Jul 7, 2008 at 7:03 AM
Join Date: Jan 7, 2007
Posts: 2587
Age: 35
Roonil Wazlib said:Sent it. Now the comp plix.
Hang on jeez! i need to take all my beloved pr0nz off
Roonil Wazlib said:Sent it. Now the comp plix.
Location: In Chaco's house.andwhyisit said:Who knows, you might get lucky.[/BADPUN]
$101?JacobX891 said:...
Fuck you people, $100 and no more.
Outbidded.Atravir said:I will give you TEN THOUSAND yen.
Maybe something less "cliche supervillan" and more along the lines of "creepy doctor" (e.g. Hojo from ff7). Also you need more variation in your voice because it seems to follow the same tone throughout the script reading.True Hitoare said:On a more related topic...
Voice clip of me reading some of the Doctor's lines. I had to avoid listening to it myself, 'cause otherwise I'd be too self-conscious to post it, so I don't know if it's any good. <_< If you think I'd be better suited to a different character or something, I'm open to suggestion, I don't really know who I'd be good for.
Oh yeah, getting back off-topic, you should never send an item to an online buyer until you receive the money for it. Too easy to get scammed otherwise. Though maybe I'm too used to buying on eBay.
Yeah, that'd be real helpful if FF7 actually had voice acting.andwhyisit said:Maybe something less "cliche supervillan" and more along the lines of "creepy doctor" (e.g. Hojo from ff7).
As far as that goes, I don't think all of the voices should be Japanese, since they are, after all, from different parts of their world. Plus, some, like King and Jack, have English names. So does the Doctor (even though his real name is Japanese, will it ever get mentioned in the movie?).Atravir said:In truth, I think the voice actors should be Japanese. Not just since it's designed to be an anime, but if the game was Japanese to begin with, it's only fair.
What about Crisis Core? Advent Children?Atravir said:Yeah, that'd be real helpful if FF7 actually had voice acting.
His name should have been "Date Fuyuhiko" or a romanised version of that name in the English version. It is one of two or three translation errors in the English version.JacobX891 said:The doctor has a Japanese name. In the Japanese version of Cave Story, the word 'Doctor' was in Japanese. Since the Japanese version is the original, his names, both 'The Doctor' and Fuyuhiko Date, are actually Japanese.
Crisis Core is the prequel to FF7 on PSP (it is a game btw).Atravir said:Never seen them.
Um...I thought you said Crisis Core was a game...andwhyisit said:Crisis Core is the prequel to FF7 on PSP (it is a game btw).
Though, WTF?! You haven't watched crisis core?! Watch it now! Unless your DVD player has been magically broken since before its English release then you have no excuse.
Bu.. but.. you are making one aren't you?Atravir said:Um...I thought you said Crisis Core was a game...
As for Advent Children, I haven't watched it because I never got to finish FF7. What I did play was disc one I borrowed from a friend and played on an emulator on the computer. Honestly, RPG's begin to bore me, since it's really just a long, drawn out story with the nuisance of having to grind every thirty minutes.
Grrrrrrr... Quote, you are a slippery one...
Whoops I meant advent children.Atravir said:Um...I thought you said Crisis Core was a game...
Try the Chaco scene lolJacobX891 said:GAH, I STILL CAN'T FIND QUOTE'S VOICE WITHIN ME, WHAT THE HELL?!?!
Grrrrrrr... Quote, you are a slippery one...
Jack wouldn't really fit his voice. At least I don't think he would.xristosx said:Maybe Quotes not the one for you, Maybe curly bracelol, Try jack
As I said, sure, his real name is Japanese. However, as I asked, will his real name ever be mentioned? This movie is in English, right? Thus, the only name people who just watch the movie will know him by would be "The Doctor." Meanwhile, some other people, like Toroko and Sue Sakamoto, have Japanese names, even though all the talking is in English. Thus, Japanese voices would make perfect sense for them. Quote and Curly would be two more examples of characters who could theoretically have native-English-speaking (US, UK, Canada, etc.) voices.JacobX891 said:The doctor has a Japanese name. In the Japanese version of Cave Story, the word 'Doctor' was in Japanese. Since the Japanese version is the original, his names, both 'The Doctor' and Fuyuhiko Date, are actually Japanese.
Hojo's not in Advent Children. And I've never played Crisis Core, as I don't have a PSP.andwhyisit said:What about Crisis Core? Advent Children?