Monster X on Low Life

Jan 28, 2009 at 12:56 PM
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After beating Sacred Grounds I didn't feel like trying to get my time down, but I heard of this thing called "low life run" so I decided to give it a try. My level's not all that high so I'm having a bit of trouble with Monster X. Anyone have some advice or do I just need to level up more?
Jan 28, 2009 at 4:43 PM
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Blade - make it maybe at least past the half-mark at level 2. I don't think you really need other weapons. And check out Roonil Idiot Wazlib's signature.
Jan 28, 2009 at 5:08 PM
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I could never beat Monster X on a 3 HP run either. I was doing fine up to there, and he stopped me cold. I've completed the game with 11 HP, but never 3, because of Monster X.
Jan 28, 2009 at 5:15 PM
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I beat that after the second try. I myself got stuck at the first core, too many little things.
Jan 28, 2009 at 8:43 PM
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Joker, at first I validated you, but now I think it's just too insane. When did you start playing Cave Story?
I have the blade at 3 but I don't find it effective vs the fishes or the blobs it shoots. I usualy switch to the bubbler 'cause it gives som protection, but it doesn't work so well on the fish.
Jan 28, 2009 at 9:56 PM
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I'd say the level 3 Bubbler and level 3 Blade are the best weapons for Monster X. Level 2 Bubbler and level 2 Blade are pretty good too, though.
Jan 29, 2009 at 2:32 AM
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Lv2 Blade is hands down the best weapon for Monster X.

If you position yourself just right below him when he's shooting from his turrets, you're almost invincible from his attacks while doing a lot of damage to him. like you'd want to be barely off center where the edge of your blade is clipping the turret. If it doesn't you'll miss the turret and the blade will go too far up and you'll end up dead cause your next blade won't come out.

It's demonstrated here pretty well
Jan 29, 2009 at 2:43 AM
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Celtic Minstrel said:
I'd say the level 3 Bubbler and level 3 Blade are the best weapons for Monster X. Level 2 Bubbler and level 2 Blade are pretty good too, though.
I'm not so sure about the Lv. 2 Bubbler, but Lv. 3 is definitely a lifesaver with it's shielding ability. The Lv. 3 Blade is rather decent, as well, so long as King's soul doesn't hit the target(s) you're aiming at directly.
freezit4 said:
And check out Roonil Idiotg00narz Wazlib's signature
I second this. If it wasn't for the strategy featured there, I wouldn't have made it all the way to get my achievement (In Xbox 360 Green text on my sig)

As for the core, well, I'll save that for the upcoming topic shift/new thread...
Jan 29, 2009 at 4:22 AM
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Try touching the forcefields on the left or right side- They're the only thing that won't kill you instantly (Unless you have 1 Health) in the boss battle.
Jan 29, 2009 at 4:33 AM
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number473 said:
Joker, at first I validated you, but now I think it's just too insane. When did you start playing Cave Story?
Bout a year ago. What do you mean when you validated me, and now its just too insane?
Jan 29, 2009 at 7:16 AM
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Purposely don't hit what you're aiming at directly with the blade? That's just indirect enough for me not to think of it but makes sense. I'll give it a try.
Joker, I congratulated you in the other thread for getting through hell so quick, but from what I read there I thought you'd only been playing a few weeks. I guess for a year it makes more sense that you can beat it (Monster X) that easily.
Jan 29, 2009 at 7:22 AM
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Well...yeah I guess that's it'll have to try it some and figure out exactly what I mean I guess.

If you just stand directly underneath the turrets, the other shots from the other side turrets will end up hitting you anyway due to them not being where your blade will be.
Jan 29, 2009 at 7:30 AM
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What I was doing was just lodging the blade in one of the turrety things of the first form and then running off and using the bubbler. It takes quite a while to kill that way, you've got to do 4-6 hits with dodging the wheels in between. Then I usually get hit by one of the fish coming at we from a weird angle.
Jan 29, 2009 at 7:42 AM
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With lv2 blade, fish missiles shouldn't be a problem. Cause you can do enough damage to the main part to make it close early so there would be less missiles to dodge. And lv2 blade is pretty good at killing those too.
Jan 29, 2009 at 7:45 AM
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Okay, I'll give jumping into the forcefield a try too then.
Jan 29, 2009 at 10:47 AM
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number473 said:
Joker, I congratulated you in the other thread for getting through hell so quick, but from what I read there I thought you'd only been playing a few weeks. I guess for a year it makes more sense that you can beat it (Monster X) that easily.
Me playing a year means that I beat the game twice and doesn't mean I played the whole year straight.

Back on topic/ What I use is the lvl2, lvl1 blade(whichever I have when I get there) But with that I can repel anything comin towards me and also deal some massive damage to the monster x. That is the only weapon I use during that boss fight.

The Joker