIR i can't be creepy if i'm not an uncle
23:58 GIR you'd remove a lot more than just some sexual organs with a falcon punch
23:58 CptFabulous Well they'd obviously have a medical professional perform it.
23:58 CptFabulous It requires a lot of finesse.
23:58 GIR if captain falcon isn't a professional at falcon punching
23:59 GIR then i don't know who else is
23:59 CptFabulous He's a professional at using it to obliterate dudes and various princesses.
23:59 captainrescueueueue my cat is snoring :3c
23:59 CptFabulous awwwWWWWWWW
00:01 captainrescueueueue prolly has sleep apnea cuz hes fat
00:04 captainrescueueueue Guys I have big news
00:04 CptFabulous My penis
00:04 CptFabulous No wait your mom
00:04 captainrescueueueue POOOOOOHHHHH
00:04 CptFabulous NO WAIT YOUR CAT
00:04 captainrescueueueue *OOOOOOOOOOH
00:04 CptFabulous poooooooo
00:04 captainrescueueueue Yeah my cat is mpreg
00:05 CptFabulous I'm a little sad that I know what that means.
00:06 GIR apparently when you get a blood transfusion
00:06 GIR it is very cold
00:06 GIR but like in your veins
00:06 CptFabulous Why do they not warm it up
00:07 CptFabulous Dickbutts
00:07 captainrescueueueue PPPPPPPJJJJJJJJJjj
00:07 GIR that would probably be the equivalent of killing it
00:07 GIR aka cooking it
00:07 *** Yakkers quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
00:07 CptFabulous How can you cook blood by heating it to body temperature
00:07 CptFabulous That makes precisely no fucking sense
precisely no fucking sense

All locations of me/desu/yakkers have been replaced with "nomnomnom"
(apparently there were less then I thought, this must be the truncated version)
Oct 5, 2011 at 4:07 PM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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are you telling me I missed seeing jackalope and yakkers on IRC?
Oct 7, 2011 at 7:54 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Posts: 3785
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[23:53] <TheBigMan> shit your face
[23:53] <TheBigMan> shut
Oct 20, 2011 at 1:43 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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[20:42] <Cultr1> gentlemen
[20:42] <+DoubleThink> BEHOLD
[20:42] <WD-40> CORN
[20:42] <+DoubleThink> IT'S NOT DIFFERENT AT ALL, IS IT STEVE?
Oct 28, 2011 at 5:23 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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[21:18:55] <@GIR> As a bonus, name all the things you could be giving your love to instead of wasting it on a short-lived narcissist who shits in your shoes
[21:19:18] <WD-40> Gir
[21:19:20] <WD-40> why you hatin?
[21:19:23] <CptFabulous> My cat never shat in my shoes
[21:19:26] <CptFabulous> Just the carpet once
[21:19:37] <WD-40> And the big man, nor any of my kitties, have shat in my shoes or anywhere else but their litter box.
[21:19:51] <@GIR>
[21:19:55] <WD-40> Don't make me use my pimp hand
[21:20:06] <CptFabulous> Babies are so much worse than cats though
[21:20:30] <CptFabulous> They don't know how to poop and they have opposable thumbs and you're not allowed to put them outside when they misbehave
[21:20:42] <@GIR> also they live longer
[21:20:45] <@GIR> and expect money
[21:20:52] <CptFabulous> Yeah then they become even worse
[21:20:56] <WD-40> IYep.
[21:21:03] <CptFabulous> There's no reward for keeping them alive so long.
[21:21:12] <WD-40> Then the teenage years come
[21:21:19] <WD-40> "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ME!"
[21:21:26] <WD-40> "I HATE MY FAMILY! I HATE MY LIFE!"
[21:21:33] <@Noxid> and then they shit in your shoes
Nov 6, 2011 at 4:33 AM
"In Soviet Russia, graves keep YOU!"
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Nawkzid: ats
N0xid: Cats
Nocksed: Cats
Nawkzid: Cats
N0xid Cats
*** Lace is now known as Boxid
Nawkzid: Cats
Nocksed: Cats
N0xid: Cats
Nawkzid: Cats
Boxid:Cats ^_^
*** Nocksed is now known as CptFabulous
CptFabulous: It's hard to make fun of Noxid
Nov 6, 2011 at 5:08 AM
daughter of chivalry
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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[00:23] * sexpy is now known as GIR
[00:23] <GIRakaCheezer> My sister just got knocked up again
[00:23] <CptFabulous> I ALREADY DID GIR
[00:23] <CptFabulous> TOO LATE
[00:23] <+DoubleThink> You've already...
[00:23] <+DoubleThink> -_-
[00:23] ->> You are now known as sexpy
[00:23] <+DoubleThink> Also what
[00:23] <Lace> I've already done gir's sister
Nov 16, 2011 at 12:25 AM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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19:18 Noxid So I have a CMPE midterm tomorrow
19:18 WedgeOfCheese cmpe?
19:19 Noxid CoMPuter Engineering
19:19 Noxid basically digital circuits
19:19 WedgeOfCheese ah
19:19 Noxid I need to know how to represent floating point numbers in binary
19:19 Noxid and also something about clocks
19:19 WedgeOfCheese Well see
19:20 Hiino floating point numbers
19:20 WedgeOfCheese first you look at what number the big hand is pointing to
19:20 WedgeOfCheese and that's the hour
19:20 WedgeOfCheese oh fuck
19:20 WedgeOfCheese I said that wrong
19:20 Lasw hahaha
19:20 WedgeOfCheese goddamnit
19:20 Noxid aaahh
19:20 Noxid I am so confuse
19:20 Lasw Wedge knows all about clocks
Nov 16, 2011 at 12:39 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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I meant to say cocks.
Nov 17, 2011 at 3:57 AM
Been here way too long...
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Location: Lingerie, but also, like, fancy curtains
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so beautiful
Nov 18, 2011 at 12:14 AM
graters gonna grate
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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19:11 Noxid Hens can lay eggs without a rooster around
19:11 Noxid pretty sure
19:12 WedgeOfCheese weird
19:12 Noxid My grandparents have some chickens
19:12 WedgeOfCheese that'd be like a human woman giving birth to an unfertilized egg...
19:12 Hiino oh wow